Add-Ons Video Data Entry

Video Data Entry

The Video Data Entry tab allows users to data enter video recording device information and assign zones to the devices. This tab provides access to the sub-tabs DVRs and Cameras and Camera Zones. Each of these tabs and their functions are defined below.


DVRs and Cameras

The DVRs and Cameras tab is used to add and manage DVR and camera device information. Users can interact with the DVRs and Cameras table via the available toolbar options. These options are defined below.


AddAllows users to assign new devices to the subscriber. More information on adding devices can be found below.
EditAllows users to update existing device information.
DeleteRemoves the selected device from the subscriber.
CamerasAllows users to assign cameras to DVRs.
Test VideoDisplays the selected device’s live video connection beneath the table. This option allows users to confirm devices are connected properly and displaying their video streams.
Please Note: This option only works for the following camera brands: Axis, Hik, RapidEye, and Milestone.
ReloadRefreshes the table to display up-to-date information.


Selecting Add from the toolbar will display the Add Device dialog box.


Prior to data entering information, users must first select the Camera Type they will be adding from the available dropdown. Each option, when selected, will display a different set of data entry fields for users to populate. This dropdown’s available options are listed below.


Please Note: The following documentation contains supplemental information intended to be used in conjunction with your device’s user manual and interface. This documentation assumes the reader is familiar with how to setup and use their devices.

Once a device type is selected, the Add Device dialog box will populate with the necessary fields required for data entry. Below, each camera type and its available fields are briefly defined. Populate the fields as necessary to add devices to the subscriber.


The following table describes the fields that appear in the Add Device dialog box when choosing Axis from the Camera Type drop down.


Unit URLAddress used to connect to device
Unit LoginUsername required to access device if applicable.
Unit PasswordPassword required to access device if applicable.

Dedicated Micros Video

The following table describes the fields that appear in the Add Device dialog box when choosing Dedicated Micros from the Camera Type drop down.


Unit AddressAddress used to connect to device
Unit LoginUsername required to access device if applicable.
Unit PasswordPassword required to access device if applicable.
Unit PortPort associated with the device.
Vs NameEnter the camera’s name, description of location, or purpose. Example: Warehouse Back Door, Garage, Kitchen

Digital Watchdog

The following table describes the fields that appear in the Add Device dialog box when choosing Digital Watchdog from the Camera Type drop down.


Dvr IpDevice’s IP address
Dvr UsernameUsername required to access device if applicable.
Dvr PasswordPassword required to access device if applicable.
Dvr PortPort associated with the device.
Dvr TypeSelect from the drop down whether or not the DVR is analog (AN) or IP.

Generic Camera

The following table describes the fields that appear in the Add Device dialog box when choosing Generic Camera from the Camera Type drop down.


Unit LoginUsername required to access device if applicable.
Unit PasswordPassword required to access device if applicable.
Camera NumberNumber designated to the camera in that zone.
Example: You can have many cameras in a zone and can identify each with a number and description. In the example above, in Zone 2 there are five cameras, the fifth of which is used to monitor the Warehouse Exit.
CameraCheckmark the box if the device is a camera.
DvrCheckmark the box if the device is a DVR.

Generic DVR

The following table describes the fields that appear in the Add Device dialog box when choosing Generic DVR from the Camera Type drop down.


Device IdEnter the device’s unique four digit identification code.
Dvr PortPort associated with the device.
Dvr UsernameUsername required to access device if applicable.
Dvr PasswordPassword required to access device if applicable.
Dvr TimezoneThree-character long abbreviation of a timezone. Example: EST for Eastern Standard Time or CS for Central Standard Time.
Dvr TypeDetermines the type of DVR: ICVR or Rialto.
Camera CountNumber designated to the camera in that zone.
Example: You can have many cameras in a zone and can identify each with a number and description. In the example above, in Zone 2 there are five cameras, the fifth of which is used to monitor the Warehouse Exit.
CameraCheckmark the box if the device is a camera.
DvrCheckmark the box if the device is a DVR.

Generic Camera/DVR Combo

The following table describes the fields that appear in the Add Device dialog box when choosing Generic Camera/DVR Combo from the Camera Type drop down.


Device IdEnter the device’s unique four digit identification code.
Dvr IpDevice’s IP address
Dvr LoginUsername required to access device if applicable.
Dvr PasswordPassword required to access device if applicable.
Dvr TypeDetermines the type of connection used by this DVR; input either IP or Analog.
Camera CountNumber designated to the camera in that zone.
Example: You can have many cameras in a zone and can identify each with a number and description. In the example above, in Zone 2 there are five cameras, the fifth of which is used to monitor the Warehouse Exit.
Port VideoRTSP port used to access the video.
Port AlarmThis field is no longer in use.
Port OtherHTTP port used to access the video.
CameraCheckmark the box if the device is a camera.
DvrCheckmark the box if the device is a DVR.


