Flag Maintenance
The Flag Maintenance page is where users configure the status of various settings within Matrix. These flags determine the functionality and visibility of options found throughout your system. This documentation will define the available flags and how they determine what users have permission to configure, update, and interact with.
User Profile Access
Upon accessing the Flag Maintenance page, users will be prompted to select the Profile flags they wish to update. Flags are configured separately for each profile so you can easily apply flag permissions to users. Changes made to a profile’s flags will affect all users assigned to that profile.
The profiles available within the dropdown are those you have access to. Profiles are assigned to users within Matrix User Maintenance. See the Matrix User Maintenance documentation for instructions on how to assign profiles.
The Web tab contains flags that determine general Matrix option functionality and available menu options. The flags here determine the settings of various Matrix modules. Each module and its flags are defined below.
Commercial Portal Flags
The flags affecting the functionality and display of options within Commercial Portal are defined below. Commercial Portal is typically used by dealers, subdealers, and clients to view their account information and statistical data.
See the Commercial Portal documentation for information on viewing and managing Commercial Portal data.
Comm Portal Test - Hide ‘Disable by Zone/Type’
Determines if users have access to the Disable by Zone or Type options available when adding disables. These options allow users to determine if they’re placing a zone or alarm type on disable.
- Checked: the options will be hidden from users.
- Unchecked: the options will be visible to users.
See the On/Off Test documentation for instructions on how to add disables.
Comm Portal Test - Hide ‘Except This Zone/Type’
Determines if users have access to the Except this Zone/Type option available when adding disables. This option allows users to determine which zones or alarm types are being disabled.
- Checked: the option will be hidden from users.
- Unchecked: the option will be visible to users.
See the On/Off Test documentation for instructions on how to add disables.
Comm Portal Test - Hide ‘Time Inclusive’
Determines if users have access to the Time Inclusive option available when adding disables. This option determines how the disable’s time span is affected over the course of multiple days.
- Checked: the option will be hidden from users.
- Unchecked: the option will be visible to users.
See the On/Off Test documentation for instructions on how to add disables.
Comm Portal Test - Hide ‘Valid All Days’
Determines if users have permission to determine the individual days a disable is valid for when adding disables. These options allow users to select specific days of the week to apply to the disable.
- Checked: the options will be hidden from users.
- Unchecked: the options will be visible to users.
See the On/Off Test documentation for instructions on how to add disables.
Commercial Portal Display Disable Reason
Determines if the Display Reason column is displayed within the History table. This column will display the predefined reason the creator assigned to the disable.
- Checked: the column will be visible to users.
- Unchecked: the column will be hidden from users.
See the Matrix History documentation for information on account history data.
Commercial Portal Read Only Authorities
Determines if users can make changes to the contents of the Authorities table.
- Checked: users will not have permission to update authorities.
- Unchecked: users will have permission to update authorities.
See the Authority Maintenance documentation for information on managing authorities.
See the Authorities Sub-tab documentation for information on assigning authorities to subscriber accounts.
Commercial Portal Read Only Contacts
Determines if users can make changes to the contents of the Contacts table.
- Checked: users will not have permission update contacts.
- Unchecked: users will have permission to update contacts.
See the Contacts documentation for information on managing subscriber contacts.
Commercial Portal Read Only Notes
Determines if users can make changes to assigned account Notes.
- Checked: users will not have permission to update notes.
- Unchecked: users will have permission to update notes.
See the Notes documentation for information on managing subscriber notes.
Commercial Portal Read Only Schedules
Determines if users can make changes to the contents of the Schedules table.
- Checked: users will not have permission to update schedules.
- Unchecked: users will have permission to update schedules.
See the Schedules documentation for information on managing subscriber schedules.
Commercial Portal Read Only Stats
Determines if users can make changes to the contents of the Alarm Counts table.
- Checked: users will not have permission to update alarm counts.
- Unchecked: users will have permission to update alarm counts.
See the Commercial Portal documentation for information on Alarm Counts.
Commercial Portal Read Only Test
Determines if users can make changes to the contents of the Accounts On Test table.
- Checked: users will not have permission to update accounts on test.
- Unchecked: users will have permission to update accounts on test.
See the On/Off Test documentation for instructions on how to add disables.
Commercial Portal Read Only Zones
Determines if users can make changes to the contents of the Zones table.
- Checked: users will not have permission to update zones.
- Unchecked: users will have permission to update zones.
See the Zones documentation for information on how to create and manage subscriber zones.
Data Entry Flags
The flags affecting the functionality and display of options within Data Entry and Caller Assistance are defined below.
