Call Lists Tab
The Call Lists tab displays all call lists assigned to the subscriber. A call list defines the contacts that should be called when operators are handling alarms on the account. When handling alarms, operators will see contacts to call based on which call list is valid. Call lists can be assigned by zone or chart code. See the Zones Tab documentation for more information on assigning call lists and custom chart codes.
Call Lists
The Call Lists sub-tab is where users create and manage lists on the account. Call Lists colored blue are those assigned on the dealer level. Dealer call lists cannot be updated on the subscriber level. See the Dealer Call Lists documentation for more information on creating call lists on the dealer.
Users can interact with the Call Lists table via the available toolbar options. These options are defined below.
Option | Function |
Preview | Displays the valid contacts during a set time frame. More information on previewing call lists can be found below. |
Add | Allows users to create a new call list. More information on adding call lists can be found below. |
Edit | Allows users to update existing call lists as necessary. |
Delete | Removes the selected call list from the account. |
Reload | Refreshes the table to display up-to-date information. |
Selecting Add will display the Add Call List dialog box. The displayed fields are defined below.
The General section is where users will define the call list’s valid use parameters. These fields are defined below.
Field | Function |
Contact List Name | The identifier of the list. This field accepts up to six alphanumeric characters. |
Description | A brief explanation of what the call list is used for. This field accepts up to 30 alphanumeric characters. |
Commercial/Residential | Not applicable. This field is no longer in use within the system. |
Build Locked List | Allows users to determine the order specific contacts are called. This option cannot be used in conjunction with the Call Order options. More information on building locked lists can be found below. |
Specify Responding Parties | Allows users to determine the order of the Responding Parties contacts. This option can only be defined once the list is saved. More information about responding parties and assigning them to call lists can be found below. |
Valid From | Determines the time the call list will begin to be valid during the selected Valid Days. Valid times determine when the call list contacts will display for use. For Example: If 0900 is input into the from field, at 0700 the call list’s assigned Invalid Time list will be used instead. |
Valid To | Determines the time the call list will stop being valid during the selected Valid Days. Valid time frames are assigned per day. For Example: if the times assigned are from 0900 to 1700 , the valid time frame will be set to 0900 -1700 each day the call list is set as valid. |
Valid Holidays | Determines if the call list can also be used during holidays. If selected, if a holiday occurs during the call list’s assigned time frame, the call list will display. |
Valid of Op/Cl? | Determines if the call list is valid during the subscriber’s open or close schedules. O: The call list will be valid during the subscriber’s Open schedule. C: The call list will be valid during the subscriber’s Closed schedule. B: The call list will be valid during both the subscriber’s Open and Close schedules. See the Schedules Tab documentation for more information on assigning schedules to subscribers. |
Invalid Time Default List | Determines which call list should be used during the time frames outside the assigned Valid From and To times. For Example: If the times assigned are from 0900 to 1700 , the call list selected here will be used during the following time frames: 0000 -0859 and 1701 -2359 . |
False Alarm Threshold List | Determines which call list should be used after the subscriber has reached their false alarm threshold. See the Other Tab documentation for more information about setting a false alarm threshold. |
Call Order
The Call Order options are used to determine the sequence contacts are called in. This option cannot be used in conjunction with the Build Locked List option.
The Valid Call Order Options lists all available contact types users can assign to the call list. The order users list the contact types in the available Call Order slots is the order the applicable contacts will be called in.
For Example
Given the below figure’s call order (04, 05, 02, 08), the account’s contacts will be called in the following order:
- Guard Service: the individuals assigned to the account’s security staff will be contacted first.
- Premises: the individuals assigned to the account’s premises contact group will be contacted second.
- Police Department: the local authorities will be contacted third.
Once all assigned contacts are called, the list concludes.
Valid Days
The Valid Days options determines the days of the week the call list will be used during its assigned Valid From and To times.
Select all days the call list should be used during its valid times from the list.
Basic Call List
This section instructs users on how to build a basic call list. Perform the following steps to create a call list.
- Populate the Contact List Name field with the desired list identifier.
- Populate the Description field with a list explanation.
- Populate the Valid From field with the time the list should begin being valid.
- Populate the Valid To field with the time the list should stop being valid.
- If applicable, select the Valid Holidays option.
- If applicable, select if the call list should be valid during open or closed schedules.
- Select the call list that should be used during this list’s invalid times from the Invalid Time Default List dropdown.
- Select the call list that should be used if the account reaches its false alarm limit from the False Alarm Threshold List dropdown. ! image
- Define the contact types that should be called within the Call Order slots. ! image
- Select the days the call list should be used from the Valid Days options. ! image
- Select Save to complete creating the call list.
Once saved, users can assign the call list to zones and chart codes as necessary.
Building a Locked List
Building a locked call list allows users to define the specific order of individual contacts who should be called. Selecting Edit will display the Edit Locked List dialog box.
