Operator Setup

The Setup tab within Outbound Quantum Operator allows users to configure the default behavior settings of Outbound Voice (OBV). These settings can be overridden when configuring notification types. See the Operator Types documentation for information on how to manage operator alarm categories.


The following documentation defines all available setup options. Configure these options as necessary to define the basic operation of your outbound voice operator.

Wait seconds before initial callDetermines the number of seconds after a signal is sent to OBV that the system will wait before calling the first contact on the signal.
Wait minutes between callsDetermines the number of minutes after OBV attempted to call a contact the system will wait before calling the next contact.
Handle future minutes with callDetermines the number of minutes OBV will look back into the queue for when finding a signal to call on.
For Example: If 7 is input into this field, OBV will find signals received seven minutes ago and begin calling on them.
Number times call before holdDetermines the number of times the system will attempt to call a contact after receiving a busy signal before placing the signal into the hold queue for an operator to handle.
Priority for hold signalDetermines the priority that will be assigned to signals placed on hold by OBV.
Time limit for hold signalDetermines the maximum number of minutes a signal placed on hold by OBV will remain in the hold queue.
Handle future minutes with holdDetermines the number of minutes OBV will look back into the queue to place signals on hold.
For Example: If 7 is input into this field, OBV will find signals within the queue received seven minutes ago and place them on hold.
Resolution on called signalsDetermines the resolution code OBV will write to signals acknowledged by the called contact.
Resolution on user cleared signalsDetermines the resolution code OBV will write to signals users clear from the OBV queue.
Resolution on logged signalsDetermines the resolution code OBV will write to signals OBV has reached the call limit on with no contacts answering the call.
Resolution on log only signalsDetermines the resolution code OBV will write to signals where the call list used has 08 assigned to every contact on the call list. See the Call Lists documentation for more information on how to manage subscriber call lists.
Resolution on caught signalsDetermines the resolution code OBV will write to signals if a second signal is received that clears the first.
For Example: If OBV is calling on an LTC alarm and the close signal is received, this is the resolution code that will be written to the LTC alarm.
Info on history for cleared signalsDetermines the information that will be written to History Details when the alarm is cleared from the OBV queue.
Voice server connection time outDetermines the number of seconds OBV will wait for a response from the Windows Voice Server. If the Windows Server doesn’t send a response within the time frame, OBV will end the call and attempt to make the call again.
Number of times for voicemailDetermines the number of times OBV should repeat the Voicemail script when recording a voicemail message. See the Operator Scripts documentation for instructions on managing scripts.
Max users can extend closingsDetermines the default maximum number of minutes a user can extend a closing schedule.
Default outbound menu nameDetermines the default IVR menu OBV will use. See the Operator Menu Entry documentation for more information on setting up menus.
Max accounts in outbound pendingDetermines the maximum number of accounts that can be in the OBV pending queue before signals are routed to operators for handling. Inputting 0 into this field will not limit the number of accounts that can be placed into the queue.
Prevent calls to fireDetermines if OBV is allowed to contact fire authorities if they are on the call list. If selected, OBV will not contact the fire department.
Prevent calls to policeDetermines if OBV is allowed to contact police authorities if they are on the call list. If selected, OBV will not contact the police department.
Prevent calls to medicalDetermines if OBV is allowed to contact medical authorities if they are on the call list. If selected, OBV will not contact medical personnel.
Prevent calls to guardDetermines if OBV is allowed to contact guard authorities if they are on the call list. If selected, OBV will not contact guard personnel.
Server addressDetermines the IP address of the Windows Voice Server.
Server portDetermines the port being listened to by the Windows Voice Server.
Number of outbound linesDetermines the number of lines OBV can use at once when making calls. Inbound calls have priority over outbound.
For Example: If your system uses four total lines and two is input here, OBV can make two calls simultaneously. It should be noted that OBV will not attempt to call two contacts on the same signal at the same time. This ony applies to contacting individuals on different signals.
Don’t ask for passcodeDetermines of OBV will prompt contacts for their passcode. If selected, OBV will not ask contacts for their passcodes prior to reading the assigned message.
Use any passcode for premDetermines if OBV will accept any passcode on the account when validating input passcodes.
Name only read to commaDetermines if OBV will read entire company names including commas. If selected, OBV will only read company names up to the included comma.
Call resolution for VM callsDetermines the resolution code OBV will write to signals where OBV left a voicemail message.
Only call dealer main numberDetermines if OBV will only contact the dealer’s primary office number. This number is defined within Dealer Maintenance. See the Dealer Maintenance documentation for more information on how to manage dealer profiles.
Service call listDetermines the default call list OBV will use when contacting individuals regarding service tickets.
Prompt to listenDetermines if OBV will prompt the contact to press 1 to listen to the message after speaking the header text.
Prompt menu repeatDetermines the number times the Prompt to Listen menu will be repeated.
Prompt menu delay timeDetermines the number of seconds OBV will wait before repeating the Prompt to Listen menu options.
Voice process is onDetermines if automated voice processing is currently running. If N is input into this field, the automated operator will cease running on the system until this field is switched back to Y.