Contacts Sub-tab

The Contacts sub-tab is where users define the individuals who should be notified regarding general account information and updates. The contacts added here will display on responding parties lists and can be assigned to call lists. See the Call Lists documentation for more information on managing account Call Lists. The following documentation provides a broad overview of the available options and their functions.


Users can interact with the Contacts table via the available toolbar options. These options are defined below.

CSVDownloads a CSV file of the Contacts table.
PDFDownloads a PDF file of the Contacts table.
ColumnsAllows users to update the columns that display within the table. See the Column Management documentation for more information on how to update table columns.
RenameAllows users to update the column names. See the Column Management documentation for more information on how to update table columns.
SavePreserves any table updates (column layout or name changes) as default so the updated table configuration will display when the user returns to the page.
CallAutomatically dials the selected contact’s primary phone number. This option is only available if a call system has been integrated with your DICE software.
ReorderAllows users to configure the arrangement of contacts within the table. More information on reordering contacts can be found below.
More NumbersAllows users to add additional phone numbers to existing contacts. More information on adding more numbers to contacts can be found below.
Insert NewAllows users to add a new contact immediately after the selected contact within the table. More information on adding contacts can be found below.
Delete AllRemoves all contacts from the subscriber. This will also remove the contacts from any call lists.
Reset Web AttemptRenews the selected contact’s log in attempts for Residential Portal. This allows users locked out of Residential Portal to attempt to log in again.
Send SMS Opt In MessageSends an SMS request to the contact to opt in to receive SMS messages sent by your system. See the Opt In documentation for additional information on SMS opt in messages.
View AreasAllows users to manage a contact’s assigned areas. More information on viewing contact areas can be found below. See the Area Description documentation for more information on assigning areas to the subscriber.
Copy ContactAllows users to duplicate the selected contact’s information to an alternate account. More information on copying contacts can be found below.
AddAllows users to create new contacts on the account. More information on adding contacts can be found below.
EditAllows users to update existing contacts.
DeleteRemoves the selected contact from the table.
ReloadRefreshes the table to display up-to-date information.


Selecting the Reorder option from the toolbar will display the Reorder Contacts dialog box.


Drag and drop contacts into their preferred order and select Save to complete updating the contact order.

If applicable, after the new order is saved, select Save from the toolbar options to update your profile settings.

More Numbers

Selecting the More Numbers option from the toolbar will display the Add More Numbers dialog box. Note: The Contact Name field will populate automatically and is read-only for reference purposes.


Perform the following steps to add additional numbers to the selected contact.

  1. Input the 10-digit telephone number that can be used to call the contact into the Phone Number field.
  2. If applicable, input the extension number used to direct dial the contact’s desk phone into the Phone Extension field.
  3. Input any miscellaneous information that should be noted on the phone number into the Personal Information field.
  4. Select the desired phone number masking that should be applied to the phone number from the Phone Number Format drop-down.
  5. Select Save & Close to complete adding an additional number to the contact.
    • Select Save & Add More to save the phone number and repeat steps 1-5 for an additional number.

Copying Contacts

Selecting the Copy Contact option from the toolbar will display the Copy Contact to Other Accounts dialog box.


Perform the following steps to copy the contact to alternate accounts.

  1. Input the subscriber or dealer account number you would like to copy the contact to into the Account field.
    • Users can also select the magnifying glass icon to search for and select an account.
  2. Strike enter to add the account to the table.
    • If applicable, users can select the Delete toolbar option to remove any accounts added to the table by mistake.
  3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 for all additional accounts the contact should be copied to as necessary.
  4. Select Save to complete copying the contact to the selected account(s).
  5. Repeat the above steps for additional contacts as necessary.

The contact’s information and user settings will automatically be copied to the selected accounts.

Add Contacts

Selecting either Add or Insert New from the toolbar will display the Contact: New Contact dialog box. This section instructs users on the primary data entry options.



The Details tab is where users define basic contact information. The categories of information are defined below.

Contact Details

The Contact Details section is where users define the contact’s personal information and any system codes.


Populate the available fields to define the contact’s details. These fields are defined below.