See the Data Entry documentation for information on viewing and managing subscriber account data.
Accounts Receivable Send Email Enabled
Determines if users have access to the Send Email option when viewing account invoices. This option allows users to send copies of invoices to selected contacts.
- Checked: the option will be hidden from users.
- Unchecked: the option will be visible to users.
This option is only applicable to sites using DICE’s Accounting module and have access to the Accounts Receivable tab available within Data Entry.
Data Entry - Allow per-user delay access restrictions
Determines if the Can Use Delay flag within User Maintenance is honored on each user profile separately.
- Checked: the Can Use Delay option will be verified on each user and permissions will be assigned accordingly. If the user has the option selected on their user profile, they will be able to add delays. If the user does not have the option selected, they will not be able to add delays.
- Unchecked: the Can Use Delay option’s setting will be ignored and all users will have access to add delays.
See the User Maintenance documentation for information on the Can Use Delay flag.
See the Delay Signal by Type documentation for information on creating delays.
Caller Assistance - Account Message Popup
Determines if a popup will display within Caller Assistance alerting users of the presence of any notes assigned to the account.
- Checked: the popup will display.
- Unchecked: the popup will not display.
See the Notes documentation for information on assigning notes.
Data Entry - Messages Popup
Determines if a popup will display within Data Entry alerting users of the presence of any notes assigned to the account.
- Checked: the popup will display.
- Unchecked: the popup will not display.
See the Notes documentation for information on assigning notes.
Data Entry - allow to delete all call lists
Determines if users have access to the Delete All option when managing Call Lists.
- Checked: users will have permission to delete all Call Lists assigned to an account.
- Unchecked: users will not have permission to delete all Call Lists at once.
See the Call Lists documentation for more information on managing call lists.
Highlight Data Entry Message
Determines if Data Entry messages created on accounts are highlighted to maximize visibility.
- Checked: applicable messages will be highlighted in yellow.
- Unchecked: messages will not be highlighted.
Show Sort Phone
Determines if the Sort Phone column is displayed within the Authority Code Lookup table. The Authority Code Lookup table is accessed when viewing authority information assigned to accounts within Data Entry.
- Checked: the Sort Phone column will be visible to users.
- Unchecked: the Sort Phone column will be hidden from users.
See the Miscellaneous Options documentation for information on searching for authorities.
Matrix Interactive Flags
The flags affecting the functionality and display of options of the Matrix Interactive module are defined below.
See the Camera Setup documentation for information on viewing and managing camera data.
MIV - Can Indefinitely Ignore Bounding Boxes
Determines if users have permission to ignore AI identified objects indefinitely. Ignoring an objects allows users to configure the system to cease alarming on specific triggers.
- Checked: users will have permission to ignore objects indefinitely.
- Unchecked: users will not have permission to ignore objects indefinitely. They will be required to assign an expiration date and time to the ignored object.
See the Stream Management documentation for information on ignored objects.
MIV - Max Hours to Ignore Bounding Boxes
Determines the maximum number of hours the system will allow users to ignore objects. Please note, if users are allowed to ignore objects indefinitely, this option will not be honored.
Input the desired number of hours users should be limited to into the available field.
See the Stream Management documentation for information on ignored objects.
Matrix User Maintenance Flags
The flags affecting the functionality and display of options within Matrix User Maintenance are defined below.
See the User Maintenance documentation for information on managing users.
Default Matrix User Maintenance CTRL+P Menu
Determines the CORE CTRL+P menu profile assigned to users. This profile determines the options users can access when striking CTRL+P within CORE.
Input the menu ID into the field or select the magnifying glass icon to search for and select a menu from those available.
Default Matrix User Maintenance Core Menu
Determines the CORE menu profile assigned to users. This profile determines the CORE menu options users will have access to.
Input the menu ID into the field or select the magnifying glass icon to search for and select a menu from those available.
Default Matrix User Maintenance Matrix Menu
Determines the menu that will automatically populate the Menu field when creating users assigned to the profile. This profile determines the Matrix menu options users will have access to.
Input the menu ID into the field or select the magnifying glass icon to search for and select a menu from those available.
See the Menu Generator documentation for information on how to create and manage Matrix menus.
See the User Maintenance documentation for information on assigning Matrix menus to users.
Default User Type
Determines the access type that will automatically populate the Limit Access field when creating users assigned to the profile. The Limit Access field determines the accounts the user will have access to when navigating Matrix.
- D - Dealer: Users are configured to Dealer users and can be restricted to viewing certain dealers and their subscriber accounts in Matrix.
