Add Schedules

Selecting Add will display the Add Schedule dialog box.


Select the applicable category of the new schedule from the Type dropdown. Each schedule type has its own set of unique options. Instructions for creating a schedule of each type can be found below.


  • Open: Generally used to monitor when locations are scheduled to open their site (i.e. when personnel input a code on their panel to disarm the alarm for the day). If the open code is input on the panel later than scheduled, the system can create a Late-to-Open (LTO) signal to notify operators the site is late in opening.
  • Close: Generally used to monitor when locations are scheduled to close their site (i.e. when personnel input a code on their panel to arm their system for the night). If the close code is input on the panel later than scheduled, the system can generate a Late-to-Close (LTC) signal to notify operators the site is late in closing.
  • Welfare: Generally used to monitor an individual’s wellbeing or safety. This feature is used to remind operators to contact the subscriber to check in and make sure they are well.
  • Supervised: Generally used for a period during which no open or close signals are expected from the subscriber’s panel(s). As a result, all open or close signals received by the panel during this schedule type are monitored and handled immediately by operators. Supervised and Unsupervised schedules are created the same way.
  • Unsupervised: Generally used for a period during which all open or close signals received from the subscriber’s panel(s) should be entirely system handled. As a result, any open or close signals received by the panel are handled by the system and do not go to operators. Supervised and Unsupervised schedules are created the same way.
  • Both Open/Close: Generally used to create a full day’s schedule for the subscriber where the schedule is completely self-contained for both open and close signals. For example: open and close schedules have two times between which signals can be received. A Both Open/Close schedule identifies the From time as when an open is expected and the To time as when a close is expected.

Depending on the schedule type selected, users will have access to determining when alarm events are expected to be received and how they are handled. The following documentation will describe how to create one of each of the defined schedule types.

Open Schedules

Selecting Open will provide users access to options used to create an Open Schedule for the subscriber. This schedule is used to define when the system should expect to receive an open signal from the subscriber account and how the signal(s) should be handled.


Perform the following steps to create an Open schedule.

  1. Select a day or days of the week when the system will begin expecting an open signal from the From dropdown.
    • Mon-Sun: Individual days of the week.
    • Day: Business days of the week (Mon-Fri) only.
    • End: Weekending days of the week (Sat & Sun) only.
    • All: All seven days of the week (Mon-Sun).
    • If a multiple day option is selected, the schedule table will populate with a line for each day.
    • If a multiple day option is selected, users cannot assign alternate days of the week to the To and Late parameters.
  2. Input a time, in 24-hour format, into the From field.
    • This is the time when the system will start expecting an open signal from the panel.
  3. If applicable, select a day of the week from the To dropdown.
  4. Input a time, in 24-hour format, into the To field.
    • This is the time when the system will stop expecting an open signal from the panel.
  5. If applicable, select a day of the week from the Late dropdown.
  6. Input a time, in 24-hour format, into the Late field.
    • This is the time when any open signals received from the panel will begin being labeled as LTO signals.
  7. If applicable, select the GEN LTO option.
    • If selected, the system will generate a Late to Open signal if an open signal is received on or after the Late date and time.
  8. If applicable, select the OPENED LATE option.
    • If selected, the LTO signal will be labeled as OPENED LATE in the account’s history report.
  9. Select how many open signals can be generated by the panel from the Once/Many dropdown.
    • Once: Only one open signal is acceptable during this schedule.
    • Many: Multiple open signals can be received during this schedule.
  10. If applicable, select the plus sign (+) next to the Area field to open the Add Area dialog box.
    • This option allows users to restrict the schedule to a single (or multiple) area on the subscriber’s account.
    • If the subscriber does not use areas, skip to step 14. See the Area Description documentation for more information on assigning areas to subscribers.
  11. Select the magnifying glass icon next to the Area field to open the Areas Lookup table.
  12. Select an area from the list to populate the Area field on the Add Area dialog box.
  13. Select Add & Close to complete adding the area to the schedule.
    • Select Add & Add More to save the selected area and repeat steps 11-13 to add additional areas as necessary
  14. Input any contact Opening IDs into the User ID field to restrict this schedule to particular contact IDs.
    • See the Contacts Sub-tab documentation for more information on assigning Opening IDs to subscriber contacts.
  15. If applicable, input the number of hours during which a specified open period can occur into the Float Time field.
  • For Example: a cleaning crew can have an eight-hour window to perform a three-hour job. Upon putting the open code in the panel, the system creates a temporary schedule lasting the length of the float time. Regardless of what time they put the open code in, they are given the amount of time specified in Float Time to perform their work.
  1. Select Save to complete adding the schedule to the table.

