Matrix History
The History options found throughout Matrix provide access to a specific account’s event history information.
After selecting a subscriber, users can determine what data populates the History table via the date and time fields. If History is being accessed from the tab within Data Entry, the Only Service option will also be available to users. The available options are defined below.
Option | Definition |
Start Date | Input the date the system should begin pulling event history on the account. |
Start Time | Input the time, in 24-hour format, the system should begin pulling event history on the selected Start Date on the account. |
Stop Date | Input the date the system should stop pulling event history on the account. |
Stop Time | Input the time, in 24-hour format, the system should stop pulling event history on the selected Stop Date on the account. |
Only Operator Handled | Select this option to only display events that have been operator handled during the selected date time frame. |
Only Service | This option is only available within the History tab found in Data Entry. Select this option to only display events that were generated due to service ticket actions taken by technicians during the selected time frame. |
More Details | Select this option to display additional event details when an event is double-clicked within the table. |
Search | After populated the fields, select this option to complete a search of event history and populate the table with events matching your entered criteria. |
View Map | Allows users to view the GPS coordinates of events that occurred during the selected time frame. |
Users can interact with the table and its populated events via the available toolbar options. These options are defined below.
Option | Function |
CSV | Downloads a CSV file of the information displayed in the table. |
Downloads a PDF file of the information displayed in the table. | |
Columns | Allows users to update the columns that display in the table as well as their general configuration. See the Column Management documentation for more information on how to update table columns. |
Rename | Allows users to update the table’s column names. See the Column Management documentation for more information on how to update table columns. |
Save | Preserves any table changes (e.g. column layout or name changes) as default so the updated table configuration will display the next time the user views the History page. |
Add Message | Allows the user to add a note to the account as a separate event. More information on this option can be found below. |
Add Message to Existing Event | Allows users to add notes to the selected event. This option is different than Add Message in that the added notes are directly attached to the selected event and not as a separate event. |
Details PDF | Downloads a PDF file of the information displayed in the table along with additional details listed on each event if available. |
Include/Exclude | Allows users to update the account’s include and exclude event type lists. See the Include/Exclude List documentation for more information on managing lists. |
Load List | Allows users to apply include/exclude list parameters to the table. More information on this can be found below. |
More Options | Displays additional History options for the selected event. More information about these options can be found below. |
View Clip | If applicable, plays the video clip attached to the selected event. |
Reload | Refreshes the table to display current information when applicable (e.g. If today’s date was selected when displaying information, the reload option would display any events that came in since the last time the user refreshed the page.). |
Viewing Events
Double-clicking on an event within the table will display the event’s details.
If Matrix Interactive cameras are installed and functioning on-site, double-clicking on an event will display camera timeline information. See the Matrix Interactive documentation for more information on data entering cameras on accounts.
If a PBX is connected to the client’s Matrix and call recording is enabled, double-clicking on an event will display call recording information. Users can listen to and download an mp3 copy of the call as necessary.
Add Message
Selecting Add Message will display the Add History Message dialog box.
Perform the following steps to attach a message to the account.
- Select Add Message from the toolbar options.
- If applicable, update the Message’s title within the Description field. This field is automatically populated with the default description text.
- If applicable, select a pre-loaded message from the Quick Notes drop down.
- Input the information that should be noted on the account into the large text field.
- Select OK.
Add Message to Existing Event
Selecting Add Message to Existing Event will display the Add History Message dialog box.
Perform the following steps to add a message to an event
- Select the desired event from the table.
- Select Add Message to Existing Event from the toolbar options.
- If applicable, select a pre-loaded message from the Quick Notes drop down.
- Input the information that should be noted on the event into the large text field.
- Select OK.
Load List
Selecting Load List will display the Select List dialog box.
Perform the following steps to apply include/exclude list parameters to the History table.
- Select the desired list from the Include/Exclude List dropdown.
- If applicable, select the Examine option to open the Examine List dialog box.
- This option displays what information will be included or excluded from the table based on the selected list.
- Select Load to apply the list parameters to the table.