- S - Subdealer: Users are configured to subdealer users and can be restricted to viewing certain subdealers and their subscriber accounts within Matrix.
- N - Neither: Users will not be restricted to dealers or subdealers and can access all accounts without type restriction.
See the User Maintenance documentation for information on how to add users.
Miscellaneous Flags
The flags affecting the functionality and display of additional pages within Matrix are defined below.
Allow PSAP Dip
Determines if users can run a PSAP dip when looking up authority information. PSAP dips are searches for authorities nearby the account’s location. Dips are typically performed while handling alarms within Monitoring to contact the nearest authority.
- Checked: users will have permission to run PSAP dips throughout Matrix.
- Unchecked: users will not have permission to run PSAP dips.
See the Alarm Handling documentation for information on PSAP dips and Autodial.
See the Authorities Sub-tab documentation for information on running PSAP dips within Data Entry.
Color Coordinate History Grid Text
Determines if the Matrix History table text is color coded based on the color code assigned to the DCFLAGSMO.HST_GRD_TXT_CLR
option within CORE.
- Checked: the table will used the assigned CORE colors.
- Unchecked: the table will use standard Matrix color coding.
On/Off Test - Hide ‘Delete All’
Removes the Delete All option from the On/Off Test table. This prevents users from deleting all tests currently assigned to the viewed account.
- Checked: the option will be hidden from users.
- Unchecked: the option will be visible to users.
See the On/Off Test documentation for instructions on how to add disables.
Override ‘from’ email address on emails
Determines if users can input an alternate email address into the From field when sending report emails.
- Checked: users will have permission to update the from email.
- Unchecked: users will not have permission to update the from email.
See the Report Manager documentation for information on configuring emails.
Queued Changes Email
Determines the email address that should receive queued change notifications. The email input into this field will receive a notification for every queued change request applied to all applicable accounts.
Input the desired email into the field.
Subscriber Search Default Type to “Comprehensive”
Determines if the Account Number Search table is automatically set to Comprehensive Search when users search for subscriber accounts within Matrix.
- Checked: the search default will be set to comprehensive.
- Unchecked: the search default will not be set to comprehensive.
See the Account Number Search documentation for information on searching for subscriber accounts.
Subscriber Select - Show Recent Account Lookup
Determines if the Subscriber Select option found throughout Matrix will display the most recent accounts viewed so users can quickly select from the list.
- Checked: the dropdown will be visible to users.
- Unchecked: the dropdown will be hidden from users.
See the Data Entry Introduction documentation for information on the Recent Accounts dropdown.
Residential Portal
The Residential Portal flags are those that determine user access to various fields and options found on the Residential Portal page within Matrix. The available flags and their functions are defined below. See the Residential Portal documentation for information on the options available to your residential users.
Allow users to edit additional fields for contacts
Determines if users have access to edit the information within the Opening ID and Personal Information fields within Residential Portal.
- Checked: users will have permission to update these fields.
- Unchecked: users will not have permission to update these fields.
Don’t Require Contacts To Have Phone Number
Determines if users must assign a phone number when creating contacts within Residential Portal.
- Checked: phone numbers are not required when creating contacts.
- Unchecked: phone numbers are required when creating contacts.
First Time To Schedule Appointment
Determines the earliest time (in 24-hour format) a Repair Request can be scheduled on accounts.
Input the earliest time technicians can be scheduled to perform a Repair Request into the available field.
Hide AR Selector
Determines if the Current AR Number dropdown is visible within Residential Portal.
- Checked: the dropdown will be hidden from users.
- Unchecked: the dropdown will be visible to users.
Hide Schedule Appointment Date/Time
Determines if users have access to the Schedule an Appointment section of the Repair Request form.
- Checked: the dropdown will be hidden from users.
- Unchecked: the dropdown will be visible to users.
Last Time To Schedule Appointment
Determines the latest time (in 24-hour format) a Repair Request can be scheduled on accounts.
Input the latest time technicians can be scheduled to perform a Repair Request into the available field.
The Sales flags are those that determine user access to various Prospect and Proposal editing options within Matrix Sales. The available flags and their functions are defined below.
Custom Form Buttons
Determines if custom signing options are visible when beginning the signing process for proposals.
- Checked: the custom buttons will be visible to users.
- Unchecked: the custom buttons will be hidden from users.
Lock Passthrough Description
Determines if users can update the description of passthrough items/services added to proposals.
- Checked: users will not have permission to update passthrough descriptions.
- Unchecked: users will have permission to update passthrough descriptions.
Lock RMR Description
Determines if users can update the description of recurring monthly revenue lines.