Close Schedules

Selecting Close from the Type dropdown will provide users access to options used to create a Close Schedule for the subscriber. This schedule is used to define when the system should expect to receive a close signal from the subscriber account and how the signal(s) should be handled.


Perform the following steps to create a close schedule.

  1. Select a day or days of the week when the system will begin expecting a close signal from the From dropdown.
  • Mon-Sun: Individual days of the week.
  • Day: Business days of the week (Mon-Fri) only.
  • End: Weekending days of the week (Sat & Sun) only.
  • All: All seven days of the week (Mon-Sun).
  • If a multiple day option is selected, the table will populate a line for each day.
  • If a multiple day option is selected, users cannot assign alternate days of the week to the To parameter.
  1. Input a time, in 24-hour format, into the From field.
    • This is the time when the system will start expecting a close signal from the panel.
  2. If applicable, select a day of the week from the To drop down.
  3. Input a time, in 24-hour format, into the To field.
    • This is the time when the system will stop expecting a close signal from the panel.
  4. If applicable, select the GEN LTC option.
    • If selected, the system will generate a Late to Close signal if a close signal is received after the To date and time.
  5. Select how many close signals can be generated by the panel from the Once/Many dropdown.
    • Once: Only one close signal is acceptable during this schedule.
    • Many: Multiple close signals can be received during this schedule.
  6. If applicable, select the plus sign (+) next to the Area field to open the Add Area dialog box.
    • If the subscriber does not use areas, skip to step 11.
  7. Select the magnifying glass icon next to the Area field to open the Areas Lookup table.
  8. Select an area from the list to populate the Area field on the Add Area dialog box.
  9. Select Add & Close to complete adding the area to the schedule.
    • Select Add & Add More to save the selected area and repeat steps 8-10 to add additional areas as necessary.
  10. Input any contact Closing IDs into the User ID field to restrict this schedule to particular contact IDs.
    • See the Contacts Sub-tab documentation for more information on assigning Closing IDs to subscriber contacts.
  11. If applicable, input the number of hours individuals can access the store or office during the close schedule into the Float Time field.
    • For Example: a cleaning crew can have an eight-hour window to perform a three-hour job. Upon putting the close code in the panel, the system creates a temporary schedule lasting the length of the float time. Regardless of what time they put the code in, they are given the amount of time specified in Float Time to perform their work.
  12. Select Save to complete adding the schedule to the table.

Welfare Schedules

Selecting Welfare from the Type dropdown will provide users access to options used to create a Welfare Schedule for the subscriber. This schedule is used to define when the system should expect to receive a welfare signal from the subscriber account and how the signal(s) should be handled.


Perform the following steps to create a welfare schedule.

  1. Select a day or days of the week the system will expect a welfare signal from the Late dropdown.
    • Mon-Sun: Individual days of the week.
    • Day: Business days of the week (Mon-Fri) only.
    • End: Weekending days of the week (Sat & Sun) only.
    • All: All seven days of the week (Mon-Sun).
    • If a multiple day option is selected, the schedule table will populate with a line for each day.
  2. Input a time, in 24-hour format, into the Late field.
    • This is the time the system will start expecting a welfare signal.
  3. If applicable, select the GEN LTO option.
    • If selected, the system will generate a Late to Open signal if the welfare signal is received after the To day and time.
  4. If applicable, select the OPENED LATE option.
    • If selected, the LTO signal will be labeled as OPENED LATE in the account’s history report.
  5. Select Save to complete adding the schedule to the table.

Supervised and Unsupervised Schedules

Selecting either Supervised or Unsupervised from the Type dropdown will provide users access to options used to create a supervised/unsupervised schedule for the subscriber. This schedule is used to define how the system should handle signals when they are received during a specified time frame.


