Dealer Chart
On this page
The Dealer Charts tab is used to configure signal handling parameters on accounts under the dealer.
Users can interact with the table via the available toolbar options. These options are defined below.
Option | Function |
Copy Dealer Chart Definitions | Allows users to copy all of the dealer’s assigned signal parameters to another dealer. More information about copying chart codes can be found below. |
Add | Allows users to create new signal handling parameters. More information on adding chart codes can be found below. |
Edit | Allows users to update the selected signal handling parameter’s settings. |
Delete | Removes the selected the signal handling parameter from the table. |
Reload | Refreshes the table to display up-to-date information. |
Selecting Add will display the Select Code Type dialog box.
Perform the following steps to change how a chart code is processed on accounts under the dealer.
- Select the applicable code type to configure from the dropdown.
- Select the Select option.
- This will display the Select Event Code table.
- Select the desired signal code.
- This will display the Chart Details Entry dialog box.
Users can configure the handling protocol of the selected signal via the available options. These options are defined below.
Option | Function |
Event Code | Read-only field that identifies the signal type being configured. |
Description | Update the brief explanation of the signal in this field if applicable. |
Zone Type | The abbreviated signal name that will display in Monitoring. |
Call List | Default list of contacts that should be contacted when this signal type is received. |
Reset Signal | Determines the signal type that will generate a reset on the signal if applicable. For Example: if Signal A is assigned a reset signal of Signal B, if Signal B is received after Signal A (given certain timing parameters defined below), Signal A will be reset. |
Reset Non Process Time | Determines the time, in minutes, to elapse after the initial signal is received the system will wait for a reset signal. If the reset signal is received within this time frame, the initial signal will be system handled. If the reset signal is not received within this time frame, the initial signal will be sent to an operator for handling. |
Reset Alarm Process Time | Determines the time, in minutes, to elapse after the signal is received the system will wait for the reset signal before generating a late-to-reset alarm. |
Zone Description | Determines the information that will display for the zone when the signal is displayed in monitoring. Z: Zone Description - The information input into the zone’s description field will display. U: User Info - The user ID or information entered with the signal will display. N: No Additional Info - No supplementary information on zones will display for the alarm. S: Additional Receiver Info - For ALARMNET panels, additional information sent by the receiver will display. C: Subscriber Call List - Display zone call list information rather than account call list information. I: Not Used - This option is turned off. X: Matching Account-Level Zones - For event-zones identical to account-level zones, the information for the account-level zone will display. |
Show Event Description | Determines if event descriptions are included in the signal information. N: Don’t Display - No, do not display the event description. Y: Display - Yes, display the event description. O: Not Used - This option is not used at this time. |
Alarm Category | Determines how the signal will be categorized. O: Opening - Categorizes the signal as an Opening signal. Opening signals are those sent when an alarm panel is disarmed. C: Closing - Categorizes the signal as a Closing signal. Closing signals are those sent when an alarm panel is armed. T: Test - Categorizes the signal as a Testing signal. test signals are those sent when the alarm panel is being tested. R: Reset - Categorizes the signal as a Reset signal. Reset signals are those sent when the system has been rebooted. /: Cancel - Categorizes the signal as a Cancel signal. cancel signals are those sent when the system is manually reset. B: Bypass - Categorizes the signal as a Bypass signal. bypass signals are those sent when a portion or zone is unarmed within an armed area. F: Force Armed - Sets the premise status as Closed and sends a signal to an operator for handling. |
Response Required | Determines how signals are to be handled. O: Operator Handled - signals are sent to an operator for handling. P: Passcode - signals are sent to an operator for handling and cannot be logged until a valid passcode is entered. S: System Handled - signals are handled automatically by the system. T: Generate Ticket - signals generate service tickets for handling. They are not sent to operators. |
Alarm Resolution | Determines the resolution code that will automatically be assigned to this signal type when handled. |
Priority | Determines the processing priority level of this signal type. Valid entries are: ! , A-Z , a-z , and ~ . The highest priority level is ! and the lowest priority level is ~ . |
Audible/Silent | Determines if alarms of this type generate noise when triggered. Audible: when this signal type is received, the panel (or other equipment when applicable) will generate noise to alert individuals in close proximity to the panel. Silent: signals of this type to not generate noise when triggered. |
Create Ticket | Determines if a ticket is generated after an operator logs the alarm. In order to use this function, alarms must be operator handled. |
Storm Category | Determines how stormed signals are handled for this particular type. N: None - Do not change how signals of this type are handled. Storm mode will not be utilized for this signal type. R: Reprioritize - Update the priority of the signal to the storm priority. D: Designated Track Group - Only operators in the signal’s designated track group will have access to handling stormed signals. S: System Handle and Report - All stormed signals will be system handled and recorded on a storm report. H: System Handle, Report, and Return Pending Signals - All stormed signals will be system handled and recorded on a storm report. After storm mode ends, the signals will return to pending. Priority: If Reprioritize is selected, this is the priority level the signal will be assigned when stormed. |
UL Priority | If the selected signal type is received on a UL rated account, this option determines the handling priority. UL Priorities are defined as the following: UL FIRE = ! , UL PANIC = # , UL MEDICAL = $ , UL BURG = % , UL TAMPER = & , UL NO CODE = ' , UL FIRE SUPERVISORY = ( , UL SUPERVISORY = ) . |
UL Contact List | If the selected signal type is received on a UL rated account, this option determines the contact list of individuals that should be notified. |
Two Way | Determines the selected signal type will use two-way signals and DICE two-way is installed. |
Billing Code | If DICE accounting is installed, this field determines the applicable billing code used for billing clients. |
Notify List | Determines the list that will be used for informing contacts about the signal. |
Use the additional button options to apply more advanced settings to the signal handling parameters. These buttons are defined in more detail below.