The following table describes the fields that appear in the Add Device dialog box when choosing Hikvision from the Camera Type drop down.


Unit IPDevice’s IP address
Unit UsernameUsername required to access device if applicable.
Unit PasswordPassword required to access device if applicable.
Server PortPort associated with the device.
Unit DescriptionEnter the camera’s name, description of location, or purpose. Example: Warehouse Back Door, Garage, Kitchen
Pre-Alarm (seconds)Amount of footage in seconds the camera sends prior to the alarm being triggered.
Unit TimezoneSystem checks the current account’s time zone. You can put a different timezone in this field if necessary.

Milestone Video

The following table describes the fields that appear in the Add Device dialog box when choosing Milestone from the Camera Type drop down.


Unit IpDevice’s IP address
Unit UsernameUsername required to access device if applicable.
Unit PasswordPassword required to access device if applicable.
Unit DescriptionThe camera’s FQID number.
Unit TimezoneSelect from the drop down the appropriate time zone for the camera.
Dvr TypeDetermines the type of connection used by this DVR; input either IP or Analog.

Open Eye

The following table describes the fields that appear in the Add Device dialog box when choosing OpenEye from the Camera Type drop down.


Dvr IpDevice’s IP address
Dvr PortPort associated with the device.
Dvr UsernameUsername required to access device if applicable.
Dvr PasswordPassword required to access device if applicable.
Dvr TimezoneThree-character long abbreviation of a timezone. Example: EST for Eastern Standard Time or CS for Central Standard Time.
Camera CountNumber designated to the camera in that zone.
Example: You can have many cameras in a zone and can identify each with a number and description. In the example above, in Zone 2 there are five cameras, the fifth of which is used to monitor the Warehouse Exit.


The following table describes the fields that appear in the Add Device dialog box when choosing RapidEye from the Camera Type drop down.


Dvr IpDevice’s IP address
Dvr LoginUsername required to access device if applicable.
Dvr PasswordPassword required to access device if applicable.
Dvr DescriptionEnter the camera’s name, description of location, or purpose. Example: Warehouse Back Door, Garage, Kitchen
Dvr PortPort associated with the device.
Dvr DomainURL or web address used to access the video.
AreaArea in which the camera is located, if applicable.
Number of CamerasThe number of cameras to connect automatically to this device when Matrix Universal Video (MUV) is opened. If this field is left blank, all cameras will connect automatically.


The following table describes the fields that appear in the Add Device dialog box when choosing VideoIQ from the Camera Type drop down.


Device IdDevice’s MAC Address without colons.
Dvr IpDevice’s IP address
Dvr LoginUsername required to access device.
Dvr PasswordPassword required to access device.
Dvr NameEnter the camera’s name, description of location, or purpose. Example: Warehouse Back Door, Garage, Kitchen
Dvr TypeDetermines the type of DVR: ICVR or Rialto.
Port AlarmThis field is no longer in use.
Port OtherHTTP port used to access the video.
Port VideoRTSP port used to access the video.

URL Video

The following table describes the fields that appear in the Add Device dialog box when choosing URL Video from the Camera Type drop down.


Unit URLAddress used to connect to device
Unit LoginUsername required to access device.
Unit PasswordPassword required to access device.
Serial NumberThe unique brand identifier assigned to the device.
TypeThe device brand.

Please Note: If you are adding a CHeKT camera, you must configure the camera within your CHeKT account. See the CHeKT Dice Integration Setup documentation for instructions.

Xtralis Fasttrace 2

The following table describes the fields that appear in the Add Device dialog box when choosing Xtralis Fasttrace 2 from the Camera Type drop down.


Device IdEnter the device’s unique four digit identification code.
Device NameEnter the camera’s name, description of location, or purpose. Example: Warehouse Back Door, Garage, Kitchen
Dvr IpDevice’s IP address
Dvr UsernameUsername required to access device if applicable.
Dvr PasswordPassword required to access device if applicable.
Dvr DescriptionEnter the camera’s name, description of location, or purpose. Example: Warehouse Back Door, Garage, Kitchen
Http PortHTTP port used to access the video.
Rtsp PortRTSP port used to access the video.
Ctrl PortCTRL port used to access the video.

Camera Zones

The Camera Zones tab is used to identify which cameras are associated with which zones on the account. This tab is used to Add and Delete Camera Zones. Once a Camera Zone has been created, it cannot be edited.


To add a camera to a zone perform the following steps:

  1. Select the Add button on the toolbar to display the Add Zone dialog box. image
  2. Select a device from the Select Unit dropdown.
  3. Select a zone from the Select Zone dropdown.
  4. Input a camera description describing the zone in which the device is installed.
  5. Input the Camera Number in the designated field.
  6. Select Save to save your Camera Zone