Perform the following steps to create a supervised or unsupervised schedule.

  1. Select a day or days of the week for the schedule begin taking effect (supervised signals will go to operators for handling and unsupervised signals will be system handled) on the subscriber’s account from the From dropdown.
    • Mon-Sun: Individual days of the week.
    • Day: Business days of the week (Mon-Fri) only.
    • End: Weekending days of the week (Sat & Sun) only.
    • All: All seven days of the week (Mon-Sun).
    • If a multiple day option is selected, the schedule table will populate with a line for each day.
    • If a multiple day option is selected, users cannot assign alternate days of the week to the To parameter.
  2. Input a time, in 24-hour, format into the From field.
    • This is the time the system will begin to supervise or unsupervise signals.
  3. If applicable, select a day of the week from the To dropdown.
  4. Input a time, in 24-hour format, into the To field.
    • This is the time the system will stop supervising or unsupervising signals.
  5. If applicable, select the plus sign (+) next to the Area field to open the Add Area dialog box.
    • If the subscriber does not use areas, skip to step 9.
  6. Select the magnifying glass next to the Area field to open Areas Lookup table.
  7. Select an area from the list to populate the Area field on the Add Area dialog box.
  8. Select Add & Close to complete adding the area to the schedule.
    • Select Add & Add More to save the selected area and repeat steps 6-8 to add additional areas as necessary.
  9. Input any contact Opening/Closing IDs into the User ID field to restrict this schedule to particular contact IDs.
  • See the Contacts Sub-tab documentation for more information on managing subscriber contact IDs.
  1. Select Save to complete adding the schedule to the table.

Both Open/Close Schedules

Selecting Both Open/Close from the Type dropdown will provide users access to options used to create an Open and Close Schedule for the subscriber. This schedule is used to define when the system should expect to receive the initial open signal and final close signal from the subscriber account.


Perform the following steps to create an open/close schedule:

  1. Select a day or days of the week when the system will begin expecting an open signal from the From dropdown.
    • Mon-Sun: Individual days of the week.
    • Day: Business days of the week (Mon-Fri) only.
    • End: Weekending days of the week (Sat & Sun) only.
    • All: All seven days of the week (Mon-Sun).
    • If a multiple day option is selected, the schedule table will populate with a line for each day.
    • If a multiple day option is selected, users cannot assign alternate days of the week to the To and Late parameters.
  2. Input a time, in 24-hour format, into the From field.
    • This is the time the system will start expecting an open signal from the panel.
  3. If applicable, select a day of the week for the system to begin expecting a close signal from the To drop down.
  4. Input a time, in 24-hour format, into the To field.
    • This is the time the system will start expecting a close signal from the panel.
  5. If applicable, select a day of the week from the Late dropdown.
  6. Input a time, in 24-hour format, into the Late field.
    • This is the time any Open signals received from the panel will begin being labeled as LTO signals.
  7. If applicable, select the GEN LTO option.
    • If selected, the system will generate a Late to Open signal if an open signal is received after the Late date and time.
  8. If applicable, select the OPENED LATE option.
    • If selected, the LTO signal will be labeled as OPENED LATE in account’s history report.
  9. If applicable, select the GEN LTC option.
    • If selected, the system will generate a Late to Close signal if the close signal is received after the To date and time.
  10. Select how many signals can be generated by the panel from the Once/Many dropdown.
    • Once: Only one open and one close signal is acceptable during this schedule.
    • Many: Multiple open and close signals can be received during this schedule.
  11. If applicable, select the plus (+) sign next to the Area field to open the Add Area dialog box.
    • If the subscriber does not use areas, skip to step 15.
  12. Select the magnifying glass next to the Area field to open the Areas Lookup table.
  13. Select an area from the list to populate the Area field on the Add Area dialog box.
  14. Select Add & Close to complete adding the area to the schedule.
    • Select Add & Add More to save the selected area and repeat steps 12-14 to add additional areas as necessary.
  15. Input any contact Opening or Closing IDs into the User ID field to restrict this schedule to particular contact IDs.
    • See the Contacts Sub-tab documentation for more information on managing subscriber contact IDs.
  16. Select Save to complete adding the schedule to the table.