Menu Generator

The Matrix Menu Generator page is where admin users can create and manage the menu profiles assigned to users throughout the system. Menu profiles control what pages users have access to within their Matrix side-bar menu. Profiles are assigned to users within User Maintenance. This documentation instructs admin users on how to use Menu Generator to create and update menu profiles.

Upon viewing the Menu Generator page, users are prompted to select an existing menu profile or to create a new one via the Custom Menu Entry options. These options are defined below.


Delete MenuRemoves the selected menu from the system. When you attempt to delete a menu currently in use, you will be prompted to replace the selected menu on affected users. More information on deleting menus can be found below.
Edit OptionsAllows users to update existing menus and assign options to new menus. More information on the available edit options can be found below.
Copy MenuAllows users to duplicate an existing menu to use as a template for a new menu. More information about copying menus can be found below.
Save MenuPreserves description changes to existing menus.

Creating Menus

Users can create menus using the available Custom Menu Entry fields and options. The following section instructs users on how to create a new menu.

Perform the following steps to create a new menu.

  1. Input a brief description of the menu into the Menu Name field.
  2. Input an explanation of the menu into the Description field.
  3. Select Edit Options from the available button options.
    • This will display the Options For Menu dialog box. image
  4. Select Add from the toolbar. The remaining toolbar options are defined below.
    • This will display the Available Menu Options dialog box. image
  5. Select the applicable menu option you would like to add to the menu and select the Select option.
    • Menus are automatically saved as new options are added or removed.
  6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 until all desired options are added to the Options For Menu table.

If no additional option management is required using the remaining toolbar options, users can exit the Options For Menu dialog box to complete creating the menu. Once complete, the menu is available for assignment within User Maintenance.

Once complete, the Menu Preview located to the right of the Custom Menu Entry options will display what the menu will look like to users.


Additional Toolbar Options

Users can interact with the Options For Menu table via the remaining toolbar options. These options are defined below.


ReorderAllows users to update the menu options’ display order within Matrix. More information about reordering options can be found below.
EditAllows users to update the selected option to an alternate option. More information about editing options can be found below.
DeleteRemoves the selected option from the menu. Users will no longer have access to deleted options.
ReloadRefreshes the table to display up-to-date information.


Selecting Reorder will display the Reorder Menu Options dialog box.


Users can click and drag options into their desired order within the Reorder Menu Options dialog box. Updating the order of menu options here will affect how the options display to users within their Matrix side-bar menu. Once options are reordered, select Save to preserve any changes. The Menu Preview will update to display the new option order.


Selecting Edit will display the Available Menu Options dialog box for the selected menu option.


Perform the following steps to replace a menu option.

  1. Select the menu option you wish to replace from the Options For Menu table.
  2. Select Edit from the toolbar options to display the Available Menu Options table.
  3. Select the option you wish to replace the existing option with from those available.
  4. Select the Select option from the toolbar.
  5. Repeat the above steps as necessary to update existing menu options with new options.

Delete Menu

Selecting the Delete Menu option will display the Users With Menu dialog box if the menu is currently assigned to users within the system. If the menu is in use, affected users must first have a new menu assigned to them. If the menu is not in use, it will automatically be deleted from the system without additional actions.


Perform the following steps to reassign a user’s menu option.

  1. Select the user you would like to reassign from those available.
  2. Select the Assign Menu option from the toolbar.
    • This will display the Available Menus dialog box.
  3. Select the new menu you would like to assign to the user from those available.
  4. Select the Select option.
  5. Repeat steps 1-4 for all users assigned to the selected menu.

Once all affected users are reassigned new menus, the selected menu will be deleted from the system.

Copy Menu

Selecting the Copy Menu option will display the Enter New Menu Name dialog box.


Perform the following steps top copy an existing menu’s settings to a new menu.

  1. Input a brief description of the new menu into the Menu Name field.
  2. Select Submit.
  3. Select OK to confirm you would like to copy the menu’s options to the new menu.

This will successfully save the new menu option. Users can now use the Edit Options button to update the new menu as necessary.