- Checked: users will not have permission to update recurring monthly revenue descriptions.
- Unchecked: users will have permission to update recurring monthly revenue descriptions.
Max RMR Discount
Determines the maximum discount percentage users can apply to RMR lines.
Input the maximum percentage you wish to restrict users to into the available field.
Proposal Template Flow
Determines how proposals are created on prospects.
- Checked: users must create proposals using the proposal builder. When users begin the creation process, the builder option will automatically display its available options.
- Unchecked: users can create proposals using the builder or any other methods they may have access to.
The Monitoring flags are those that determine the functionality and visibility of Matrix Monitoring options. The available flags are defined below.
See the Monitoring documentation for more information on alarm monitoring.
Ask To Print Report For Alarm
Determines if the Email dialog box displays after logging an alarm.
- Checked: the dialog box will display and allow users to select emails to send the alarm report to.
- Unchecked: the dialog box will not display.
See the Video Alarm Timeline documentation for information on how to email video alarm reports.
Bigger Phone Number in Callscript Title
Determines the size of the phone number shown in call scripts.
- Checked: the text size is increased to maximize visibility of the number.
- Unchecked: the text size will be defaulted to standard browser interface size.
Hide Tracking Group in Aware Pending Grid
Determines if the Group column is displayed within the Pending table located in Matrix Aware.
- Checked: the column will be hidden from users.
- Unchecked: the column will be visible to users.
See the Matrix Aware Dashboard documentation for information on the pending table.
Hide the Additional Signal Message in Monitoring
Determines if the Additional Signals Received message will display in Monitoring. When operators are handling video alarms, this message will display if additional video signals have been received so the operator knows activity is ongoing.
- Checked: the message will display.
- Unchecked: the message will not display.
Notify List to Use for Sending Alarm Reports
Determines the notify list that will be used when sending video alarm reports on signals. This option can be used in conjunction with the Ask To Print Report For Alarm flag described above. Note that if both are used, contacts might receive duplicate copies of the report if they are both on the Notify List and selected on the Email dialog box.
Input the Notify List the system should use into the available field. All emails assigned to the selected notify list will receive the report when an operator uses the specified resolution code during alarm handling.
See the Subscriber Notify Lists or Dealer Notify Lists documentation for information on managing notify lists.
See the Resolution Code Maintenance documentation for instructions on configuring resolution codes to use the notify list accordingly.
On Hold Grid Uses CORE Theme
Determines if the On-Hold table uses the same color theme as the users’ CORE Monitoring screen.
- Checked: the table will used the assigned CORE colors.
- Unchecked: the table will use standard Matrix color coding.
On Hold Stop Date is Current Time
Determines the start and end date/time of alarm history data for alarms that have been placed on hold.
- Checked: alarm history will display data that occurred 24 hours prior to the time the alarm was received. Please note, check marking this flag is only applicable if the Skip History Hold Check flag below is not selected.
- For Example: If an alarm was received at 6:00pm, placed on hold, and delivered to an operator at 7:05pm, when the operator views the alarm’s history, the earliest event within the history file will be at 6:00pm the previous day. .
- Unchecked: alarm history will display data that occurred during the time the alarm was received.
Open a Link Instead of Calling Guard Authorities
Determines if the assigned guard URL will open in an alternate browser window when guard authorities are selected from the autodial table within Monitoring.
- Checked: when guards are selected from the Autodial grid, their assigned URL will display.
- Unchecked: when guards are selected from the Autodial grid, their assigned phone number will be called.
See the Authority Maintenance documentation for information on assigning URLs to guards.
Pending Signals Description instead of Signal Type
Determines if the signal description rather than the signal type is displayed within the Pending table in Monitoring.
- Checked: the description will display.
- Unchecked: the signal type will display.
Show Operator Code in Aware Pending Grid
Determines if the Agent column within the Pending table in Matrix Aware is visible to users.
- Checked: the column will be visible to users.
- Unchecked: the column will be hidden from users.
See the Matrix Aware Dashboard documentation for information on viewing data within Matrix Aware.
Skip History Hold Check
Determines the start and end date/time of alarm history data for alarms that have been placed on hold.
- Checked: the system will use the system defaults for the history display. If the On Hold Stop Date is Current Time is selected it will be ignored.
- Unchecked: the system will default to the selection made to the On Hold Stop Date is Current Time flag described above.
The SV flags are those that determine the functionality and appearance of Matrix Service options. The available flags are defined below.
Show Change Account
Grants access to the Change Account option within Hands on Manager when viewing service tickets. This option allows users to update the account assigned to the selected ticket.
- Checked: users will have permission to update accounts.
