Data Entry Introduction

Caller Assistance and Data Entry are used to view and manage subscriber information within Matrix. The following documentation instructs users on the basic use of these pages and introduces users to the informational tabs available to them. Availability of tabs is based on other pieces of DICE software you use and/or profile-level permissions of users accessing the pages. This documentation is intended for operators and any other users who may have access to view and update subscriber information.

Field Setup allows administrators to determine which fields users can see when accessing Data Entry or Caller Assistance. See the Field Setup documentation for more information on how to restrict the visibility of fields.

Select Subscriber

The Select Subscriber area is used to lookup account numbers. In Caller Assistance, this area has a Passcode verification option to identify the caller and determine whether or not they have the authority to access or make changes to account information. In Data Entry, this area does not have a Passcode verification option. More information on verifying passcodes can be found below.

Caller Assistance

Data Entry

To locate an account number, use the magnifying glass to open the Account Number Search dialog box. See the Account Number Search documentation for more information on selecting a subscriber account.

Passcode Verification

Before viewing account information in Caller Assistance, operators will be prompted to input a Passcode into the available field. Operators will request this passcode from the caller asking to view their account information. Once input, the fields the caller has permission to update or view will display accordingly.

Operators can interact with the Passcode field via the available options. These options are defined below.

SearchimageDisplays the Lookup dialog box that allows users to search for and select passcodes saved to the selected account.
ClearimageRemoves any information input into the Passcode field.
ChallengeimageDisplays any challenge questions assigned to contacts on the account. Operators can then ask the caller for their challenge question answers for additional verification. See the Contacts Tab documentation for more information on assigning challenge questions and answers to contacts.
Skip VerificationimageAutomatically displays account information without verifying a passcode first.

If a caller does not have access to a particular tab, the text of that tab will appear in red. As shown below, the caller does not have permission to access On/Off Tests for this account. Selecting a tab with red text will notify you the contact does not have permission to provide/make changes to the account information located in that tab.


Recent Accounts

The Recent Accounts dropdown allows users to quickly select from a list of accounts they have previously viewed.



Selecting an account from those available will automatically populate the Data Entry/Caller Assistance page with its information. This dropdown can be added to user views via the Subscriber Select - Show Recent Account Lookup flag available within Flag Maintenance. See the Flag Maintenance documentation for information on how to manage this flag’s setting within the system.

Creating an Account

Selecting the plus icon next to the Account Number field will display the Create New Account dialog box. Users can generate a new subscriber account within the system by populating the available fields.


Perform the following steps to create a new subscriber account.

  1. Input the account number of the dealer the subscriber will be assigned to into the Dealer field.
    • Users can also select the magnifying glass icon to search for and select a dealer.
  2. Select the accounting code that should be assigned to the subscriber from the Billing Branch drop-down.
    • This is the branch accounting will use to organize and charge the subscriber.
  3. If applicable, input the characters that should precede any automatically generated characters in the account number into the Account Prefix field.
    • Users can also select the magnifying glass icon to search for and select an existing prefix from the dealer’s currently assigned accounts.
  4. If applicable, select the number of characters that should be automatically generated after the selected prefix from the Additional Characters drop-down.
  5. Select Generate Next Account to populate the Account Number field with the new subscriber number for the dealer.
    • Note: This option can be selected more than once if an alternate account number is desired.
    • Note: Dealers are assigned specific blocks of accounts within CORE. If your selected Prefix and Additional Characters do not match any of the numbers currently available under the dealer, you will be unable to create a new account meeting the criteria.
  6. Select Create Account to complete adding the subscriber number to the dealer.

Once created, users will automatically be relocated to the primary Data Entry page for the new subscriber. Additional information on the available tabs can be found below.

Tab Overview

Once an account is created, users will have access to several informational tabs where account information is assigned and managed. Each of these tabs is briefly defined below.

Tab options that provide access to Matrix pages found outside of Data Entry or Caller Assistance will include links in their descriptions directing users to the proper documentation.