Contact NameDefines the contact’s first and last name. This field is required.
Phone NumberDefines the number used to call the contact.
FormatDefines the phone masking applied to the phone number.
Phone ExtensionIf applicable, defines the extension number used to direct dial the contact’s desk phone.
Opening IDDefines a unique code that is written to history when the contact performs an open. This is not the code input into the alarm panel.
Closing IDDefines a unique code that is written to history when the contact performs a close. This is not the code input into the alarm panel.
Personal InformationDetermines any miscellaneous information that should be saved to the contact.
CountryDefines the country the contact is located in.
PasscodeInput a code that acts as the contact’s authorization code. Passcodes can be up to fifteen alphanumeric characters and are used to prove the contact’s identity. When applicable, operators will prompt contacts to provide their passcode to confirm their identity and if they are allowed to complete certain actions.
Duress CodeInput a code that acts as the contact’s emergency code. Duress codes can be up to fifteen alphanumeric characters long and are used to immediately notify operators of a sensitive, possibly dangerous situation. In Monitoring, if an operator inputs the duress code, a duress signal will trigger and force the operator who receives that signal to call another contact on the account.

Additional Details

The Additional Details section is where users define the contact’s miscellaneous permissions and availability information.


Populate the available fields to define the contact’s additional details. These fields are defined below.

Valid From ToIf applicable, allows users to define a valid date range to the contact. While the contact is valid, they can perform any assigned permissions or update information. Once the date range expires, the contact will no longer be able to make changes or act as an authorized contact on the account.
Valid Time Between AndIf applicable, allows users to define a valid time frame to the contact. This time frame applies to the dates selected within the Valid From and To fields.
Inclusive Date and TimeDetermines if the valid time frame is continuous through the valid date range.
For Example: If 08/14/2022 (Sunday) - 08/20/2022 (Saturday) is the selected date range and 0800-1700 is the selected time frame the following is true: The contact’s valid range will begin at 0800 on Sunday and end at 1700 on Saturday. This means the contact will be valid for a full 24 hours Monday through Friday.
Passcode Honors These AlsoDetermines if the contact’s passcode will also follow the selected valid ranges. If this option is not selected, the contact’s passcode will always be valid.
Must CallDetermines if operators are required to call this contact. If selected, operators must notify this contact when handling applicable signals on the account.
Exception GroupDetermines the exception group the contact will be assigned to. If selected, the contact will only display on call lists the group is assigned to. Exception groups are managed within CORE.
PagerDetermines if pager information will be assigned to the contact. Once selected, users will have access to the Paging Detail tab where pager device functionality will be finalized. More information on the Paging Detail tab can be found below.
O/C AccessDetermines the contact’s schedule privileges.
U - Unsupervised: The contact can open and close the account at will. Late-To signals will still be generated based on the account’s schedule regardless of the contact’s open/close privileges.
S - Supervised: When this contact performs an open or close, a signal will be generated to notify operators the contact did so.
C - Contact Schedule: This contact will follow their own schedule as determined by the applied Valid Days/Times options.
_ - User Follows Open/Close Schedule: This contact will follow the account-level schedule. See the Schedules documentation for more information on creating account schedules.
Modify Own DataDetermines what contact information the contact has the authority to update.
A - All Contact Data: Contact is authorized to make changes to all account contacts.
N - None: Contact cannot update any contact information.
O - Own Contact Data Only: Contact is authorized to make changes to their own profile only.
ScriptDetermines the autodial script that will display when operators call this contact. Operator scripts are managed within CORE.
Limit AreasDetermines if the contact’s permissions are limited to specific areas on the account. If selected, users will have access to the View Areas option. Areas cannot be assigned until after the contact is saved. See the Area Description documentation for more information on assigning areas.
Store Passcode PrintDetermines the contact’s passcode print parameters. Printing passcodes allows users to connect a physical passcode printer to the account to print passcode cards for contacts.
_ - Uses Dealer Passcode Flag: This contact will use the dealer-level passcode print setting.
Y - Store and Print Passcode: The contact’s passcode will be saved and printed when applicable.
N - Do not Store or Print Passcode: The contact’s passcode will not be saved for printing.

PIN Details

The PIN Details section is where users assign a unique PIN to the contact. PINs are typically used to define the code the contact inputs into the alarm panel on-site.


