Monitoring Introduction

Matrix Monitoring is used at central stations to view and handle subscriber alarms and events. Operators can view account history, data, and additional information relating to alarms or events from the Alarm Traffic and Alarm Handling screens. The following documentation provides a general overview of Monitoring and how to customize the Alarm Traffic and Alarm Handling screen layouts.


Upon entering Matrix Monitoring, users are directed to the Alarm Traffic screen. Alarm Traffic displays the alarm/signaling activity for all subscribers. The following section defines the default information displayed on the Alarm Traffic screen.

See the Alarm Traffic documentation for more information on the Alarm Traffic menu options and their functions.



When an alarm is selected to handle from the Pending table (or automatically dropped to an operator in some cases), operators are directed to the Alarm Handling screen. Alarm Handling displays the alarm information and various processing options available to operators. As the available options are completely customizable, your Handling screen may look different than the default setup in the below figure.

See the Alarm Handling documentation for more information on the Alarm Handling menu options and their functions.


Bottom Status Bar

The status bar located along the bottom of the screen displays information assigned to the operator and the state of specific alarms or events. This information cannot be customized.

LoginThe operator’s username used to log in to Matrix.
OperThe operator’s operator code as assigned when the user was created within Matrix User Maintenance. See the User Maintenance documentation for more information on operator codes.
ULNumber of ! priority alarms; UL or Two-way.
ANumber of A priority alarms; Fire or Holdups.
BNumber of B priority alarms; Burglary, Panic, or Duress.
CNumber of C priority alarms; Medical.
DNumber of D priority alarms; Tamper.
ENumber of E priority alarms; Restoral.
FNumber of F priority alarms; Custom.
GNumber of G priority alarms; Custom.
HNumber of H priority alarms; Custom.
PendingTotal number of alarms currently within the Pending table on the Alarm Traffic screen.
TimeLast date and time the page was automatically refreshed.

Alarm Display Color

Alarm signals are color-coded in the Pending, On Hold, and Recent Signals tables to assist operators with quickly identifying alarm priorities and catagories. These colors can be customized in CORE. The default colors and priorities for alarms are listed below.

PriorityColorDefault Alarm
!WhiteUL, Two-way
ADark RedFire, Holdups
BRedBurglary, Panic, Duress
DLight MagentaTamper
EDark YellowRestoral
HNeon GreenCustom
IDark BlueCustom
J - ZGreen-BlueSystem Generated

Customizing Layouts

Selecting Edit Layout from the System Setup or Setup menu options within Alarm Traffic and Alarm Handling respectively, will display the Layout Builder. From here, administrative users can update the available tables and general display of the default Alarm Traffic and Alarm Handling screens. When customizing the Alarm Traffic and Alarm Handling screens, users will have access to the same configuration options unless otherwise described. The following documentation instructs users on how to manage the available options on both Monitoring screens.


As users configure layouts, they can scroll passed the Layout Builder to view changes prior to saving.

The Menus section of the Layout Builder allows users to update the available header menu options listed along the top of the screen. Users can customize menu options via the available dropdown fields. These fields and their functions are defined below.


Insert MenuAllows users to automatically insert an available option into the list of header options.
Insert Parent MenuAllows users to create a custom dropdown menu within the list of header options. Users can then assign options to the dropdown as necessary. More information on creating parent menus can be found below.
HotkeyAllows users to assign a keyboard key combination they can strike to automatically access options rather than selecting them directly with their mouse. More information on hotkeys can be found below.
Delete MenuRemoves the option or dropdown from the list of header options located at the top of the screen.

Parent Menus

Selecting a menu option from the Insert Parent Menu dropdown will display the Untitled Menu dialog box and its options. The menu option selected will automatically be assigned to the new dropdown.


Perform the following steps to create a custom dropdown menu.

  1. Input a name for the parent menu into the Title field.
    • This will update the title of the dialog box.
  2. Select any additional menu options that should be available within the parent menu from the Insert Submenu dropdown.
    • This step can be repeated as many times as necessary to include all desired options.
  3. If applicable, update the option’s name within the Title field.
  4. If applicable, input a key combination to assign to the option into the Hotkey field.
    • Additional information about assigning hotkeys to options can be found below.
  5. Repeat steps 3 & 4 as necessary for each option.
  6. Repeat the above steps to create additional dropdown menus as necessary.

Once the layout is configured, users can select either of the available Save options. These options are defined below.

Save For UserPreserves the configured layout for the user’s profile only. The options added will only be visible to your user.
Save For SystemPreserves the configured layout for all operators across Matrix. The options added will be visible for all operators.