More Options
Selecting More Options will display the History Options list. The list of available options will differ depending on the type of event selected. All potential options are defined below.
Option | Function |
View Process Path | Displays read-only information regarding the actions taken by the operator when handling the selected alarm. |
Print Alarm Ticket | Allows users to either print or email the ticket information associated with the selected event. More information on printing/emailing ticket information can be found below. |
Hardcopy | Allows users to either print or email a copy of the account’s All Activity Report. More information on viewing report details can be found below. |
Replay Video | Allows users to view any video footage that was saved on the alarm when it was received. |
History Reconciliation | Allows users to search for and view the selected event’s assigned chart code(s). More information on viewing History Reconciliation information can be found below. |
Change Alarm Resolution | Allows users to update the resolution code assigned to the selected signal. More information on changing alarm resolutions can be found below. |
Re-send Email | Allows users to resend any emails that went out on the signal. |
View Attachments | Allows users to view any information attached to sent emails. |
Print CIS Rpt for This Account | Allows users to either print or email a copy of the account’s Customer Information Sheets Report. More information on managing CIS reports can be found below. |
Print Alarm Ticket
Selecting Print Alarm Ticket will prompt users to select their desired print method.
Users can print or email the ticket information via the available button options. Selecting Printer will automatically send the ticket to your default hard copy printer. Printers are configured within CORE. More information on emailing information can be found below.
Selecting the Email option will allow users to configure email addresses and report information.
Users can interact with the emails within the table via the available toolbar options. These options are defined below.
Option | Function |
Add Email | Allows users to add additional email addresses to send the report to. More information about adding emails can be found below. |
Include All | Automatically sets all available emails to receive the report. |
Clear All | Deselects all emails currently selected. |
Perform the following steps to send the report via email.
- If applicable, input the email address the email should send from into the From Address field.
- If applicable, select the desired email format from the Print Options dropdown
- The available options are custom to your system and are configured within CORE.
- Select all email addresses you would like to include on the email from the Email table. Selecting an email multiple times will update the email’s Action status. The available statuses are defined below.
- To: Default action used to send the email directly to the selected email. Typically, the main individual you are sending the email to.
- CC: Carbon Copy, used for any additional individuals who should receive the email for reference or general knowledge.
- Bcc: Blind Carbon Copy, used for any additional individuals whose inclusion should be hidden from the other individuals included on the email.
- If applicable, select the Add Email option to add an additional email address to the table.
- If additional addresses will not be included, skip to step 7.
- If additional addresses will not be included, skip to step 7.
- Input the full email address that should be added into the Email Address field.
- Input the individual’s name into the Display Name field.
- Select Update to include the new email address.
- The new email address will automatically display in the table and its Action field will be set to To.
- Repeat steps 4-7 for all additional email addresses.
- Select Send to complete sending the report to the selected email addresses.
Selecting Hardcopy will display the All Activity Report dialog box.
Perform the following steps to either print or email the account’s All Activity Report.
- Input the date and time (in 24-hour format) the report should start collecting data into the Begin Date fields.
- Input the date and time (in 24-hour format) the report should stop collecting data into the End Date field.
- If applicable, input the number of line spaces to print between the printed date and report information into the Number of Lines to Skip After the Date field.
Select the checkbox options as necessary. These options are defined below.
Option | Definition |
Print With Page Breaks | If selected, inserts a header to denote when pages begin. If not selected, the first page is the only page header information will display. |
Print Details | If selected, the report will include any additional details noted on events. |
Compress Signals | If selected, the additional padding that is typically applied to printed signals will be removed. |
Print Received Signals | If selected, all signals received within the selected time frame will print to the report. |
Print Operators | If selected, the applicable operators’ login IDs will print to the report for each event. |
Is This Billable | If selected, the dealer will be billed for the printing of the report. |
Select Print to send the report to a hard copy printer. Select Email to send the report via email to contacts. More information on sending the report via email can be found below.
Selecting Email will display the Email dialog box.
Users can follow the Email instructions above to send the report to selected contact.
