Luxriot VMS

This documentation instructs users on how to configure their Luxriot VMS system to send emails to DICE for analytics and reporting. Users will be instructed on how to configure the VMS to send alarm signals to Matrix when motion is detected. See the Add Stream documentation for instructions on how to data enter cameras within Matrix.


This document contains supplemental documentation intended to be used in conjunction with your Luxriot users’ manual. This document assumes the user is familiar with the setup and use of their Luxriot VMS system and has a copy of the applicable manual nearby to reference when necessary.

Please Note: Unless otherwise stated, the fields mentioned within this document are required for correct setup on the camera. If any of these fields are not available to you, you may require a software update. Contact the manufacturer for additional information.

The screenshots within this documentation are of the interface for Luxriot Version 1.17.1. Your interface may look different or have different options available. Be sure to consult your manual to confirm you are updating the correct settings.

Luxriot Server Setup

This section instructs users on how to configure the servers that will connect your Luxriot VMS to Matrix. Open the Luxriot Console on your PC. Confirm you are opening Luxriot Console and not Monitor or Server.

Perform the following steps to configure the applicable servers.

  1. Select Configuration located on the left-hand sidebar menu. image
  2. Select Servers from the available Configuration options. image
  3. Select the server you would like to edit from those available.
    • All of the following steps will need to be completed for each applicable server.
  4. Select the Edit option. image
  5. Select the Connections option located on the left-hand sidebar menu. image
  6. Input the port that Luxriot will be listening on into the HTTP Port field. image
  7. Select OK to complete configuring the server.
  8. Repeat steps 3-7 for all servers that will be communicating their streams to Matrix.

After configuring the HTTP Port for all applicable servers, proceed to the Luxriot Camera Setup section below for instructions on how to data enter the servers within Matrix Interactive.

Luxriot Camera Setup

The following steps instruct users on how to data enter their Luxriot servers on Matrix Interactive. After configuring servers with the applicable HTTP Port, users will then data enter the servers similarly to cameras and NVRs within Matrix.

Perform the following steps to data enter server information.

  1. Log in to your Matrix environment and select Camera Setup from your available menu options.
    • If this option is not available to you, contact your administrator for guidance.
  2. Input the account number you wish to assign the Luxriot streams to into the Account Number field.


  1. Select the Add Stream option. image
    • This will display the Add Stream dialog box. image
  2. Input a title for the Luxriot server into the Description field.
  3. Input luxriot into the Username field.
  4. Input luxriot into the Password field.
  5. Input the IP Address the server is connected to or the domain name of the server into the IP Address field.
  6. Input the account zone you wish the server’s streams to report on into the Zone field.
    • Users can also select the magnifying glass icon to search for and select a zone.
  7. Input /dice/nvr/luxriot/[server identifier] into the RTSP Path field where [sever identifier] is the name you would like to assign to the server.
  8. Input the port that Matrix interactive is connecting to into the RTSP Port field.
    • This is the port the HTTP Port identified earlier is listening for.
  9. Select Save to complete configuring the sever.
  10. Repeat steps 3-11 for all applicable servers as necessary.

All added servers will populate the Camera Setup grid. Select the pencil icon to view the Edit screen for the server. The assigned SMTP Settings will be used to configure the additional setup steps found below for SMTP and Motion.


Luxriot SMTP and Motion Setup

The following steps instruct users on how to configure SMTP and Motion settings on their Luxriot streams. All streams require configuration to send emails to Matrix when motion is detected on the stream views.

Open the Luxriot Console on your PC. Confirm you are opening Luxriot Console and not Monitor or Server.

Mail Server Setup

The following steps instruct users on how to create a mail server on their Luxriot VMS. This server will allow Matrix and your cameras to communicate via email to each other.

Perform the following steps to create a mail server.

  1. Select Configuration located on the left-hand sidebar menu. image
  2. Select Mail Servers from the available Configuration options. image
  3. Select the New Mail Server option. image
    • This will display the Details dialog box. image
  4. Input a brief description of the mail server into the Title field.
  5. Input the Server address generated under the SMTP Settings into the Host field.
  6. Input the Server Port generated under the SMTP Settings into the Port field.
    • The Server and Server Port assigned to data entered servers in Matrix will be the same for each server.
  7. Input luxriot into the Username field.
  8. Input luxriot into the Password field.
  9. Select None from the Security Mode dropdown.
  10. Input dice@[server address] into the Sender field where [server address] is the Server address generated under the SMTP Settings.
  11. Select OK to complete creating the mail server.