Populate the available fields with the contact’s PIN information. These fields are defined below.

PINDetermines the code this contact will input into the panel when using the alarm system. This field accepts a maximum of 15 alphanumeric characters.
PIN ExpirationDetermines the date the contact’s PIN becomes invalid.
Delete PINRemoves the PIN from the contact. Selecting this option will clear the PIN fields of any information.
Reprint PINIf the user’s passcodes are set to print, selecting this option will store the PIN so it will print on applicable reports.

Card Access

The Card Access section is where users assign entry codes to the contact. Card numbers and codes typically define the key-card number assigned to the contact.


Populate the available fields with the contact’s entry codes. These fields are defined below.

Card NumberDefines the contact’s alphanumeric ID code as defined by your facility’s key card parameters. This field accepts a maximum of 32 alphanumeric characters.
Facility CodeDefines the facility ID or name of the building/site the contact’s Card Number is valid for. This field accepts a maximum of 32 alphanumeric characters.

Once all the Details options are populated, users can either save and add more contacts or proceed to the Rights tab to define this contact’s assigned permissions.


The Rights tab is where users define the contact’s access to account information and basic authority privileges throughout Matrix.


Select the available rights options to determine the contact’s access. These rights are defined below.

Cancel Alarms in Specific AreasDetermines if the contact is allowed to cancel alarms within their assigned areas. This right is only applicable for contacts with restricted area access.
Enable/Disable in Specific AreasDetermines if the contact is allowed to place their assigned areas on test. This right is only applicable for contacts with restricted area access.
Request Service CallDetermines if the contact is allowed to submit a service ticket for maintenance or assistance on-site.
Request Fax ReportsDetermines if the contact appears on lists to receive reports via fax.
Make Temporary Schedule ChangesDetermines if the contact is allowed to make changes to temporary schedules assigned to the account. See the Schedules documentation for more information on temporary schedules.
Access Dealer InformationDetermines if the contact is allowed to access their assigned dealer’s information within Caller Assistance.
Access Alarm HistoryDetermines if the contact is allowed to view and print the account alarm history.
Access Special Instructions and Permanent NotesDetermines if the contact is allowed to view any instructions or permanent notes on the account. See the Notes Tab documentation for more information on subscriber notes.
Access/Change Temporary NotesDetermines if the contact is allowed to view and update the account’s temporary notes as necessary. See the Notes Tab documentation for more information on subscriber notes.
View/Change ContactsDetermines if the contact is allowed to view and update other contacts’ information on the account.
Access AR Customer Inquiry InformationDetermines if the contact is allowed to view the Accounts Receivable information assigned to the account.
Access Panel InformationDetermines if the contact is allowed to access the account’s alarm panel information within Caller Assistance.
Access Account/Subscriber InformationDetermines if the contact is allowed to view and print any information on the account.
Access/Request Paging FunctionsDetermines if the contact is allowed to make changes to their assigned paging parameters.
Access Zone/Signal InformationDetermines if the contact is allowed to view account zone and alarm signaling information.
Able to Log into VoiceDetermines if the contact is allowed to call Inbound Voice to listen to history information on the account.
Note: This option must be selected to gain access to the Voice Options tab. More information on the Voice Options tab can be found below.
Access Grouped Account InformationDetermines if the contact is allowed to view subdealer information.
Access/Change Temp PasscodesDetermines if the contact is allowed to view and update contacts’ temporary passcodes.
Log Messages to HistoryDetermines if the contact is allowed to add messages to existing history events and create separate messages in history when necessary. See the Matrix History documentation for more information on adding messages to history events.
Access All Data EntryDetermines if the contact is allowed to view and update subscriber zones, open/close schedules, holiday/future schedules, or special instruction information within Data Entry.
Access Through MatrixDetermines if the contact is allowed to access the account through Residential Portal. See the Residential Portal documentation for information on viewing account information within the client portal.
Access GPS Through eLinkDetermines if the contact is allowed to view account mapping information within eLink.
View Alarm DetailsDetermines if the contact is allowed to view account alarm signal information.
Use LiveLink AppearanceDetermines if the contact will have access to the LiveLink options.
View Dealer Change ReportDetermines if the contact is allowed to access their dealer’s charge report.
Use Aegis Corporate AppearanceDetermines if the contact will have access to Aegis Corporate options.
Can Add Zones in LiveLinkDetermines if the contact has access to create account zones within LiveLink.
Can Delete Zones in LiveLinkDetermines if the contact has access to remove account zones within LiveLink.
Can Edit Zones in LiveLinkDetermines if the contact has access to update account zones within LiveLink.
Start MenuDetermines the eLink menu layout that the contact will see upon logging in to eLink. Select the magnifying glass icon to search for and select a preexisting menu profile.