Button | Function |
Cancel | Returns the user to the Dealer Charts table without saving any updated settings. |
Delete | Removes the chart from the table. |
Commercial | Overrides the chart code to only work for Commercial accounts. |
Residential | Overrides the chart code to only work for Residential accounts. |
Advanced Delay | Allows users to apply delays to the signal type as necessary. More information on this can be found below. |
Save | Saves the chart to the Dealer Chart table. |
Advanced Delay
Selecting the Advanced Delay option will display the Delay or System Handle Signals During These Times table. The times configured here are the dates and times signals of this type will be delayed for handling or system handled automatically.
Users can interact with the table via the available toolbar options. These options are defined below.
Option | Function |
Delete All | Removes all delays. |
Add | Allows users to create additional delay time parameters. More information on this can be found below. |
Edit | Allows users to update the selected delay time’s settings. |
Delete | Removes the selected delay time. |
Reload | Refreshes the table to display up-to-date information. |
Adding Delays
Selecting Add will display the Add dialog box.
Perform the following steps to add a delay to the dealer.
- Select the day(s) of the week the delay will occur.
- SUN-SAT: Individual days of the week.
- DAY: All business days of the week (Mon-Fri).
- End: All weekending days of the week (Sat & Sun)
- ALL: Every day of the week (Sat-Sun).
- Input the time, in 24-hour format, the delay will begin to be applied to incoming signals into the From field.
- Input the time, in 24-hour format, the delay will stop being applied to incoming signals into the To field.
- Input the time, in 24-hour format, the signal will be released from delay into the Delay Until field.
- Cannot be used in conjunction with the Delay For field.
- Input the number of seconds the signal should be delayed for into the Delay For field.
- Cannot be used in conjunction with the Delay Until field.
- Select how delayed signals will be handled from the Chart Requires drop-down.
- O-Operator: At the end of the delay, signals will be sent to operators for handling.
- R-Restore: At the end of the delay, if a valid restoral is received on the signal, the signal will be system handled. If a restoral was not received, the signal will be sent to an operator for handling.
- S-System Handle: All signals are system handled. Delay times are non functional if this is selected.
- I-Not Used: This function will not be utilized.
- Select how signals will be delayed given the site’s open/close status from the Delay if Open/Close or Both drop-down.
- O-Open: Signals will only be delayed if the site is Open.
- C-Close: Signals will only be delayed if the site is Closed.
- B-Both: Signals will delay regardless of the site’s open/close status.
- Select the Check Schedule Before Delay option to have the system check the site’s schedule prior to delaying a signal.
- If the signal comes in during a valid open/closing schedule, the system will delay it as configured.
- Select Save to apply the delay parameters to the event table.
After Advanced Delay parameters are applied to the chart, users can select Save on the Chart Details Entry dialog box to complete setting up the chart handling options.
Copy Dealer Chart
Selecting the Copy Dealer Chart Definitions option from the toolbar will display the Copy Dealer Chart dialog box.
Perform the following steps to copy the dealer’s definitions to another dealer account.
- Input the ID of the dealer you would like to copy the definitions to into the Copy To Dealer field.
- Users can also select the magnifying glass icon to search for and select a dealer.
- If applicable, select the Overwrite Existing Definitions if you would like to replace the dealer’s existing definitions with the copied definitions.
- If this option is not selected, the dealer will have the copied definitions assigned and keep any existing definitions as well.
- Select Submit to complete copying definitions to the dealer.