Action Rule Setup

The following steps instruct users on how to create action rules on their Luxriot VMS. Action rules are protocols that configure camera streams to send emails with attachments given certain parameters.

Perform the following steps to create action rules.

  1. Select Events & Actions from the left-hand sidebar menu. image
  2. Select Rules from the available Events & Actions options. image
  3. Select the Open Configurator option. image
    • This will display the Events and Actions Configurator screen. image
  4. Select the + Action option. image
    • This will open the Details dialog box. image
  5. Select Send mail with a snapshot from the Notifications list. image
  6. Select OK.
    • This will display the Details settings. image
  7. Input a brief description of the action into the Title field.
    • It is suggested to name the action after the server it will be connected to or something similarly meaningful.
  8. Select None for Target unless otherwise applicable to your setup.
  9. Input the Recipient address generated under the SMTP Settings into the To field.
    • Recipient addresses are unique to each server data entered. Because of this, each server will require its own action rule.
  10. Input snapshot into the Subject field.
  11. Input DICE-NVR-LUXRIOT-1 into the Body field.
  12. Select the applicable setting for your system from the Attach Snapshot dropdown. image
  13. Select the Snapshot Title field to display the Insert Field option.
    • Please Note: You will require at minimum version 1.17.1 of Luxriot to have this option available to you. This option is required for proper SMTP setup.
  14. Select the Insert Field option.
  15. Select {EVENT_SOURCE_ID} from the available options. image
  16. Select OK to complete creating the action rule.
  17. Repeat steps 4-16 for all servers data entered within Matrix Interactive.

Assigning Action Rules

The following steps instruct users on how to assign created action rules to camera streams. Action rules are parameters assigned to cameras to ensure they report data given specific scenarios.

Perform the following steps to assign action rules to camera streams.

  1. Select Events & Actions from the left-hand sidebar menu. image
  2. Select Rules from the available Events & Actions options. image
  3. Select the Open Configurator option. image
    • This will display the Events and Actions Configurator screen. image
  4. Select Motion from the desired camera stream you would like to add from the EVENT column.
    • Motion and actions will need to be assigned to each applicable camera stream. image
  5. Select the right angle bracket to add the camera to the RULE column. image
  6. With the camera highlighted within the RULE column, select the rule created above from the ACTION column.
    • Confirm the rule configured is using the Recipient address assigned to the stream’s applicable server. image
  7. Select the left angle bracket to add the rule to the camera. image
  8. Repeat steps 4-7 for all desired camera streams.
  9. Select OK to complete configuring action rules on the cameras.

Motion Setup

The following steps instruct users on how to enable motion detection on their camera channels. Enabling motion ensures the cameras are configured to send information when motion is detected within their view.

Perform the following steps to enable motion detection.

  1. Select Configuration from the left-hand sidebar menu. image
  2. Select Channels from the available Configuration options. image
  3. Select the channel you wish to activate motion on from those available.
    • Motion detection will need to be enabled on all applicable channels. image
  4. Select the Edit option. image
    • This will display the channel settings options. image
  5. Select Motion Detector from the left-hand sidebar menu to display the motion settings. image
  6. Select the desired Mode from the dropdown.
    • This option cannot be set to disabled. image
  7. Select Apply to complete configuring the channel.
  8. Repeat steps 3-7 for all applicable channels.

Once complete, all camera streams are now configured to report to Matrix Interactive when motion is detected.

Viewing Luxriot VMS Streams

The following steps instruct users on how to perform the final setup of their Luxriot streams. All streams will require a manual motion trip to confirm they are functioning correctly.

Perform the following steps to confirm your Luxriot streams are configured correctly.

  1. Test the cameras by manually tripping them.
    • Walk past the viewpoints throughout the site.
  2. View the Camera Setup grid and confirm the streams display when tripped.
    • As cameras are tripped, they will automatically display within the grid.
  3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 with all streams.

Please Note: the server stream will appear black within the Camera Setup grid. DO NOT delete the server stream. If deleted, the communication between DICE and your VMS will cease, rendering the SMTP setup ineffective.


If the streams do not display within the grid, confirm all SMTP information is correctly applied and the server is properly setup within Matrix. See the Stream Management documentation for more information on configuring camera streams.