Hotkey Editor

Users can assign a keyboard shortcut (i.e. a hotkey) to options via the Hotkey field. A Hotkey is a custom key or combination of keys used to quickly access a particular function. It is not recommended to set any command or action to a key normally used for typing.

For Example: It would be ill advised to use ctrl+v as a hotkey since this is also the hotkey for the paste function on most computers.

The accepted hotkey formats are defined below.

F1-F12function keysInput the letter f followed by the desired number to set the option’s hotkey.
For Example: Inputting F1 into the Hotkey field will register the option to the F1 function key. When struck, the option will execute.
Shift+shift+[alphanumeric]Input shift+ followed by the desired number or letter to set the option’s hotkey.
For Example: Inputting shift+4 into the hotkey field will register the option to when the user strikes the shift and the 4 keys simultaneously. When struck, the option will execute.
Ctrl+ctrl+[alphanumeric]Input ctrl+ followed by the desired number or letter to set the option’s hotkey.
For Example: Inputting ctrl+1 into the hotkey field will register the option to when the user strikes the ctrl and 1 keys simultaneously. When struck, the option will execute.
Alt+alt+[alphanumeric]Input alt+ followed by the desired number or letter to set the option’s hotkey.
For Example: Inputting alt+h into the hotkey field will register the option to when the user strikes the alt and h keys simultaneously. When struck, the option will execute.

Columns Setup

The Columns section is used to determine the location, size, and configuration of the available tables. Users can configure three columns on the Alarm Traffic screen and four columns on the Alarm Handling screen. These columns and their available options are defined below.


Column Properties

The Column Properties options determine the general size and display of the information housed within the column’s area. These options are defined below.


WidthDetermines the percentage of the horizontal screen space the column information will occupy.
For Example: 50% will occupy half of the screen’s width. 100% will occupy the entire screen’s width.
TypeDetermines how the information will be displayed within the column’s area.
List: Displays all tables in a list format.
Tabs: Displays tables in separate tabs that users can select to view.


The Items section determines what information will display within the column’s area on the screen. Users can customize the displayed table information via the available dropdown options. These options are defined below.


Insert ItemAllows users to automatically select an available option to add to their screen. The available options and their functions are defined below.
TitleDetermines the name of the option as it is displayed on the Monitoring screen.
HotkeyAllows users to assign a keyboard key combination they can strike to automatically access options rather than selecting them directly with their mouse. More information on hotkeys can be found above.
DeleteRemoves the option from the column.

After configuring all applicable Menu and Column options, select Save to preserve changes made to the screen’s layout.

Available Options

This section defines all available options users can assign to the Alarm Traffic and Alarm Handling screens. Whether or not your operators have access to these options is dependent on if they are added to the layouts as described above.

Header Options

The options listed here can be added to the screen’s header. The available options and their location are listed below.

