Authority Maintenance

The Authority Maintenance page allows users to manage authority information system-wide. The authorities listed here are those your operators can dispatch and contact on alarms.


Select which list of authorities you would like to view within the table from the Select Authority Type dropdown. This will populate the table will all authorities assigned to the selected type. Users can only view and manage one authority type at a time.


Users can interact with the Authority Maintenance table via the available toolbar options. These options are defined below.

ColumnsAllows users to update the columns that display in the table. See the Column Management documentation for more information on how to update table columns.
RenameAllows users to update the column names. See the Column Management documentation for more information on how to update table columns.
SavePreserves any table changes (e.g. column layout or name changes) as default so the updated table configuration displays when the user returns to the page.
View PermitsDisplays permits assigned to the selected authority. More information on managing permits can be found below.
View ScriptAllows users to assign a script for operators to use when contacting the selected authority.
Valid Days/TimeAllows users to update the days and times the authority is valid within the system.
View ZipcodesAllows users to add zip codes to the authority. More information on adding zip codes can be found below.
EmailAllows users to add email contact information to the authority. More information on adding emails can be found below.
NotesAllows users to add additional information to the authority. More information on adding notes can be found below.
Assign URLOnly available when managing guard authorities. Allows users to assign a URL link that will open in an alternate browser window when operators select the guard from the autodial table when handling an alarm. See the Autodial documentation for more information on using the Autodial feature within Monitoring.
AddAllows users to create new authority profiles. More information on adding authorities can be found below.
EditAllows users to update the selected authority’s information.
DeleteRemoves the selected authority from the table. When deleting authorities, users are prompted to select an existing authority to replace the one being deleted.
ReloadRefreshes the table to display up-to-date information.


Selecting Add will display the Create Authority dialog box for the authority type.


Perform the following steps to create a new authority within the system.

  1. Input the title of the authority into the Name field.
  2. Input the primary telephone number used to contact the authority into the Phone field.
  3. If applicable, input any county, state, or regional information regarding the authority’s location into the Region field.
  4. Select the masking that should be applied to the phone number from the Phone Format dropdown.
  5. Input any miscellaneous information about the authority into the Information field.
  6. If applicable, input the extension number used to reach the authority into the Extension field.
  7. If applicable, input the script operators should use when speaking to the authority into the Script field.
    • Users can also select the magnifying glass icon to search for and select a script.
  8. Select the country the authority is located in from the Country dropdown.
  9. If applicable, select the Send Dispatch Letter option to email applicable contacts a letter informing them the authority was dispatched to their premises.
    • Typically, this option is used to send letters to inform individuals a particular authority was dispatched.
  10. If applicable, input the Exclude List that should be applied to the dispatch letter into the Select Exclude Letter field.
    • Users can also select the magnifying glass icon to search for and select an exclude list. See the Include/Exclude documentation for more information on lists.
    • All contacts on the exclude list will not receive the dispatch letter if the authority is sent to their premises.

View Permits

Selecting View Permits will display the Permits dialog box.


Users can manage the authority’s assigned permits via the available toolbar options. These options are defined below.

AddAllows users to add permit information to the authority. More information on adding permits can be found below.
EditAllows users to update existing permit information as necessary.
DeleteRemoves the selected permit from the authority.
ReloadRefreshes the table to display up-to-date information.


Selecting Add will display the Add Permit dialog box.


Perform the following steps to add a permit to the authority.

  1. Input the permit’s name or a brief explanation of the permit into the Description field.
  2. Input how long the permit is valid for into the Duration field.
  3. Select the unit of measurement used for the Duration value from the Duration Unit dropdown.
    • Day: the defined value is the number of days the permit is valid for. One day is defined as 24 hours.
    • Week: the defined value is the number of weeks the permit is valid for. One week is defined as 7 days.
    • Month: the defined value is the number months the permit is valid for. One month is defined as 4 weeks.
    • Quarter: the defined value is the number of quarters the permit is valid for. One quarter is defined as 3 months.
    • Year: the defined value is the number of years the permit is valid for. One year is defined as 4 quarters.
    • For Example: If 6 is input into the Duration field and Months is selected from the Duration Unit dropdown, the permit is valid for 6 Months from the date it was added to the authority.
  4. Select Save to complete creating the permit.
  5. Repeat steps 1-4 for all permits as necessary.

View Zipcodes

Selecting View Zipcodes will display the Zip Codes dialog box.


Users can manage the authority’s assigned zip codes via the available toolbar options. These options are defined below.

AddAllows users to add new zip codes to the authority. More information on adding zip codes can be found below.
EditAllows users to update existing zip codes as necessary.
DeleteRemoves the selected zip code from the authority.
ReloadRefreshes the table to display up-to-date information.


Selecting Add will display the Add Zip Code dialog box.


Perform the following steps to add a zip code to the authority.

  1. Input the postal code you would like to add to the authority into the Zip Code field.
  2. Select Save to complete adding the zip code.
  3. Repeat steps 1 & 2 for all desired zip codes.


Selecting Email will display the E-Mail Entry dialog box.


Users can manage the authority’s assigned emails via the available toolbar options. These options are defined below.

AddAllows users to add new email addresses to the authority. More information on adding emails can be found below.
EditAllows users to update existing emails as necessary.
DeleteRemoves the selected email from the authority.
ReloadRefreshes the table to display up-to-date information.


Selecting Add will display the Add E-Mail Address dialog box.


Perform the following steps to add an email address to the authority.

  1. Input the email address that should be added into the E-Mail Address field.
  2. Input the name of the individual or company who will be contacted using this email into the Display Name field.
  3. Select Save to complete adding the email.
  4. Repeat steps 1-3 for all emails as necessary.


Selecting Notes will display the Authority Notes dialog box.


Perform the following steps to add notes to the authority.

  1. If applicable, select Delete to remove any notes from the authority.
  2. Input any information that should be noted on the authority into the available note field.
  3. Select Save to complete adding the notes to the authority.