Paging Detail

The Paging Detail tab is where users define how the contact should receive paging notifications. This tab is only available to users whose profile has the Access Paging flag selected. See the Matrix User Maintenance documentation for more information about managing user profiles.


Please Note: The Valid Paging Times sub-tab is only accessible after the contact is saved. More information on the Valid Paging Times sub-tab can be found below.


The Detail sub-tab is where users define the paging notification delivery parameters.


Populate the available fields to determine the contact’s paging details. These fields are defined below.

Page DestinationDetermines where the page will be sent when the notification is triggered. Users can input an email address, telephone number, or pager number into this field.
Delivery MethodDetermines the device or communication type of the page destination defined above
For Example: If an email address was used within the Page Destination field, users would select Email from the dropdown.
Service TypeIf an applicable Delivery Method is selected, users will select the carrier that will deliver the notification.
Page Until AcknowledgeDetermines if the system will continue sending notifications until the contact acknowledges the page. If selected, the individual receiving the page notification will receive multiple notifications until the system confirms the page has been received and read.
Minutes Between EventsDetermines the number of minutes the system will wait before sending additional notifications.
Number of AttemptsDetermines the maximum number of notifications the system will send regarding the same event. This cannot be used in conjunction with the Page Until Acknowledged option.
Number of Seconds to DelayDetermines the number of seconds that will elapse before the system sends the initial notification.
Message PrefixDetermines any message text that should precede the notification information. This field can contain a maximum of 10 alphanumeric characters.
Delete Paging InfoWhen selected, removes any information input into the above fields.

Contact Address

The Contact Address tab is where users define the location associated with the contact. This address is typically the contact’s primary mailing/home address.


Populate the available fields to define the contact’s address. These fields are defined below.

Contact NameInput the contact’s first and last name into this field.
Address 1Determines the street number and name of the contact’s address.
For Example: 1234 S. Oak St.
Address 2If applicable, determines the apartment or suite number of the contact’s address.
For Example: Apartment 87
Address 3Determines the City, State, and Zip Code of the contact’s address.
For Example: Harrison MI, 48625
Delete Address InfoWhen selected, removes any information input into the above fields.


The Other tab is where users define miscellaneous identifiers and challenge questions assigned to the contact.


Please Note: The Challenge Questions sub-tab is only accessible after the contact is saved. More information on the Challenge Question sub-tab can be found below.

Contact Identifiers

The Contact Identifiers sub-tab is where users define miscellaneous information to the contact. Contact Identifiers are unique for each client and can be setup in CORE via the Contact Identifier Setup page.


Additional contact options

Once contact profiles are saved, users can define additional information on the contact via previously locked tabs and sub-tabs. These options allow users to define various handling and permission settings. The following documentation instructs users on how to complete the final setup of saved contacts.

View Areas

If the Limit Areas option is selected on the contact, users will have access to the View Areas option. Limiting areas is only applicable to those accounts configured to use areas. For more information on using areas, see the available documentation:


Selecting the View Areas option will display the Limit Areas dialog box. Limiting areas on contacts will restrict their access to only the areas they are assigned. This means the contact will only have access to view, update, and receive notifications on alarms within their assigned areas.


Users can interact with the Limit Areas table via the available toolbar options. These options are defined below.

Delete AllRemoves all areas assigned to the contact.
AddAllows users to assign areas to the contact. More information on adding areas can be found below.
EditAllows users to update existing areas on the contact.
DeleteRemoves the selected area from the contact.
ReloadRefreshes the table to display up-to-date information.

Add areas

Selecting Add from the toolbar will display the Add Area dialog box.


