Report Dashboard
The Report Dashboard provides users with meaningful alarm event data grouped by various metrics. The following documentation will define each dataset and instruct users on how to interact with the displayed data. This documentation is intended for central station administrators or those who are authorized to view and manage site data.
Upon navigating to the page, users are prompted to select a time frame to view. Selecting the calendar icon will display the available date selector tool. Users can then select the applicable month and year to view data collected during that time.
Select Load Month to begin the data loading process.
Please note: this process takes a few minutes to complete due to the amount of data being gathered by the system.
Interacting with displayed data
This section instructs users on all interactive buttons and options available when viewing and managing displayed data. Each of these options is defined in more detail below.
Option | Function |
Filter | Allows users to refine displayed information based on a variety of parameters. More information on applying data filters can be found below. |
Download History | Downloads ALL event history for the selected month as a CSV file. Please Note: This may take some time due to amount of data being converted to CSV. |
Download | Each graph has a corresponding Download option that allows users to download the graph’s data as a CSV file. Selecting Download from an available graph will download that graph’s collected data in CSV format. |
Table | Each graph has a corresponding Table option that allows users to view the graph data in table format. Selecting Table from an available graph will display a dialog box with that graph’s collected data in table format. More information on interacting with graph tables can be found below. |
Selecting the Filter option will display the Configure Filters dialog box.
Users can add and remove information as necessary to display refined data. Selected parameters (left column) are those the system will display within their corresponding graphs. Removed parameters (right column) are those the system will exclude from their corresponding graphs. Each segment of information is defined below.
Filter | Definition |
Company Name | Allows users to select which subscriber accounts should display within the available graphs. |
Dealer | Allows users to select which Dealer accounts should display within the available graphs. Dealers are typically holders of multiple subscriber accounts. |
Group | Allows users to select which account groups should display within the available graphs. Groups are typically groupings of subscribers as determined by the central station (such as: located in the same area, same business type, etc.). |
Resolution Type | Allows users to select which groups of event resolution codes should display within the available graphs. Resolution Types are typically categories of resolution codes determined by the central station (such as: actual alarms, false alarms, etc.). |
Resolution | Allows users to select which resolution codes should display within the applicable graphs. Resolutions are codes operators assign to events once they are handled to denote the reason for the alarm (such as: burg, all clear, false, etc.). |
Operator Name | Allows users to select which operators’ data should display within the available graphs. |
Once all desired information is filtered as necessary, select Save to apply the filters to the data.
Selecting Table from the available graph options will display the corresponding graph’s information in table format. Users can interact with the table via the available toolbar options. These options are defined below.
Option | Function |
CSV | Downloads a copy of the table in CSV format. |
Downloads a copy of the table in PDF format. | |
Reload | Refreshes the table to display up-to-date information. |
Selecting an individual row of data from the table will display a refined table of that row’s collected data. For example, if the Events Handled by Operators table is being viewed, selecting a particular operator will display all events handled by that operator in a second table.
Users can also view the refined table information by selecting on the desired parameter’s bar within the bar graph.
Selecting a row from the refined table will display the history details for the selected event. See the Matrix History documentation for more information on viewing history details and interacting with past events.
Displayed History Information
The following sections define each graph displayed once users load history data for the selected month and year. Users can interact with each graph as described above unless otherwise stated.
Note Regarding Time: Please note that the graphs and timelines displayed here display the time the events were received and/or handled by operators using the Central Station’s time zone. When users view individual event information, there may be a time discrepancy because the system will use the Account’s time zone when displaying detailed history information.
Operator Handled Events
This section defines all graphs that display operator handled event data.
Events Handled by Operators
The Events Handled by Operators graph displays how many events each operator handled during the selected month.
The 20 operators who handled the most events during the month will display first followed by the cumulative Other category. The Other category displays the grand total of events handled by the remaining operators (those who handled fewer events individually than the 20th operator). This category will only display if greater than 20 operators handled events during the selected month.