This dialog box also provides a text field users can populate with any additional information they would like to include within the email body.
History Reconciliation
Selecting History Reconciliation will open the History Reconciliation dialog box.
Perform the following steps to complete a history search.
- Select the earliest date history events can occur from the Start Date calendar tool.
- Select the latest date history events can occur from the End Date calendar tool.
- Select Search to populate the table with events occurring during the selected time frame.
- If applicable, select the Reload toolbar option to refresh the table.
- The available toolbar options are defined below.
Users can interact with the History Reconciliation table data via the available toolbar options.
Option | Function |
CSV | Downloads a CSV file of the information displayed in the table. |
Downloads a PDF file of the information displayed in the table. | |
Reload | Refreshes the table to display up-to-date information. |
Change Resolution
Selecting Change alarm resolution will display the Change Resolution dialog box.
Users can select an alternate resolution code to assign to the alarm from the New Resolution dropdown. Select Submit to complete updating the code. See the Resolution Code Maintenance documentation for information on managing available resolution codes.
Print CIS Rpt for This Account
Selecting Print CIS Rpt for This Account will open the CIS Report dialog box.
The Customer Information Sheets report will contain information on the Dealer and its Subscriber accounts as configured via the available options. The tabs and their options are defined in more detail below.
CIS Main
The CIS Main tab is where users configure how the end report will be formatted when printed or emailed. The available options are defined below.
Option | Function |
Print Condensed Version | If selected, the report will minimize padding in order to print the report on fewer pages. |
Restart Page Number on Account Change? | If selected, the page numbering order is determined by subscriber account information. When the subscriber account changes on the report, the page numbering order will revert back to 1 . |
Print Active Accounts Only? | If selected, only subscriber accounts labeled as Active in the system will print on the report. To also view Inactive subscriber accounts on the report, do not select this option. |
Is This Report Billable? | If selected, the dealer will be billed for the printing of the report. |
Cover letter to print | If applicable, input the cover letter file’s ID into this field. The file selected here will precede the report when printed. Users can also select the magnifying glass icon to search for and select the desired cover letter. |
Print Report Option Summary Page? | If selected, the report will include a page listing all of the available report configuration options. Each option will include a Y or N to denote which options the user selected/deselected. |
Zone Options
The Zone Options tab is where users configure what zone information is included within the report. The available options are defined below.
Option | Function |
Print Zones? | If selected, the report will include zone information as selected below. This option must be selected in order to print zone information on the report. |
Print Zone Notes? | If selected, the report will include messages written to subscriber’s assigned zones when applicable. |
Print Zone Test Span? | If selected, the report will include zone test durations applied to subscriber accounts when applicable. |
Print Zone Type Notes? | If selected, the report will include any notes written to zone types on the subscriber accounts. |
Print Custom Chart Codes? | If selected, the report will include subscriber account-specific chart codes. |
Print Global Chart Codes? | If selected, the report will include chart codes assigned on the global-level (those codes used by the dealer and subscribers). |
Print Partition Info? | If selected, the report will include partition information for subscriber accounts setup with partitioning. |
Print Misc. Zone Info? | If selected, the report will include the messages applied to zones under the Zone Messages fields in subscriber account Data Entry. |
Print Multi-trip Info? | If selected, the report will include information regarding events that were triggered more than once prior to being handled by an operator. |
Print Delay by Type Info? | If selected, the report will include the event type delay that occurred on the event if applicable to the subscriber account. |
Print Dealer Zones? | If selected, the report will include zones assigned to the dealer’s account along with the subscriber account zones. |
Print Zone Msgs Indented? | If selected, zone messages will be indented on the report for easier readability. If left unselected, the message text will be left aligned. |
Zone Type Note Level | The option selected from this drop-down determines the Zone Type Notes that will be included on the report. G: Global level notes will be included. D: Dealer level notes will be included. A: Subscriber Account level notes will be included. |
Print Dealer Chart Codes? | If selected, the report will include chart codes assigned to both the dealer and subscriber accounts. |
Print Restore Information? | If selected, the report will include the zone-specific restoration information on each zone. |
Print Signal Delay Info? | If selected, the report will include the zone-specific EE delay on each zone. |
Print System Handle Times? | If selected, the report will include the time an event was system handled when applicable. |
Print Area Descriptions? | If selected, the report will include the notes written to the event’s designated area |
Contact Options
The Contact Options tab is where users configure what account contact information is included within the report. This is any information assigned to individual contacts assigned to the account. The available options are defined below.
