AM Notify

The AM Notify tab allows users to define when the system should notify operators and/or contacts regarding signals received during an assigned time frame. AM Notifies inform operators of what signals to call contacts on the next morning. For Example, if a low priority alarm (Low Battery) was received at 2am, operators will likely want to wait until the morning to notify the contact.


The following documentation instructs users on how to configure AM Notifies to send to either operators or contacts, or both. Users can interact with the AM Notify table via the available toolbar options. These options are defined below.

Edit On CallAllows users to assign a call list to the selected AM Notify. See the Call Lists Tab documentation for more information on how to manage Call Lists.
Delete On CallRemoves any On Call call list assigned to the selected AM Notify.
AddAllows users to create new AM Notify parameters. More information on adding AM Notifies can be found below.
EditAllows users to update existing AM notifies.
DeleteRemoves the selected AM Notify from the table.
ReloadRefreshes the table to display up-to-date information.


Selecting Add will display the Add AM Notify Information dialog box. Users will create an AM Notify via the two tabs and their available options. The Details tab defines how the system will handle notifies given certain signaling parameters while the Additional Setup tab defines when the notify will be sent.



The Details tab is where users configure the basic functionality of the AM Notify.


Perform the following steps to create an AM Notify.

  1. Select AM Notify (Y/N).
  2. Input a brief explanation of the list into the Description field.
  3. If applicable, select an Include/Exclude list to apply to the AM Notify.
  4. If applicable, select the Specify alarm types to notify on option. If users will not be assigning specific alarm types to the notify, skip to step 9.
    • If selected, the Types of Alarms to Notify On dialog box will display. image
  5. Select the Add option to display the Add Alarm to Notify On dropdown. image
  6. Select the alarm type the AM Notify should alert contacts and users on from the dropdown.
  7. Repeat steps 5 & 6 until all desired alarm types are added.
  8. Exit out of the Types of Alarms to Notify On dialog box.
  9. If applicable, select the Notify on operator handled signals option.
    • If selected, the AM Notify will trigger for signals (of the selected types when applicable) that were logged by operators.
  10. If applicable, select the Notify on system handled sigs option.
    • If selected, the AM Notify will trigger for signals (of the selected types when applicable) that were automatically logged by the system.
  11. If applicable, select the Notify even if opr marks alarm as false option.
    • If selected, the AM Notify will trigger for signals (of the selected types when applicable) that were labeled as false when handled by operators.
  12. If applicable, select the Notify on dispatches option.
    • If selected, the AM Notify will trigger for signals (of the selected types when applicable) where operators dispatched authorities to the premises while handling the signal.
  13. If applicable, select the Cancel AM notify if dlr has been contacted option.
    • If selected, the AM Notify will not trigger on signals (of the selected types when applicable) where the operator called the dealer contact on the account while handing the signal.
  14. If applicable, select the Stop notification on inactive accounts option.
    • If selected, the AM Notify will cease to notify on the account if it becomes inactive.
  15. Select Save All to complete saving the basic settings.

Proceed to the Additional Setup instructions to complete configuring the AM Notify.

Additional Setup

The Additional Setup tab is where users complete the final setup parameters on the AM Notify for when it will trigger on the account.


Perform the following steps to complete setup.

  1. Select the magnifying glass icon next to the Script to display when calling option to search for and select a call script.
    • This will display the Scripts dialog box. Select the desired script operators should read when contacting individuals regarding the AM Notify. image
  2. Select the magnifying glass next to the Monitoring Branch option to search for and select the branch the AM Notify should honor when delivering the notification.
    • This will display the Lookup Monitoring Branch dialog box. Select the desired branch from those available.
  3. If applicable, select the Build history for the whole day option.
    • If selected, the AM Notify will trigger on all signals received during the current day.
    • If not selected, when the AM Notify is triggered, only signals labeled as AM Notify signals within the Details tab will be included.
  4. If applicable, select the AM notify on primary alarm option.
    • If selected, when an alarm is received along with multiples and duplicates, if one of the multiples/duplicates is configured to AM Notify, the notify will include the initial alarm as well.
  5. Select the Time Zone of the AM Notify recipient.
  6. Select the Country location of the AM Notify recipient.
  7. Select the magnifying glass next to the E-mail list option to search for and select an email list.
    • This will display the Email List dialog box. Select the email list the system will use when emailing the AM Notify. See the Notify Lists & Paging Tabs documentation for more information on managing email lists. image
  8. If applicable, select the AM notify to operators even if notify has been faxed/emailed option.
    • If selected, the AM notify signal will still drop to pending for an operator to handle even after it was emailed or faxed to its assigned lists.
  9. If applicable, select the Page breaks between accounts on AM notify option.
    • If selected, account information will be separated by a page break between different accounts.
  10. If applicable, select the Billable option.
    • If selected, the AM Notify report will be added to the subscriber’s account as a service that they must pay for.
    • Please Note: This is only applicable if your system is configured to use the DICE Accounting package.
  11. If applicable, select the AM notify history details option.
    • If selected, additional information assigned to the alarm during handling will be included on the AM Notify report.
  12. If applicable, select the Print on/off hold option.
    • If selected, the report will include those alarms placed into and taken out of the hold queue.
  13. If applicable, select the Print hold reason option.
    • If selected, the reason operators assigned to the alarms when placing them into the hold queue will also be included on the report.
    • Please Note: this option is only available if the Print on/off hold option is selected.
  14. If applicable, select the View opr in history option.
    • If selected, the operator codes of the operators who interacted with the alarm will be included within the report.
  15. If applicable, select the Comma delimited report option.
    • If selected, the resulting report output will be a CSV file.
  16. If applicable, select the Use CVR report layout option.
    • If selected, the resulting report output will use the format settings applied to the CVR report.
  17. Input the time (in 24-hour format) into each day of the week the report should send out on. This is the time the AM Notify will send on that particular day.
  18. If applicable, select the Fax AM Notify Y/N option.
    • If selected, users will have access to the Fax Info options and the report will send via fax when scheduled to.
    • If not selected, the report will not be faxed and users can proceed to saving the AM Notify Information (Step 23).
  19. If applicable, select the Hold faxes option.
    • If selected, the fax will be sent to the hold queue for operators to send the fax manually.
  20. If applicable, select the Banner on fax option.
    • If selected, the faxed report will include a cover page.
  21. Input the 10-digit number the report should be faxed to into the Fax number field.
  22. Select the masking that should be applied to the fax number from the Phone Number Format dropdown.
  23. Select Save All to complete creating the AM Notify.

Once saved, the system will notify contacts/operators of alarms received on the account. Repeat the above steps as necessary to create additional AM Notify parameters.