Operator Handled Events by Dealer
The Operator Handled Events by Dealer graph displays the total number of events operators handled organized by the Dealer account the events were received on.
The 20 dealers that generated the most operator handled events will display first followed by the cumulative Other category. The Other category displays the grand total of events handled on the remaining Dealers (those that generated fewer operator handled events than the 20th Dealer). This category will only appear if greater than 20 Dealers generated operator handled events during the selected month.
Operator Handled Events by Account
The Operator Handled Events by Account graph displays total number of events operators handled organized by the Subscriber account the events were received on.
The 20 Subscribers that generated the most operator handled events will display first followed by the cumulative Other category. The Other category displays the grand total of events handled on the remaining Subscribers (those that generated fewer operator handled events than the 20th Subscriber). This category will only appear if greater than 20 Subscribers generated operator handled events during the selected month.
Operator Handled Events by Resolution
The Operator Handled Events by Resolution graph displays how many events each Resolution Code was assigned to upon completion.
The 20 Resolution Codes that were assigned to the most events will display first followed by the cumulative Other category. The Other category displays the grand total of events the remaining Resolution Codes were assigned to (those that were assigned to fewer events than the 20th Resolution Code). This category will only display if greater than 20 Resolution Codes were assigned to events during the selected month.
Resolution Codes are assigned to events once the operator completes handling the event. These codes typically indicate what caused the event. See the Resolution Code Maintenance documentation for more information on managing available resolution codes.
Count of Operator Handled Events by Day of Week
The Count of Operator Handled Events by Day of Week graph displays how many events were handled on each day of the week during the selected month.
For example: in a month with four Mondays, the Monday category will display the total number of events handled on all Mondays during that month.
Count of Operator Handled Events by Hour
The Count of Operator Handled Events by Hour graph displays how many events were handled during each hour of the day during the selected month.
For Example: In the below figure, operators handled the most events during 21:00 (9:00pm) during the selected month.
Operator Efficiency
This section defines all graphs displaying the average amount of time it takes operators to handle events.
Average Seconds per Alarm by Operator
The Average Seconds per Alarm by Operator graph displays how long it takes each operator to handle an event. The data bars of this graph are not interactive. Users can view and download table data as described above as necessary.
The 20 operators who handled events (on average) within the longest duration will display first followed by the cumulative Other category. The Other category displays the average handling completion time frame of all remaining operators (those who individually handled alarms in fewer seconds than the 20th operator). This category will only appear if greater than 20 operators handled events during the selected month.
Event Total Duration Bucket
The Event Total Duration Bucket graph displays all events organized by the amount of time it took operators to complete handling the event.
No Call Event Total Duration Bucket
The No Call Event Total Duration Bucket graph displays all events where the operator did not initiate a phone call organized by how long it took operators to complete handling the event.
Pending Event Time
The Pending Event Time graph displays all operator handled events organized by the length of time the event remained within the Monitoring Pending Queue prior to being delivered to an operator for handling.
Operator Handled Events with Phone Calls
This section defines all graphs displaying operator handled events where the operator completed at least one phone call while handling the event.
Average Seconds Before First Call by Operator
The Average Seconds Before First Call by Operator graph displays how long operators viewed events prior to initiating the first phone call to authorities or contacts. The data bars of this graph are not interactive. Users can view and download table data as described above as necessary.
The 20 operators who viewed events for the longest period of time prior to initiating the first phone call will display first followed by the cumulative Other category. The Other category displays the average length of time operators viewed events prior to initiating the first phone call of all remaining operators (those who individually initiated phone calls sooner than the 20th operator). This category will only appear if greater than 20 operators handled events during the selected month.
Minutes on Phone by Account
The Minutes on Phone by Account graph displays the total amount of time operators spent on the phone while handling events organized by the Subscriber account the event was received on.
The 20 Subscribers operators spent the most time on the phone handling events for will display first followed by the cumulative Other category. The Other category displays the average number of minutes operators spent on the phone on events for all remaining Subscribers (those where the operator was on the phone for less time than the 20th Subscriber while handling events). This category will only appear if greater than 20 Subscribers generated operator handled events where phone calls were made during the selected month.