The default list will include all available contacts and authorities. Remove all desired contacts from the Current List as necessary to build the list.
Once all contacts who should be called are listed under the Current List column in the correct call order, select Save to complete building the locked list.
Specify Responding Parties
Specifying responding parties allows users to define the specific order of responding party contacts who should be called.
must be added to the Call Order prior to defining contacts.
Selecting Edit will display the Edit Responding Parties dialog box. The contacts displayed here are those added to the account via the Contacts tab. See the Contacts Tab documentation for more information on adding contacts.
Add all contacts that should be called to the Current List column. Once all contacts who should be called are added, select Save to complete defining which responding party contacts should be called.
Selecting Preview from the toolbar will display the Preview of Call List dialog box. The call list preview displays which contacts are valid during the selected date and time.
Users can update the date and time fields to view which contacts are valid during the selected time frame.
Use Case Example
You can select dates outside the call list’s valid times to confirm the Invalid Time Default List contacts display. You can also select dates during an override time frame to confirm the override call list contacts display. More information on overrides can be found below.
Call Lists Overrides
The Call Lists Overrides sub-tab allows users to create and manage overrides assigned to existing call lists. Overrides are temporary schedules assigned to call lists to determine which alternate call list should be used during the set time frame.
Use Case Example
Overriding a call list ensures an alternate call list is used during a temporary time frame. This can be helpful if the contacts on the call list are on vacation or shouldn’t be contacted for a set amount of time. During this period, you would override the call list to make sure available contacts are called.
Users can interact with the Call Lists Overrides table via the available toolbar options. These options are defined below.
Option | Function |
Add | Allows users to assign new overrides to call lists. More information on adding overrides can be found below. |
Edit | Allows users to update existing overrides as necessary. |
Delete | Removes the selected override from the call list. The call list will now function normally. |
Reload | Refreshes the table to display up-to-date information. |
Selecting Add from the toolbar will display the Add Call List Override dialog box.
Perform the following steps to add an override schedule to an existing call list.
- Select the call list you wish to override from the List Name field.
- Select the date the call list should begin to be overridden from the Start Date field.
- Select the time (on the selected start date) the call list should begin to be overridden from the Start Time field.
- Select the date the call list will stop being overridden from the End Date field.
- Select the time (on the selected end date) the call list will stop being overridden from the End Time field.
- Select the call list that should be used during the time frame from the Override List field.
- Select Save to complete applying an override to the call list.
Use Cases
Below you will find instructions on how to create call lists for specific situations.
Call List by Time Frame
This section instructs users how to create a set of call lists configured to activate during specified time frames. Call lists configured as such can be beneficial for accounts that require certain individuals to be contacted at certain times. Please Note: call lists cannot span midnight.
Fundamental fields and their use
Prior to data entering the call lists, determine the time frames you wish to define. It is important that the call lists account for a full day in order to function properly.
In the following example we will be using these time frames for our call lists.
- LIST1:
- LIST2:
- LIST3:
These are the times you would populate the Valid From and Valid To fields on the call list respectively.
Note that the times each call list is invalid are represented by the remaining call lists. Invalid times are important since the Invalid Time Default List field on each call list determines which call list should be used in the event an alarm is received outside its valid time frame.
Perform the following steps to data enter LIST1 first.
- Select Add from the Call Lists toolbar to display the Add Call List dialog box.
- Define the call list as you normally would.
- Populate the Valid From and Valid To fields with the desired time frame (
as defined above).- For this call list, we will use DEFLT for the Invalid Time Default List this field will be important later.
- Note that LIST1 is invalid during
- Save the call list.
Perform the following steps to data enter LIST2 next.
- Select Add from the Call Lists toolbar to display the Add Call List dialog box.
- Define the call list as you normally would.
- Populate the Valid From and Valid To fields with the desired time frame (
as defined above). - Select LIST1 from the Invalid Time Default List dropdown.
- This ensures that, when the list is invalid, LIST1 will be used instead.
- Note that LIST2 is invalid during
- Save the call list.
Perform the following steps to data enter LIST3 next.
- Select Add from the Call Lists toolbar to display the Add Call List dialog box.
- Define the call list as you normally would.
- Populate the Valid From and Valid To fields with the desired time frame (
as defined above). - Select LIST1 from the Invalid Time Default List dropdown.
- This ensures that, when the list is invalid, LIST1 will be used instead.
- Note that LIST3 is invalid during
- Save the call list.
This three lists configured thus will work in concert to ensure call lists are used properly no matter what time an alarm comes in on the account.
If an alarm is received during the hours 0000
, LIST1 will be used as those are its assigned valid times.
If an alarm is received during the hours 0700
, LIST2 will be used as those are its assigned valid times.
If an alarm is received during the hours 1701
, LIST3 will be used as those are its assigned valid times.
Note that the call lists also work this way since their invalid times are properly allocated to the corresponding lists.