Option | Function |
Print Contacts? | If selected, the report will include contact information as selected below. This option must be selected in order to include ANY contact information on the report. |
Print Passcodes? | If selected, the report will include the passcodes assigned to each contact. |
Print Contacts w/ Blank Phone Numbers? | If selected, the report will include subscriber contacts that do not have an assigned phone number (blank). |
Print Authority Notes? | If selected, the report will include notes written to authority profiles. |
Print Premise’s Contact Name? | If selected, the report will include the premise’s main contact name. If not selected, the premise’s contact’s personal information will be included. |
Print Dealer Contacts? | If selected, the report will include contacts assigned to both the dealer and subscriber accounts. |
Print Contact’s E-Mail Address? | If selected, the report will include contact email addresses. |
Print Personal Info? | If selected, the report will include the notes written to the contacts’ personal information fields. |
Print Contact Address Information? | If selected, the report will include the contact’s mailing address lines. |
Print Contact’s Valid Window? | If selected, the report will include the times the contact is available to receive calls. |
Print If Not Modified from Default? | If selected, the contact’s valid times will print to the report even if they have not been modified from the original default values. Do not select this option if you only want to view contact’s whose valid times have been updated. |
Print Authority Permit Information? | If selected, the report will include permit information assigned to authorities. |
Print Authority’s Valid Window? | If selected, the report will include the times the authority is available to receive calls. |
Print Contact Pin Numbers? | If selected, the report will include the PINs assigned to contacts. |
Print Misc. Contact Info? | If selected, the report will include the contact’s assigned script, limited area permissions, closing ID, and exception group. |
Print Contact’s Rights? | If selected, the report will include the contact’s assigned permissions. |
Global Contact Options
The Global Contact Options tab is where users configure what global contact information is included within the report. Global contacts are those assigned on a dealer or subdealer level. The available options are defined below.
Option | Function |
Print Global Contacts? | If selected, the report will include global contact information as selected below. This option must be selected in order to include ANY global contact information on the report. |
Print Global Passcodes? | If selected, the report will include the global contacts’ passcode IDs. |
Print Global Contact’s Valid Window? | If selected, the report will include the global contacts’ availability schedule. |
Print Global Contacts with Blank Phone Number? | If selected, the report will include the global contacts without phone numbers assigned to their profile. |
Print Global Contact’s E-mail Address? | If selected, the report will include the global contacts’ assigned email addresses. |
Call List Options
The Call List Options tab is where users configure what call list information is included within the report. The available options are defined below.
Option | Function |
Print Call List? | If selected, the report will include call list information as selected below. This option must be selected in order to include ANY call list information on the report. |
Print Unused Call List? | If selected, the report will include call lists that have been created but not utilized along with currently in-use call lists. |
Print Global Contacts on Call Lists? | If selected, the report will include the global contacts who are assigned to call lists when applicable. |
Print Separator Between Call Lists? | If selected, a dashed line will print between call lists for easier readability. |
Print Global/Group Call Lists? | If selected, the report will include call lists assigned to particular groups or global contacts when applicable. If this option is not selected, the available call lists assigned to the selected subscriber are the only call lists that will print to the report. |
Print RP Overrides? | If selected, the report will include the contact priority listing by call list. |
Print Call List’s Valid Window? | If selected, the report will include call list-specific availability dates and times. |
Print Blank Phone Numbers in Call Lists? | If selected, the report will include call lists without assigned phone numbers (i.e. the phone number fields were left blank). |
Print Dealer Call Lists? | If selected, the report will include call lists assigned to both the Dealer and subscriber accounts. |
Print Premise’s Contact Name? | the report will include the premise’s main contact name. If not selected, the premise’s contact’s personal information will be included. |
Print Call lists Overrides? | If selected, the report will include any overrides applied to the account call lists. |
Schedule Options
The Schedule Options tab is where users configure if schedule information is included within the report. The available options are defined below.
