Operator Scripts

The Scripts tab within Outbound Quantum Operator allows users to create scripts for the automated operator to follow when calling contacts regarding received alarms. These scripts are assigned to specific subscriber accounts and alarm types to ensure the quantum operator is restricted to stating appropriate information. The following documentation instructs users on how to assign and manage operator scripts.


Perform the following steps to create a new script. More information on editing scripts can be found below.

  1. Input a subscriber account number into the Account field.
    • Users can also select the magnifying glass icon to search for and select an account.
  2. Input an alarm type into the Type field.
    • Users can also select the magnifying glass icon to search for and select an alarm type.
  3. Select Submit to begin creating a new script assigned to the account and alarm type selected.

The script editor will display with available fields and information tags after selecting Submit.


Populate the fields with what the operator should say to contacts. The fields are defined below.

IntroductionDetermines what the operator will say when the contact initially answers the phone.
PasscodeDetermines what the operator will say when prompting the contact to enter their account passcode.
BodyDetermines the primary information the operator will state to the contact.
Interactive Voice Response MenuDetermines your company’s IVR menu options. This script will repeat if the contact does not select an option.
VoicemailDetermines what the operator will say if the call goes to the contact’s voicemail box.
ConclusionDetermines what the operator will say when ending the call.

If applicable, users can input any of the Available Tags into the information fields to ensure the operator includes any account or dealer specific information. These tags are defined within the Available Tags dialog box.


After defining the script information, select Preview to view an example of the script. If applicable, make any changes as necessary.


Select Save to complete creating the script.

After a script is saved, when the selected alarm type is received on the selected account and OBV is active, the quantum operator will contact any applicable account contacts and read the assigned script.

Editing Existing Scripts

To update existing scripts, select the Existing option to display all available script.


Select the existing script you would like to edit from those available to display that script’s current settings. Update the fields as necessary following the above instructions and select Save.