OptionScreen LocationDefinition
Account ImagesAlarm Handling onlyDisplays any files attached to the alarm’s subscriber account. See the Add-Ons documentation for more information on attaching images or documents to accounts.
Bulletin BoardAlarm Traffic onlyDisplays information written by operators. Operators are granted editing permissions within CORE.
Caller AssistanceBoth Handling and TrafficOpens Caller Assistance within an alternate browser tab. See the Caller Assistance documentation For more information on Caller Assistance.
Data EntryHandling onlyOpens Data Entry within an alternate browser tab. See the Data Entry documentation for more information on Data Entry.
DisableHandling onlyDisplays accounts placed on test/disable by operators. Operators can add or delete disables as necessary. See the On/Off Test documentation for more information on managing disables.
Edit LayoutBoth Handling and TrafficAllows users to update the layout of the screen. See the Customizing Layouts documentation above for more information on how to customize the screen options.
EscalateHandling onlyAllows operators to increase the alarm’s current priority to the next highest. Escalating an alarm’s priority will ensure it is handled by the next operator Track Group if applicable.
Track Groups are assigned to operators within Matrix User Maintenance. See the User Maintenance documentation for more information on assigning Track Groups.
ExitTraffic onlyReturns users to their Matrix landing page.
HistoryTraffic onlyAllows users to view signal history of subscriber accounts. See the Matrix History documentation for more information on viewing account history.
Note: History is also available as a tab option within the Handling screen.
HoldHandling onlyAllows operators to place the alarm within the Hold queue. See the Alarm Traffic documentation for more information about how to place alarms on hold.
Manual AlarmBoth Handling and TrafficAllows users to generate alarms as necessary for testing purposes. More information on creating manual alarms can be found below. See the Alarm Handling documentation for more information on how to process alarms within the system.
Manual DialHandling onlyAllows users to create new alarms to display within Pending. See the Alarm Handling documentation for more information on creating manual alarms.
MessagingHandling onlyAllows users to send quick sms messages to contacts. See the Alarm Handling documentation for more information on messaging contacts.
On Hold DetailsTraffic onlyDisplays all alarms currently on hold. See the Alarm Traffic documentation for more information on viewing alarms on hold.
On Test DetailsTraffic onlyDisplays all accounts currently on test. See the Alarm Traffic documentation for more information on viewing accounts on test.
Operator ReviewTraffic onlyAllows users to view operator activity history. See the Alarm Traffic documentation for more information on viewing operator history.
PanelHandling onlyDisplays readonly information regarding the panels installed at the account’s premises.
Pending DetailsTraffic onlyDisplays all alarms currently within pending. See the Alarm Traffic documentation for more information on pending details.
Pending ResetsTraffic onlyDisplays all signals currently waiting for resets. See the Alarm Traffic documentation for more information on pending resets.
Print TicketHandling onlyAllows users to select an available printer to print the alarm ticket to.
Print Ticket to EmailHandling onlyAllows users to select an available contact to send the alarm ticket to.
Recall AuthorityHandling onlyAllows users to generate a Recall alarm on the subscriber account. This alarm alerts operators to retract a dispatch so the authorities are not sent to the premises.
Receiving StatusBoth Handling and TrafficDisplays the operator’s current receiving status. Selecting this option will toggle the operator’s status between receiving and not receiving.
Not Receiving: Operator must select alarms manually in order to handle them.
Receiving: Alarms will automatically drop to the operator as they are received by the system.
Return to PendingHandling onlyReturns the alarm back to the pending queue. This also redirects operators back to the Alarm Traffic screen.
Send EmailBoth Handling and TrafficAllows users to email contacts. See the Matrix History documentation for more information on how to send emails within Matrix.
Send Ticket to PrinterHandling onlyAllows users to select an available printer to print the alarm ticket to.
Share StreamsHandling onlyAllows users to copy a shareable link of the site’s camera streams. Users can then send the link to interested parties so they can review camera footage of the alarm event. See the Alarm Handling documentation for more information on sharing streams.
Switch AccountHandling onlyAllows users to transfer the alarm from one account to another. See the Alarm Handling documentation for more information on switching accounts.
Temporary NotesHandling onlyAllows users to add notes to the alarm’s account. These notes are created with an expiration date when they will be removed from the account’s notes tab. See the Notes documentation for more information on adding temporary notes.
Temp SchedulesHandling onlyAllows users to add schedules to the alarm’s account. These schedules are created with an expiration date when they will be removed from the account. See the Schedules documentation for more information on adding schedules.
Test/RunawayHandling onlyAllows users to quickly place the account on test or log the alarm as a runaway signal. See the Alarm Handling documentation for more information on test/runaway.
Transfer TrackingTraffic onlyAllows operators to transfer their current traffic to an alternate operator. See the Alarm Traffic documentation for more information on transferring traffic.
View MapHandling onlyDisplays a map dialog window showing the site location of the alarm.
Verify PasscodeHandling onlyAllows users to confirm a called contact’s passcode prior to handling the alarm. See the Alarm Handling documentation for more information on verifying passcodes.
ZonesHandling onlyDisplays the alarm’s account zones. See the Zones documentation for more information on zones.

Manual Alarm

The Manual Alarm option allows users to generate an alarm signal on an account. Selecting Manual Alarm from the menu will open the Manual Alarm dialog box.

Perform the following steps to create a manual alarm.

  1. Input the account number the alarm should originate from into the Account Number field.
    • Users can also select the magnifying glass icon to search for and select an account from the Account Number Search table. See the Account Number Search documentation for instructions on how to search for accounts within Matrix.
  2. Select the signal type from the Format dropdown. Users can generate a manual alarm using the following format types.
    • CNTID
    • DMP
    • REYE
    • SEIA
    • SIA
    • WESTC
  3. If applicable, input the zone code the alarm should originate from into the Zone field.
    • Users can also select the magnifying glass to search for and select a zone on the selected account.
  4. Select how the alarm should be logged to the system from the Log Only dropdown.
    • N: When the alarm is generated, it will drop to pending and be routed to an operator for handling.
    • Y: When the alarm is generated, it will automatically be system handled.
    • D: When the alarm is generated, it will automatically be system handled as a disabled alarm.
  5. Input the desired alarm type into the Chart Code field.
    • Users can also select the magnifying glass icon to search for and select an alarm type. Note: Chart Codes are determined by the Format selected above.
  6. If applicable, input the area code the alarm should originate from into the Area field.
  7. If applicable, update the automatically generated time, in 24-hour format, within the Time field.
    • This is the originating time the alarm will be timestamped as.
  8. Select Submit to complete creating the alarm.