- Unchecked: users will not have permission to update accounts.
Show Change Technician
Grants users access to the Change Tech option within Hands On Manager when viewing service tickets. This option allows users to update the technician assigned to the selected ticket.
- Checked: users will have permission to change technicians.
- Unchecked: users will not have permission to change technicians.
Sort by Completion Date
Determines the sort order of closed tickets within the ticket grid.
- Checked: tickets are sorted chronologically by their completion date.
- Unchecked: tickets are sorted numerically by their assigned ticket number.
The Pin Color Default Value in Rapid Scheduler Map
Determines the pin color that will automatically populate the Rapid Scheduler Map within Matrix Service. Pin colors are assigned within the Rapid Calendar’s map function.
- Default: the color assigned as the default will be used.
- Department: the color assigned as the technician’s department will be used.
- Priority: the color assigned as the ticket’s priority will be used.
- Schedule Type: the color assigned as the ticket’s schedule category will be used.
- Status: the color assigned as the ticket’s status will be used.
- Tech: the color assigned as the ticket’s technician will be used.
The SMS flags are those that determine the functionality of the SMS features within Matrix. The available flags are defined below.
Have Contacts Send Opt In when Paging is Set Up
Determines if contacts will receive an Opt In request message to their assigned paging number.
- Checked: when a contact is configured to use paging, the system will automatically send the opt in message to the assigned phone number.
- Unchecked: contacts will be opted in the default way within Data Entry.
See the Paging documentation for information on how to manage Paging parameters.
See the Opt In documentation for information on managing opt in requests.
Inbound - Alarm added to contact account
Determines if an alarm is generated on the contact’s assigned subscriber account(s).
- Checked: if the contact sends a message, an alarm will generate on the contact’s assigned account(s).
- Unchecked: an alarm will not be generated.
Inbound - Alarm code
Determines the chart code that will deliver to Matrix Monitoring. If left blank, the system will use E616
(Notify) by default.
Inbound - Alarm format
Determines the signaling format of the alarm (CNTID
, etc.). Select the magnifying glass icon to select an available format. If left blank, the system will use CNTID
by default.
Inbound - Automatic response message
Determines the text that will deliver to contacts in response to their message. Input the desired text into the field.
Inbound - History added to account CENTRAL
Determines if a history message is added to the subscriber account CENTRAL.
- Checked: a message will be added to account CENTRAL’s history record.
- Unchecked: a message will not be added.
Inbound - History added to contact account
Determines if a history message is added to the contact’s assigned subscriber account(s).
- Checked: a message will be added to the contact’s assigned account(s)
- Unchecked: a message will not be added.
Inbound - History added to custom account
Determines if a history message is assigned to an alternate subscriber account. Input the desired account number into the field.
Inbound - History event description
Determines the text that will be assigned to the history event’s description. Input the desired text into the field.
Inbound - Multiple matches replacement account
Determines the subscriber account that should be used in the event the contact’s phone number is assigned to multiple accounts.
Matrix Interactive
The Matrix Interactive flags are those that determine the functionality and appearance of your video streaming and alarm platform. The available flags are defined below.
Analytics Overlay Box Color
Determines the color of the box outline that displays within video clips when identifying objects present within the clip.
- Green: the outline will be colored green.
- Blue: the outline will be colored blue.
- Yellow: the outline will be colored yellow.
- Red: the outline will be colored red.
- Black: the outline will be colored black
See the Regions of Interest documentation for information on viewing analytics overlays.
Analytics Overlay Box Width
Determines the pixel width of the box outline that displays within video clips when identifying objects present within the clip.
Input the desired number of pixels into the available field.
See the Regions of Interest documentation for information on viewing analytics overlays.
Default Live View Connection Method
Determines the live view streaming type that will automatically populate the Live View Integration field when adding new cameras.
- RTSP: Sets cameras to default to use RTSP as their live view streaming method. This can be taxing for locations with slow or unreliable internet.
- PIMG: Sets cameras to default to use PIMG as their live view streaming method. This is the recommended setting for locations with spotty/slow internet connections.
See the Add Stream documentation for information on how to add devices.
Minimum queued events to alert in monitoring
Determines the number of backed up events Monitoring will begin notifying users on when handling video alarms.
Input the desired number of events into the available field. Once received, the system will begin notifying users of backed up events.
Show Video Controls On Live View
Determines if the native video controls located on the bottom of video screens display when users are viewing live camera views.
- Checked: the native controls will be visible to users.
- Unchecked: the native controls will be hidden from users.
See the Live View Options documentation for information on viewing live camera video.