Camera Analytics Setup
The Camera Analytics Setup page allows users to configure miscellaneous setup options on their interactive accounts. This page provides access to updating Analytics Labels, Report Templates, and Stream Tags. Each of these tabs and their options will be discussed in more detail below.
Camera Analytics
The Camera Analytics tab allows users to assign analytic labels to specific alarm types. Assigning an alarm type to a specific label will configure the camera to send the specified alarm to Monitoring when the assigned label is triggered.
Users can interact with the Analytics Labels table via the available toolbar options. These options are defined below.
Option | Function |
Add | Allows users to create new labels. More information on adding labels can be found below. |
Edit | Allows users to update existing labels as necessary. |
Delete | Removes the selected label from the table. |
Reload | Refreshes the table to display up-to-date information. |
Selecting Add from the toolbar will display the Add Label dialog box.
Perform the following steps to create a new analytics label.
- Select the desired label from those available from the Label dropdown.
- As the AI identifies more labels, they will become available here.
- Input the alarm signal Monitoring should receive when the AI returns the selected label into the Signal field.
- Users can also select the magnifying glass icon to search for and select a signal type.
- Select Save to complete adding the label.
- Repeat the above steps for additional labels as necessary.
Alarm Report Email Template
The Alarm Report Email Template tab allows users to customize the body of emailed reports sent from Monitoring or History. Alarm reports can be customized by dealer or subscriber account as necessary to provide customers with specified information.
Perform the following steps to configure email templates.
- If applicable, input a dealer account number into the Dealer field.
- This is the dealer account whose assigned subscriber accounts will receive the customized email.
- Users can also select the magnifying glass icon to search for and select a dealer.
- If applicable, input a subscriber account number into the Account Number field.
- This is the subscriber account that will receive the customized email.
- Users can also select the magnifying glass icon to search for and select an account.
- If a dealer or subscriber is not selected, the default email template will be edited. This is the template that will be applied system-wide to all accounts that do not have a template assigned.
- Input the email body information you would like to send to the selected accounts into the Email Template field.
- Users can insert the available Message Codes into the message text as necessary to include the code’s information.
- Select Save to complete creating the email template.
Once saved, any alarm reports sent on the assigned dealer or subscriber accounts will include the message text in the email body to recipients.
Stream Tags
The Stream Tags tab allows users to create descriptive tags they can assign to streams within Camera Setup. Assigning tags allows users to sort cameras by tag information for streamlined views of cameras. See the Camera Setup documentation for more information on assigning tags to individual cameras.
Users can interact with the Available Tags table via the available toolbar options. These options are defined below.
Option | Function |
Add | Allows users to create a new tag. More information on adding tags can be found below. |
Delete | Removes the selected tag from the table. |
Reload | Refreshes the table to display up-to-date information. |
Selecting Add from the toolbar will display the Enter New Tag dialog box.
Perform the following steps to create a new tag.
- Input the tag you would like to assign to cameras into the available field.
- Select Save to complete creating the tag.
- Repeat the above steps for all tags as necessary.
Camera AI Setup
The Camera AI Setup tab allows users to identify Calipsa information for AI verification. Users can interact with the Camera AI Credentials table via the available toolbar options. These options are defined below.
Option | Function |
Add | Allows users to identify Calipsa credentials. More information on adding credentials can be found below. |
Delete | Removes the selected Calipsa credentials from the table. |
Reload | Refreshes the table to display up-to-date information. |
Selecting Add from the toolbar will display the Add Device dialog box.
Perform the following steps to define Calipsa credentials.
- Select Calipsa from the AI Type dropdown.
- Currently, Calipsa is the only brand integration available here.
- Input the username used in conjunction with the password to gain access to your Calipsa account into the Username field.
- Input the password used in conjunction with the username to gain access to your Calipsa account into the Password field.
- Input the Calipsa API token generated within Calipsa into the Token field.
- See the Calipsa Account and Camera Setup documentation for more information for more information on how to generate an API token.