Perform the following steps to assign an area to the contact.

  1. Input the area ID of the area you would like to assign to the contact into the Area Armed field.
    • Users can also select the magnifying glass icon to search for and select an area.
  2. Select the user’s cancellation permissions from the Cancel Alarm dropdown.
    • Yes: Permits the user to cancel alarms received within this area.
    • No: Prohibits the user from cancelling alarms received within this area.
  3. Select the user’s test permissions from the Installer Test dropdown.
    • Yes: Permits the user to send test alarms within this area.
    • No: Prohibits the user from sending test alarms within this area.
  4. Select Save & Close to complete assigning the area and applicable permissions to the contact.
  5. If applicable, select Save & Add More to complete assigning the area and immediately begin steps 1-4 again for a new area.

Valid Days/Times

The Valid Days/Times tab allows users to assign days and times to the contact and their assigned passcode. These days and times are when the contact is allowed to access information on the account and when their passcode is acceptable respectively.


Users can define contact and passcode validity via the available sub-tabs. These sub-tabs and their options are defined below.


The Contact sub-tab is where users assign valid days and times to the contact. These are the days and times the contact is allowed to access or edit information as their permissions allow (For example: updating contacts or accessing history).


Users can interact with the Contact table via the available toolbar options. These options are defined below.

Delete AllRemoves all days and times from the contact.
AddAllows users to assign new valid days and times to the contact. More information about adding days and times can be found below.
EditAllows users to update existing days and times as necessary.
DeleteRemoves the selected day and time from the contact.
ReloadRefreshes the table to display up-to-date information.


Selecting Add from the toolbar will display the Add Contact Valid Day/Time dialog box.


Perform the following steps to add a new valid day and time to the contact.

  1. Select the day or days of the week the contact should be valid from the Day dropdown.
    • SAT - SUN: Individual days of the week.
    • ALL: All seven days of the week.
    • DAY: Business days (Monday - Friday) of the week only.
    • END: Weekending days (Saturday and Sunday) of the week only.
    • Selecting an option representing multiple days will populate the table with each day during the selected time frame.
  2. Input the time the contact will begin being valid on the selected day(s) into the From field.
    • This is when the contact can start accessing information as necessary.
  3. Input the time the contact will stop being valid on the selected day(s) into the To field.
    • This is when the contact loses access to account information.
  4. Select Save to complete assigning valid days and times to the contact.

Repeat the above steps as necessary to add additional days and times to the contact.


The Passcode sub-tab is where users assign valid days and times to the contact’s passcode. These are the days and times the contact’s passcode is acceptable by the system and any operators that may request it.


Users can interact with the Passcode table via the available toolbar options. These options are defined below.

Delete AllRemoves all days and times from the passcode.
AddAllow users to assign a new day and time to the passcode. More information about adding days and times can be found below.
EditAllows users to update the selected day and time.
DeleteRemoves the selected day and time from the passcode.
ReloadRefreshes the table to display up-to-date information.

Add passcodes

Selecting Add from the toolbar will display the Add Passcode Valid Day/Time dialog box.


Perform the following steps to add a new valid day and time to the passcode.

  1. Select the day or days of the week the passcode should be valid from the Day dropdown.
    • SAT - SUN: Individual days of the week.
    • ALL: All seven days of the week.
    • DAY: Business days (Monday - Friday) of the week only.
    • END: Weekending days (Saturday and Sunday) of the week only.
    • Selecting an option representing multiple days will populate the table with each day during the selected time frame.
  2. Input the time the passcode will begin being valid on the selected day(s) into the From field.
    • This is when the contact can start using their passcode when prompted.
  3. Input the time the passcode will stop being valid on the selected day(s) into the To field.
    • This is when the passcode is no longer acceptable.
  4. Select Save to complete assigning valid days and times to the passcode.

Repeat the above steps as necessary to add additional days and times to the passcode.

Valid Paging Times

The Valid Paging Times sub-tab is where users determine the days and times the contact is available to receive paging notifications. The days and times added here are when the system can send notifications to the contact’s preferred paging method.


Users can interact with the Valid Paging Times table via the available toolbar options. These options are defined below.