Add-OnsAllows users to upload images and manage service identifiers assigned to the subscriber. See the Add-Ons documentation for more information on managing images and identifiers.Caller Assistance & Data Entry
Alarms on HoldDisplays all alarms currently within the Hold Queue within Monitoring. Users can log alarms from this tab if desired. See the Alarm Traffic documentation for more information on the Hold Queue.Caller Assistance
Accounts ReceivableDisplays the subscriber’s billing information including invoice details, history, and accepted payments.
Please Note: This tab is called Billing within Caller Assistance.
Caller Assistance & Data Entry
Authority SearchDisplays authority (guard, fire, police, etc.) contact information. See the Authority Contacts documentation for more information on managing authority contact information.Caller Assistance
Call ListsDisplays all Call Lists assigned to the subscriber. Call Lists are groupings of contacts that will be called given specific parameters as configured by the user. See the Call List documentation for more information on managing available call lists.Caller Assistance & Data Entry
Closed TicketsDisplays all completed service tickets assigned to the subscriber.Caller Assistance
ContactsDisplays all individuals and their contact information assigned to the subscriber. See the Contacts documentation for more information on managing account contacts.Caller Assistance & Data Entry
Dealer InfoDisplays basic, read-only information assigned to the subscriber’s dealer.Caller Assistance & Data Entry
Editing RequestDisplays a request form users can fill out on behalf of a customer requesting a change to their account information.Caller Assistance & Data Entry
HistoryDisplays audit, message, alarm, etc. history on the subscriber. See the Matrix History documentation for more information on viewing history.Caller Assistance & Data Entry
New SalesDisplays the New Sales form that allows users to create a new proposal for services or product the subscriber would like to purchase.Caller Assistance & Data Entry
NotesDisplays miscellaneous information assigned to the subscriber. See the Notes documentation for more information on managing account notes.Caller Assistance & Data Entry
Notify ListsAllows users to create lists of contacts to be notified given scenarios or time frames specified by the user. See the Notify Lists documentation for more information on managing account notification parameters.Caller Assistance & Data Entry
On/Off TestAllows users to create and manage testing schedules for zones and areas on the subscriber. See the On/Off Test documentation for more information on placing subscribers on and off test.Caller Assistance & Data Entry
Open/Close StatusDisplays the subscriber’s assigned open and closed schedules. Open and closed schedules are schedules that determine when the subscriber is open (panel is unarmed) or closed (panel is armed). See the Schedules documentation for more information on managing account schedules.Caller Assistance
Open Service RequestsAllows users to view all the subscriber’s open service tickets. Service tickets are typically requests for technicians assist with issues or products.Caller Assistance
OtherAllows users manage miscellaneous subscriber settings such as mailing addresses, email notifies, and AM Notify parameters. See the Other documentation for more information on how to manage the available parameters.Caller Assistance & Data Entry
PagingAllows users to send messages to contacts configured to receive page notifications in the system.Caller Assistance & Data Entry
Panel InfoDisplays read-only information relating to the customer’s alarm panel. See the Panel Info documentation for more information on how to manage this information.Caller Assistance
Queued ChangesDisplays any updates made to the subscriber by a queued user. A queued user is a Matrix user whose changes must first be approved before being applied to the subscriber. See the User Maintenance documentation for more information on creating queued users. See the Queued Changes Tab documentation for more information on managing queued change requests.Caller Assistance & Data Entry
Service RequestedAllows users to manage and create new service tickets on the subscriber.Caller Assistance
SchedulesAllows users to define dates and times the subscriber is open, closed, available, etc. See the Schedules documentation for more information on managing account schedules.Caller Assistance & Data Entry
Site InventoryDisplays all equipment added to completed service tickets or jobs assigned to the subscriber. This table displays read-only information.Caller Assistance
SubscriberAllows users to manage the subscriber’s general information (name, address, panel type, primary phone number, etc.). See the Subscriber documentation for more informationCaller Assistance & Data Entry
ZonesAllows users to create and manage zone and area information. Zones typically refer to physical spaces or areas on the subscriber’s premises (foyer, backyard, north entrance, etc.). See the Zones documentation for more information on how to manage account zones.Caller Assistance & Data Entry