The manual alarm will automatically display within the Pending Alarms table within the Alarm Traffic screen and be handled according to the Log Only parameter selected.

Column Options

The options listed here can be added to the screen’s columns. The available options and their location are listed below.

OptionScreen LocationDefinition
Account InformationHandling onlyDisplays read-only information regarding the account and its assigned schedule.
Account RestoresHandling onlyDisplays signals received on the account waiting for their accompanying restore signal. See the Zones documentation for more information on assigning Restore Codes to zones.
AR InfoHandling onlyDisplays read-only information regarding the assigned Accounts Receivable details.
AutodialHandling onlyAllows users to automatically dial a selected contact’s phone number.
ChecklistHandling onlyDisplays a list of items users can select to complete as they handle the alarm.
Contacts SummaryHandling onlyDisplays read-only information regarding all contacts assigned to the account. See the Contacts documentation for more information on account contacts.
CVR5 ClipHandling onlyDisplays clip information received from cameras installed using Matrix Interactive. See the Camera Setup documentation for more information on Camera Setup.
CVR5 LiveHandling onlyDisplays the live view of a camera installed using Matrix Interactive. See the Camera Setup documentation for more information on Camera Setup.
CVR5 TimelineHandling onlyDisplays a chronological timeline of separate video events associated with the primary alarm. See the Video Alarm Timeline documentation for more information on selecting multiple clips from the timeline.
Detail HistoryHandling onlyDisplays read-only detail history from the most recent days on the account.
HistoryHandling onlyAllows users to view signal history of the alarm’s subscriber account. See the Matrix History documentation for more information on viewing account history.
Note History is also available as a header option within the Traffic screen.
In ProcessBoth Handling and TrafficDisplays alarms currently being handled by operators and the operators’ receiving statuses. Users can steal alarms from other operators by selecting an alarm for handling.
Log AlarmHandling onlyAllows users to complete handling the alarm. See the Alarm Handling documentation for more information on logging alarms.
MapHandling onlyDisplays GPS information for the alarm event. See the Alarm Handling documentation for more information on viewing the map.
MIV MulticlipHandling onlyAllows users to add multiclip selection functionality to the CVR5 Timeline. See the Video Alarm Timeline documentation for more information on selecting multiple clips from the timeline.
MultiplesHandling onlyDisplays additional alarms received. See the Alarm Handling documentation for more information on viewing multiples.
NotesHandling onlyDisplays all notes assigned to the account. See the Data Entry Notes documentation for more information on subscriber notes. See the Dealer Maintenance Notes documentation for more information assigned to Dealer accounts.
On HoldBoth Handling and TrafficDisplays accounts currently placed on hold by operators. Users can select an account from this table to view the account’s information within Caller Assistance. See the Caller Assistance documentation for more information on interacting with Caller Assistance.
On TestBoth Handling and TrafficDisplays alarms placed on test/disable by operators. Users can select alarms from on test to handle them accordingly.
PendingBoth Handling and TrafficDisplays alarms currently awaiting handling by operators. Users can select alarms to handle from this table as necessary.
Pending RestoresBoth Handling and TrafficDisplays alarms currently awaiting a restore signal from the system. Once the restore is received, the alarm will drop from the table.
Recent SignalsBoth Handling and TrafficDisplays all alarms recently received and handled by operators.
ScheduleHandling onlyDisplays the account’s assigned schedules. See the Schedules documentation for more information on assigning schedules to subscriber accounts.
Signal InformationHandling onlyDisplays information received from the receiver/panel with the signal.
Two WayHandling onlyDisplays two-way signal information if applicable. See the Alarm Handling documentation for more information on two-way alarms.
Video WallHandling onlyAllows users to add the Matrix Interactive Video Wall functionality to their Handling screen. See the Video Wall documentation for more information on Video Wall and its functions.
Zones SummaryHandling onlyDisplays the account’s zones and their most recently received event. See the Zones documentation for more information on managing account zones within Data Entry.