Option | Function |
Print Schedules? | If selected, the report will include the account’s configured temporary and permanent schedules. |
Print Holiday Schedules? | If selected, the report will include the account’s configured holiday schedules. |
Notes Options
The Notes Options tab is where users configure what account notes are included within the report. The available options are defined below.
Option | Function |
Print Notes? | If selected, the report will include note information as selected below. This option must be selected in order to include ANY call list information on the report. |
Print Subscriber Notes? | If selected, the report will include all notes written on the subscriber level. This includes all information written within the Notes tab in Data Entry. |
Print Site Directions? | If selected, the report will include account specific site directions. Typically, site directions are instructions on how agents log in to a subscriber’s system. |
Print Dealer Day Notes? | If selected, the report will include the information written within the Day notes section in Dealer Maintenance. |
Print Dealer General Notes? | If selected, the report will include the information written within the General notes section in Dealer Maintenance. |
Print Temporary Notes? | If selected, the report will include the information written within the Temporary notes section in Dealer Maintenance. |
Print Group Notes? | If selected, the report will include the information written within the Group notes section in Dealer Maintenance. |
Print Dealer Night Notes? | If selected, the report will include the information written within the Night notes section in Dealer Maintenance. |
Miscellaneous Options 1
The Miscellaneous Options 1 tab is where users determine what custom identifiers are included within the report. The available options are defined below.
Option | Function |
Print Report Info? | This option is no longer utilized by the CIS Report program. Selecting or deselecting this option will not have any effect on the resulting report. |
Print Dealer Info? | If selected, the report will include the information listed within the Information Dealer Info section in Data Entry. |
Print UL Grade? | If selected, the report will include the subscriber’s assigned UL grade. |
Print Comments? | If selected, the report will include any information written to events when they were handled. |
Print Identifier | The print identifier options are used to include any custom identifier information assigned to the subscriber’s account on the report. |
Print User Defined Identifiers? | If selected, the report will include any custom identifiers assigned to particular users. |
Print Auto Email/Fax Rpt Info? | If selected, the report will include any reports (if applicable) that are scheduled to be auto emailed/faxed to users. |
Print Supervised Schedule? | If selected, the report will indicate which accounts use supervised schedules. |
Miscellaneous Options 2
The Miscellaneous Options 2 tab is where users determine what additional miscellaneous information should be included within the report. The available options are defined below.
Option | Function |
Print Branch Info? | If selected, the report will include the branches assigned to each account. This includes the following branches: Service, Monitoring, Billing, and Installation. |
Print Map Info? | If selected, the report will include the account’s location coordinates. |
Print Radio Info? | If selected, the report will include the Radio Link Account number and Linked Zone information when applicable. |
Print Notify Type Info? | If selected, the report will include the account’s preferred notification type (email, phone, etc). |
Print Processing Info? | If selected, the report will include the account’s Use Areas, Use Twoway, Use Wildcard, and extended flags information when applicable. |
Print Commercial/Residential? | If selected, the report will include the account’s property type. |
Print Operator Lock Info? | If selected, the report will include the Operator Lock value assigned to the account. |
Print Accounting/Service Info? | If selected, the report will include the account’s Sales Representative Group, Sales Tax, Service Code, and Rate Table information when applicable. |
Print Notify List Info? | If selected, the report will include the Notification List information that corresponds to each event. |
Complete CIS Report
Once all tab information is configured as desired, users can distribute the report via the Print or Email options.
Selecting Print will display the Select Printer dialog box.
Users can select the printer they wish to send the report to. Once a printer is selected, select Submit to complete printing the report. The available printer options are managed within CORE.
Selecting Email will display the Email dialog box.
Users can follow the Email instructions above to send the report to selected contact.