AddAllows users to assign new days and times to the contact. More information on adding days and times can be found below.
EditAllows users to update the selected day and time.
DeleteRemoves the selected day and time from the contact.
ReloadRefreshes the table to display up-to-date information.

Add valid paging times

Selecting Add from the toolbar will display the Add Paging Valid Day/Time dialog box.


Perform the following steps to add a new valid day and time to the contact.

  1. Select the day or days of the week the contact is available for paging from the Day dropdown.
    • SAT - SUN: Individual days of the week.
    • ALL: All seven days of the week.
    • DAY: Business days (Monday - Friday) of the week only.
    • END: Weekending days (Saturday and Sunday) of the week only.
    • Selecting an option representing multiple days will populate the table with each day during the selected time frame.
  2. Input the time the contact will begin being valid on the selected day(s) into the From field.
    • This is the time the system can start paging the contact.
  3. Input the time the contact will stop being valid on the selected day(s) into the To field.
    • This is the time the system will stop paging the contact.
  4. Select Save to complete assigning valid days and times to the contact.

Repeat the above steps as necessary to add additional days and times to the contact.

Voice Options

The Voice Options tab is where users assign Inbound Voice parameters and permissions to the contact. Inbound Voice is an automated operator contacts can call to listen to account information. The operator will recite history, balance, and any other account information as determined by the contact’s access. The available sub-tabs allow users to determine what information contacts have access to when calling Inbound Voice. These sub-tabs are defined below.

Please Note: The Able to Log into Voice option under the Rights tab must be selected in order to have access to Voice Options.


Voice Contact Entry

The Voice Contact Entry sub-tab is where users assign general Inbound Voice permissions to the contact. The available options determine what information contacts can access when contacting Inbound Voice.


Select the available options to assign Inbound Voice permissions to the contact. These options are defined below.

Login PasswordDisplays the code the contact will input when dialing into Inbound Voice. This field is read-only for reference purposes and corresponds to the Passcode field located under the Detail tab.
Contact NameDisplays the contact’s first and last name. This field is read-only and corresponds to the Contact Name field located under the Detail tab.
E-Mail AddressDisplays the email address data entered within CORE for the QO User. This field is read-only and for reference purposes only.
Phone NumberDisplays the contact’s primary phone number. This field is read-only and corresponds to the Phone Number field located under the Detail tab.
Profile NameIf applicable, allows users to select a Details profile to assign to the contact. Once selected, all available options will populate with the profile’s assigned parameters.
Copy/Lock ProfileDetermines if the user is allowed to update the profile’s parameters assigned to the contact.

Copy: Allows users to update the parameters assigned to the contact.

Lock: Sets the available options to read-only so they cannot be updated.
Custom Menu for UserIf applicable, allows users to assign an IVR menu to the contact. This is the menu inbound voice will recite to the contact when they call in. These menus are maintained within CORE.
History Read OrderDetermines which history events are read first.

F: The history events will be read in chronological order starting with the most recent event first and ending with the oldest.

L: The history events will be read in reverse chronological order starting with the oldest event first and ending with the newest.
Max Disable TimeDetermines the maximum length of time the contact is allowed to place accounts on test. This field’s time increment is determined by the Disable by Min/Hr drop-down.
Clear Alarms on DisableDetermines if the contact can cancel alarms received while the account is on test or disable.
Disable by Min/HrDetermines the time increment assigned to the value input into the Max Disable Time field.

Hour: The defined Max Disable Time is in hours.
For Example: If 3 is input into the Max Disable Time field, the contact can place accounts on test for a maximum of 3 hours.

