
The Handling tab is where users define basic alarm handling parameters on the account. These parameters define basic signaling format and actions the system will follow when delivering alarm signals.


Users can define the handling parameters to the account via the available options. These options are defined below.

Use WildcardsSelect the Use Wildcards option to use an at sign (@) when defining subscriber zones/signal codes.

If areas are used, wildcards can take the place of the event code or the zone and the area. Two wildcards cannot be used at once.

Some of the following are examples of wildcards:
Contact ID: E131 001 01 can be entered as @00101 or E131@. (if you are NOT using areas, then the area 01 can be omitted @001)
SIA/SEIA: BA 01 can be entered as @01 or BA@.

NOTE: Only use wildcards in instances where incomplete information was obtained. If you know what the codes received are, they should be entered to ensure proper handling of the signals.
Use AreasDetermines if areas will be used on the account. Areas are used to determine different sections within zones and schedules on the account.
Y: Yes, the account will use areas. Please note that partitioned accounts must be set to Y to use areas.
N: No, the account will not use areas.
S: The account will use areas for schedules only.
See the Schedules documentation for more information on managing subscriber schedules.
Use Extended SignalsThis option is no longer used.
Use E/E Delay in ZonesDetermines if an entry/exit delay will be used when arming/disarming zones on the account. If selected, this allows the person inputting the code in a panel a certain amount of time to complete the arm/disarm before notifying the central.
Storm Mode ImmuneDetermines if this account’s signals are exempt from storm mode system handling. If selected, when storm mode is used within monitoring, this account’s signals will not be system handled. See the Storm Mode Entry documentation for more information on managing storm mode settings.
Generate Signal on TestWhen selected, the account will automatically send a DISAB signal when placed on test in the system. See the On/Off Test documentation for more information on placing accounts on test.
Contact List by AreaDetermines if call lists will only notify contact by their assigned areas. See the Contacts Sub-tab documentation for more information on managing subscriber contacts.
Voice ImmuneDetermines if the subscriber can be contacted by Outbound Voice. If selected, OBV cannot call the the subscriber. See the Outbound Quantum Operator documentation for more information on managing the automated operator settings.
Catch Late to AlarmsDetermines if late-to alarms are system handled given how their required alarm is received. If selected, the system will handle late-to alarms if the signal is received while the late-to alarm is still within pending.
For Example: If an LTO alarm is received and then its required Open signal is received before an operator handled the LTO, the system will handle the LTO.
Delay SignalsDetermines the number of seconds all signals received on the account will be delayed.

Once all options are configured as necessary, users can select the Save All option to complete assigning the settings to the subscriber.