Mass Notification

Mass Notification is used to send text messages to specific individuals instantly. Users can organize contact phone numbers into groups to send notifications out to multiple individuals as needed. This documentation instructs users on how to manage text messages.

The Mass Notification page is divided into four tables. These tables are defined briefly below.

Recent ResponsesDisplays messages received from users in response to messages sent from the mass notification page. More information on interacting with recent responses can be found below.
ContactsAllows users to manage available contacts and send messages. More information on contacts can be found below.
GroupsAllows users to manage collections of multiple contacts. More information on contact groups can be found below.
Group DetailsAllows users to interact with groups of contacts. More information on group details can be found below.

Recent Responses

The Recent Responses table displays all text messages received from contacts in response to a text message sent from the Mass Notification page. Users can then respond to these messages accordingly.


Users can interact with these responses by double clicking on a response to display the View History dialog box.


Respond to messages

Perform the following steps to respond to messages.

  1. Input the response into the Message field.
  2. Select Submit.

The contact will receive the message momentarily.


The Contacts table displays all contacts users can send messages to.


Users can interact with the Contacts table via the available toolbar options. These options are defined below.

ColumnsAllows users to update what column information will display in the table. See the Column Management documentation for more information on how to update table columns.
RenameAllows users to update the column names as necessary. See the Column Management documentation for more information on how to update table columns.
SavePreserves any table changes (e.g. column layout or name changes) as default so the updated table configuration will display the next time the user views the page. This option applies to the user’s personal profile only.
Add to GroupAllows users to add the selected contact(s) to the selected group. More information on adding contacts to groups can be found below.
View HistoryDisplays the messaging history of the selected contact. Refer to the Respond to messages section above for more information on interacting with contact messaging history.
Send SMSAllows users to message the selected contact(s). More information on sending messages can be found below.
AddAllows users to create a new contact profile. More information on adding contacts can be found below.
EditAllows users to update existing contact information.
DeleteRemoves the selected contact from the table.
ReloadRefreshes the table to display up-to-date information.


Selecting Add will display the Add Contact dialog box.


Perform the following steps to add a new contact.

  1. Input the 10-digit phone number the contact will receive sms messages on into the Phone Number field
    • Users can select the magnifying glass icon to apply a specific phone number masking to the number.
  2. Input the contact’s first and last name into the applicable fields.
  3. If applicable, input the name of the company the contact works for into the Company field.
  4. If applicable, input the contact’s job title into the Position field.
  5. Input the contact’s address information into the available fields.
  6. Select Submit to complete adding the contact.

Users can now send messages to the new contact. Repeat the above steps to add additional contacts as needed. Please note: these contacts are not assigned to any subscriber or dealer accounts within the system.

Add to group

Users can add selected contacts to available groups by selecting the Add to Group option.

Perform the following steps to add contacts to existing groups.

  1. Select the group contacts should be added to from the Groups table.
  2. Select all contacts that should be assigned to the group.
  3. Select Add to Group.
  4. Select Yes from the confirmation dialog box to complete adding the contacts to the group.

Send SMS

Selecting Send SMS will display the Send SMS dialog box.


Perform the following steps to send a message to all selected contacts.

  1. Input the desired message text into the Message field.
  2. Select Submit.

All selected contacts will receive the message momentarily. Repeat the above steps to send additional messages to contacts as necessary.

Groups and Group Details

The Groups table displays all contact groups. The Group Details table displays all contacts assigned to the selected group.


Users can interact with the Groups table via the available toolbar options. These options are defined below.

AddAllows users to create new groups. More information on adding groups can be found below.
EditAllows users to update existing groups.
DeleteRemoves the selected group from the table.
ReloadRefreshes the table to display up-to-date information.


Selecting Add will display the Add Group dialog box.


Perform the following steps to create a new group.

  1. Input a name for the group into the Group field.
  2. Input a brief explanation of the group into the Description field.
  3. Select Submit to complete creating the group.

Repeat the above steps as necessary to create new groups. Refer to the Add to group section above for information on how to add contacts to groups.

Users can interact with the Group Details table via the available toolbar options. These options are defined below.

Send SMSAllows users to message the selected contact(s). Refer to the Send SMS section above for more information on how to send messages.
View HistoryDisplays the messaging history of the selected contact. Refer to the Respond to messages section above for more information on interacting with contact messaging history.
Remove from GroupRemoves the selected contact from the group.
ReloadRefreshes the table to display up-to-date information.