- Select Save to complete configuring the Calipsa credentials.
Stream Status
The Stream Status tab allows users to view and troubleshoot camera issues for all camera streams data entered on their system. The Stream Status table displays all streams and their current working condition within the available columns. Users can interact with the table via the available toolbar options. These options are defined below.
Option | Function |
CSV | Downloads a CSV file of the Stream Status table to the user’s computer. |
Columns | Allows users to update what column information will display in the table. See the Column Management documentation for more information on how to update table columns. |
Rename | Allows users to update the column names as necessary. See the Column Management documentation for more information on how to update table columns. |
Save | Preserves any table changes (e.g. column layout or name changes) as default so the updated table configuration will display the next time the user views the page. This option applies to the user’s personal profile only. |
Edit Stream | Opens Camera Setup for the selected stream. See the Camera Setup documentation for more information on how to configure cameras. |
Reload | Refreshes the table to display up-to-date information. |
Column Information
The Stream Status table displays camera connectivity information intended to assist users with determining why a camera is not functioning properly. The available columns and their displayed information are defined in more detail below.
The Active column displays the stream’s subscriber account status within the system. Accounts that have been deactivated (labeled No
within the column) will not send alarms to Monitoring for handling.
Users can activate or deactivate subscriber accounts within Data Entry Admin. See the Data Entry Admin documentation for more information on managing account statuses.
The Error column displays information provided by the camera when it cannot communicate its information properly. Most if not all of the possible errors can be corrected by updating the stream’s information within Camera Setup. See the Camera Setup documentation for more information on how to configure cameras.
The most common errors and how users can correct them are defined below.
Server returned 400 Bad Request RTSP path information data entered on the camera is incorrect. Update the stream’s assigned RTSP path within Camera Setup.
Server returned 401 Unauthorized (authorization failed) The username and/or password data entered on the camera is incorrect. Update the stream’s assigned credentials within Camera Setup.
Invalid data found when processing input The camera did not provide correct RTSP connectivity information when trying to connect. Update the camera’s assigned RTSP Port within Camera Setup. A common cause for this error is inputting the HTTP port into the RTSP port field.
Full Error
The Full Error column displays the detailed error text received from the camera when one of the above errors was triggered. Users can confirm displayed information is correct to assist with troubleshooting camera issues.
Last Check
The Last Check columns display when the system last verified camera connectivity via an automated health check. This health check is performed on a continuous loop through each camera connected to your system. The frequency in which the check reaches each camera varies between sites due to the number of connected devices and the number of errors encountered.
Since Last Check The Since Last Check column displays the time elapsed since the system last communicated with the camera to confirm connectivity.
Last Connection Check The Last Connection Check column displays the timestamp of when the system last communicated with the camera to confirm connectivity.
Last Event
The Last Event columns display when the camera last sent a video alarm event.
Since Last Event The Since Last Event column displays the time elapsed since the system last received an alarm event from the camera.
Last Event The Last Event column displays the timestamp when the system last received an alarm event from the camera.
Last Health Check Image Size
The Last Health Check Image Size column displays the size of the image last received from the camera. This image size is displayed in bytes to assist users in identifying camera image issues. If the image size is smaller than expected for a standard image received from the camera, the unit could potentially be malfunctioning.
The Reachable column displays the connectivity success of reaching the camera’s assigned IP address and RTSP port. If this column displays no
, confirm the correct IP Address and RTSP Port is data entered on the camera OR confirm the firewall access for the IP is configured correctly.
The Supervised and Area Supervised columns display the current supervisory status of the camera’s assigned account and/or area respectively.
Supervised The Supervised column displays if the camera’s assigned subscriber account’s schedule is supervised right now.
Area Supervised The Area Supervised column displays if the camera’s assigned area schedule is supervised right now.
Thumbnail URL
The Thumbnail URL column displays a web address users can visit to view a still image of the most recent capture from the camera.