Minute: The defined Max Disable Time is in minutes.
For Example: If 3 is input into the Max Disable Time field, the contact can place accounts on test for a maximum of 3 minutes.
Read Disable NotesDetermines if the contact is allowed to view any test notes written to the account’s history.
Make PaymentDetermines if the contact is allowed to make payments toward the account’s balance.
Cancel Pending AlarmDetermines if the contact is allowed to cancel alarms within the pending queue in Matrix Monitoring.
Cancel PartitionedDetermines if the contact is allowed to cancel alarms within the pending queue on partitioned accounts.
Cancel GroupedDetermines if the contact is allowed to cancel alarms within the pending queue on grouped accounts.
Cancel LinkedDetermines if the contact is allowed to cancel alarms within the pending queue on linked accounts.
Disable AccountsDetermines if the contact is allowed to place accounts on test within the system. See the On/Off Test documentation for more information on placing accounts on test.
Disable PartitionedDetermines if the contact is allowed to place partitioned accounts on test.
Disable GroupedDetermines if the contact is allowed to place grouped accounts on test.
Disable LinkedDetermines if the contact is allowed to place linked accounts on test.
Change AccountsDetermines if the contact is allowed to move data from one account to another. See the Data Entry Admin documentation for more information on changing accounts.
Enable AccountsDetermines if the contact is allowed to reactivate currently inactive accounts. See the Data Entry Admin documentation for more information on how to reactivate account.
Transfer OperatorIf applicable, provides the contact the option to be transferred to an operator when receiving an automated voice call regarding an alarm.
Transfer ExtensionIf applicable, provides the contact the option to be transferred to an extension when receiving an automated voice call regarding an alarm.
Extend DisableDetermines if the contact is allowed to increase and account’s testing time limit. This is only applicable if the account isn’t already set to the maximum testing time.
Balance LookupDetermines if the contact is allowed to view and print their account balance information.
Access HistoryDetermines if the contact is allowed to view and print their account history information.

History Preferences

The History Preferences sub-tab is where users determine the order and contents of history information provided to the contact by Inbound Voice.


Users will have access to three separate sections that define how Inbound Voice will handle relaying history information to contacts. These sections are defined below.


The History section is where users determine if Inbound Voice will include basic history organization information when reading history to the contact.

Select the available options to determine what history information is included. These options are defined below.

History InstructionsDetermines if the operator will read history IVR instructions to the contact. If this option is not selected, the operator will be silent while the history report loads.
History Record SeparatorDetermines if the operator will state the word record before reading history events’ details.
History Record Time SecondsDetermines if the operator will include seconds when reading the time events were received by the system.

For Example: If an event was received at 03:30:24pm the operator will say, “Fifteen hours, thirty minutes, and twenty-four seconds.”


The Prefixes section is where users determine how the operator introduces each piece of information when reading history to the contact.

Select the available options to determine any labels that precede history information. These options are defined below.

Zone PrefixDetermines if the operator will state zone prior to reading the event’s associated zone name.

For Example: If the event was received on Zone A, the operator will say, “Zone A” if this option is selected. If this option is not selected, the operator will simply say, “A.”
Operator PrefixDetermines if the operator will state operator prior to reading the operator code of the individual who handled the event.

For Example: If the event was handled by operator KMN, the operator will say, “Operator KMN” if this option is selected. If this option is not selected, the operator will simply say “KMN.”
History Text PrefixDetermines if the operator will state history text prior to reading the event’s history notes.

For Example: If the history note on the event was AUDIT DETAILS FOR AM Notify Setup, the operator will say, “History text, AUDIT DETAILS FOR AM Notify Setup” if this option is selected. If this option is not selected, the operator will simply say, “AUDIT DETAILS FOR AM Notify Setup.”
Area PrefixDetermines if the operator will state area prior to reading the event’s associated area name.

For Example: If the event was received on Area 1, the operator will say, “Area one” if this option is selected. If this option is not selected, the operator will simply say “one.”
SEIA Code PrefixDetermines if the operator will state SEIA prior to reading the event’s assigned SEIA code.

For Example: If the signal received was a SEIA 003, the operator will say, “SEIA zero-zero-three” if this option is selected. If this option is not selected, the operator will simply say, “zero-zero-three.”
Type PrefixDetermines if the operator will state type prior to reading the event’s assigned signal type.

For Example: If the signal received was a FIRE, the operator will say, “type fire” if this option is selected. If this option is not selected, the operator will simply say “fire.”


The Order section is where users determine the sequence event information is read in when Inbound Voice reads history events to the contact.

Each information type has its own numeric dropdown.

Select the order in which the operator should read the information from each corresponding dropdown. If zero (0) is selected, that information will be omitted.

Given the following example:


The operator will read the information in the following order:

  1. Date/Time the event was received.
  2. The zone the event occurred in.
  3. The type of event that was received.
  4. The alarm signal code of the event that was received.
  5. The operator who handled the event.