Minutes on Phone by Dealer
The Minutes on Phone by Dealer graph displays the total amount of time operators spent on the phone while handling events organized by the Dealer account the event was received on.
The 20 Dealers operators spent the most time on the phone handling events for will display first followed by the cumulative Other category. The Other category displays the average number of minutes operators spent on the phone on events for all remaining Dealers (those where the operator was on the phone for less time than the 20th Dealer while handling events). This category will only appear if greater than 20 Dealers generated operator handled events where phone calls were made during the selected month.
Matrix Interactive Events
This section defines all graphs displaying events generated by cameras data entered on client sites. These graphs are only applicable to Matrix Interactive customers.
Count of Events by Stream
The Count of Events by Stream graph displays how many events each camera stream generated during the selected month. This graph displays the total number of events generated by device streams; this includes events that were not operator handled.
The 20 streams that generated the most events during the month will display first followed by the cumulative Other category. The Other category displays the grand total of events generated on all remaining devices (those that generated fewer events individually than the 20th device). This category will only display if greater than 20 streams generated events during the selected month.
Count of Streams by Account
The Count of Streams by Account graph displays how many streams are data entered on each Subscriber account.
The 20 Subscribers with the most devices data entered will display first followed by the Other category. The Other category displays the grand total of devices data entered on all remaining Subscribers (those that have fewer devices data entered individually than the 20th Subscriber). This category will only appear if greater than 20 Subscribers have devices data entered on their account.
Count of Video Events by Hour
The Count of Video Events by Hour graph displays how many events were generated by devices during each hour of the day during the selected month.
For Example: In the below figure, devices generated the most events during 09:00 (9:00am) during the selected month.
Count of Video Events by Day of Week
The Count of Video Events by Day of Week graph displays how many events were generated by devices during each day of the week during the selected month.
For example: in a month with four Mondays, the Monday category will display the total number of events generated on all Mondays during that month.
Operator Activity Timeline
The Operator Activity Timeline displays all operators who handled alarms during the displayed time frame. Users can interact with the Operator Timeline via the available options. These options are defined below.
Option | Function |
Next | Advances the timeline forward to display additional events. The Next option attempts to display the next 48 hours of events; however, if the system encounters greater than 900 events prior to reaching its 48 hour goal, it will display only those 900. For Example: If a user were to select the next option while viewing events that occurred at 01:00 April 1, the timeline will attempt to display all events handled until 01:00 April 3. However, if the system reached greater than 900 events at 14:00 on April 2, the timeline would only display events up to 14:00 on April 2. |
Details | Displays additional alarm information when an alarm segment is selected for view. More information on viewing alarm details can be found below. |
Alarm Segments | Displays each alarm handled by the corresponding operator. More information about alarm segments and how to interact with them can be found below. |
Alarm Segments
Alarms handled by operators display as color coded segments within the timeline. This section instructs users on how to interact with the alarms displayed here.
Alarm segments are color coded based on their alarm type and if they are selected. These colors are defined below.
Color | Definition |
Yellow | False alarm. Alarm segments colored yellow are those the operator labeled as unintentionally or accidentally generated by a device or subscriber. |
Red | Alarm segments will color red when users hover their cursor over them. Alarm segments sharing the same account number as the hovered segment will also color red within each operators’ timeline as applicable. |
Blue | Actual alarm. Alarm segments colored blue are those the operator labeled as real alarms requiring intervention. |
Users can hover their cursor over an alarm segment to view basic alarm details.
Selecting an alarm segment will display the alarm history details. If the Details option is selected, the expanded alarm notes/information will also display. See the Matrix History documentation for more information on viewing history details and interacting with past events.
Users can zoom in on the timeline by clicking and dragging their cursor to highlight a segment of the timeline. This allows users to easily view sections of the timeline containing many alarms.
Selecting the Reset Zoom option will revert the timeline zoom to its original state.