Area and text information will be omitted.

Access Times

The Access Times sub-tab is where users determine the days and times contacts are allowed to call Inbound Voice.


Users can interact with the Access Times table via the available toolbar options. These options are defined below.

AddAllows users to assign new days and times to the contact. More information on adding days and times can be found below.
EditAllows users to update the selected day and time.
DeleteRemoves the selected day and time from the contact. The contact will no longer have permission to contact inbound voice from deleted days and times.
ReloadRefreshes the table to display up-to-date information.

Add access times

Selecting Add from the toolbar will display the Add Access Time dialog box.


Perform the following steps to assign a new day and time to the contact.

  1. Select the day or days of the week the contact is allowed to contact inbound voice from the Weekday dropdown.
    • SAT - SUN: Individual days of the week.
    • ALL: All seven days of the week.
    • DAY: Business days (Monday - Friday) of the week only.
    • END: Weekending days (Saturday and Sunday) of the week only.
    • Selecting an option representing multiple days will populate the table with each day during the selected time frame.
  2. Input the time the contact can begin to contact inbound voice into the From field.
  3. Input the time the contact will no longer be allowed to contact inbound voice into the To field.
  4. Select Save to complete assigning days and times to the contact.

Repeat the above steps as necessary to add additional days and times to the contact.

History Type Exclude

The History Type Exclude sub-tab is where users determine what history events are read to the contact when they call Inbound Voice.


Users can interact with the History Type Exclude table via the available toolbar options. These options are defined below.

AddAllows users to add a new history type to the contact. More information on adding types can be found below.
EditAllows users to update existing include/exclude types.
DeleteRemoves the selected type from the table.
ReloadRefreshes the table to display up-to-date information.

Add history excludes

Selecting Add from the toolbar will display the Add History Type Exclude dialog box.


Perform the following steps to add a new type to the contact.

  1. Select the desired alarm type from the Zone Type dropdown.
  2. Select if the alarm type should be excluded from the history record from the Exclude Type dropdown.
  • Yes: History events of the selected type will be omitted from the history record when the contact calls into inbound voice.
  • No: History events of the selected type will be included on the history record when the contact calls into inbound voice.
  1. Select Save to complete assigned type parameters to the contact.

Repeat the above steps as necessary to include or exclude additional history event types from the history record.

Challenge Questions

The Challenge Questions sub-tab is where users define challenge questions and their answers on the contact. Challenge questions are questions operators or service technicians can ask the contact to verify their identity.


Users can interact with the Challenge Questions table via the available toolbar options. These options are defined below.

AddAllows users to assign a new challenge question and answer to the contact. More information on adding challenge questions can be found below.
EditAllows users to update existing questions and answers.
DeleteRemoves the selected challenge question and answer from the contact.
ReloadRefreshes the table to display up-to-date information.

Add challenge questions

Selecting Add from the toolbar will display the Add Challenge Question dialog box.


Perform the following steps to add a new challenge question to the contact.

  1. Select the question the contact would like to use from the Challenge Question dropdown.
    • Challenge questions are custom per client and created in CORE.
  2. Input the contact’s answer to the question into the Challenge Answer field.
  3. Select Save to complete assigning the question and answer to the contact.

Repeat the above steps as necessary to assign additional questions and answers to the contact.


The Email tab is where users assign email addresses to the contact. The email addresses here are available when sending out reports to account contacts.


Users can interact with the Email table via the available toolbar options. These options are defined below.

Delete AllRemoves all emails from the contact.
AddAllows users to assign a new email to the contact. More information on adding email addresses can be found below.
EditAllows users to update existing emails.
DeleteRemoves the selected email from the contact.
ReloadRefreshes the table to display up-to-date information.

Add emails

Selecting Add from the toolbar will display the Add Email Address dialog box.


Perform the following steps to add a new email address to the contact.

  1. Input the email address where the contact would like to receive notifications into the Email Address field.
  2. If applicable, update the contact’s name within the Display Name field.
  3. Select Save to complete assigning the email to the contact.

Repeat the above steps as necessary to assign additional emails to the contact.