Subscriber CSV Import

The Subscriber CSV Import page within Matrix provides users the ability to instantly upload multiple subscriber profiles to their desired dealer. The following documentation instructs users on formatting CSV files and uploading them to Matrix.


CORE Configuration

Prior to uploading the CSV file, users must complete account and permission parameters on the dealer account. These parameters are assigned to dealers within CORE. This documentation does not provide comprehensive instructions on working within CORE. Contact DICE support for assistance.

Assign Dealer Accounts

Before the CSV file can be uploaded to the appropriate dealer, the dealer must be assigned a range of subscriber account numbers. Ensure the account range includes the accounts being defined within the CSV.

Assign Dealer Permissions

Before the CSV file can be uploaded to the appropriate dealer, the dealer must be assigned subscriber post permissions. Post permissions ensures the CSV file can be properly assigned to the dealer.

CSV Format

A Comma-Separated Values file contains information formatted to be translated into a table environment. As the tables within Matrix have character limited fields, it is important to follow these restrictions when formatting the file.

Subscriber CSV

After receiving the CSV file of the subscribers to be imported, the file will require slight formatting to ensure it is uploaded properly into Matrix. Perform the following steps to format the subscriber CSV correctly.

  1. Open the CSV in Excel, or your preferred spreadsheet editing program.
  2. From left to right, organize the information headers following the header formatting listed below.
    • Please Note: Only include headers of information you are changing/adding within the document. If you were to include a header with no information defined, the system will delete any existing information to match the CSV.

Please Note: The below CSV field headers are case sensitive. Confirm you are using the lowercase when typing the header fields into the spreadsheet.

dealerIdentifies the dealer under which the subscriber account is managed (limit of 6 characters). This field must be populated with an existing dealer ID within Matrix. Use the same dealer account that was used in the above instruction sets.
Please Note: This header is required.
accountAlphanumeric ID attached to the subscriber (limit of 9 characters). The subscriber account number must be within the range of subscriber accounts assigned to the dealer in the above steps. If an existing account number is used in this field, the existing subscriber will be overridden with the information within the CSV upon successful upload.
Please Note: This header is required.
company_nameName the subscriber goes by (limit of 28 characters). This field can either be the formal name of a commercial company, the main contact’s name, or any other identifier used to distinguish the subscriber.
street_noThe number associated with the subscriber’s street address location (limit of 8 characters).
street_name1If applicable, the street direction associated with the subscriber’s street address location (limit of 2 characters).
street_name2The name of the road the subscriber is located on (limit of 28 characters).
addtl_addressIf applicable, additional address information such as apartment or suite number (limit of 28 characters).
xstreetName of the road that intersects with the subscriber’s road (limit of 32 characters).
cityThe city/town associated with the subscriber’s address (limit of 18 characters).
stateThe state abbreviation associated with the subscriber’s address (limit of 3 characters).
zipcodeThe postal code associated with the subscriber’s address (limit of 10 characters).
countryThe country abbreviation associated with the subscriber’s address (limit of 3 characters).
site_phoneThe main premises phone number formatted without parenthesis or dashes (limit of 16 characters).
site_nameThe first and last name of the account premises contact (limit of 20 characters).
site_infoAny additional information that should be noted on the premises (limit of 30 characters).
panel_typeThe panel within use on the subscriber’s premises (limit of 10 characters).
default_zone_listThe configured set of zones the subscriber will use (limit of 6 characters).
po_numberMiscellaneous field used for any information the user may find useful for the account (limit of 15 characters).
districtIf applicable, the subscriber’s city location/neighborhood (limit of 12 characters).
countyIf applicable, the subscriber’s state’s territory division name (limit of 35 characters)
group_nameIf applicable, the dealer’s assigned group ID.
generate_sig_on_testIf applicable, input a Y (yes) or N (no) to determine whether or not a DISAB signal should generate when the account is placed on test (limit of 1 character).
rate_tableIf applicable, the dealer’s rate table used for account billing (limit of 6 characters).
radio_linkIf applicable, input the subscriber account ID the subscriber should be linked to.
service_codeInput the default service code the subscriber should be assigned to (limit of 6 characters).
site_salesrep_groupIf applicable, input the applicable sales rep’s ID or the sales group ID this subscriber should belong to (limit of 6 characters).
catch_late_tosinput a Y (yes) or N (no) to determine whether or not
zones_linkedIf applicable, input the desired code to determine whether or not zones are linked between linked accounts (limit of 1 character).
Y: Yes. Zones will be linked between accounts.
N: No. Zones will not be linked between accounts.
C: Copy. Zones will be copied between accounts but not linked.
email_addressIf applicable, the email address of the primary contact.
start_dateInput the date the account should become active. If left blank, the system will default to the current date.
mac_numberIf applicable, the mac address associated with the subscriber.
ar_numberIf applicable, the accounts receivable ID the subscriber should belong to.
account_typePopulates the Data Entry Identifier 1 (IDENT 1) field (limit of 9 characters). This field requires the ACCOUNT-TYPE-TO-ID1 flag to be set to Y, if this flag is not relevant to you, populate the identifier_1 field below instead.
Please Note: this identifier is customizable and may be called an alternate name on your site.
date_enteredThe date (MMDDYY) the subscriber’s information was entered into the system (limit of 6 characters).
start_date_with_dealerThe date (MMDDYY) the subscriber became a client of the dealer (limit of 6 characters).
any_signal_a_testCode input designated whether or not incoming signals are test signals or not (limit of 1 character).
Y: Yes. All incoming signals will be recognized as test signals.
N: No. None of the incoming signals will be recognized as test signals.
Z: Zones. Specific zones can be configured as test zones or non-test zones.
test_spanInput the code used to determine how frequently the system will send a test signal for the subscriber (limit of 1 character). The following selections are valid codes:
H: Hourly
D: Daily
W: Weekly
M: Monthly
Q: Quarterly
N: Never
hourly_test_spanLength of time, in hours, the subscriber can be placed in on test mode (limit of 3 characters).
system_handle_hourlyInput a Y (yes) or N (no) to designate whether or not the hourly test signal should be system handled (limit of 1 character).
misc_info_1Miscellaneous information field (limit of 39 characters).
misc_info_2Miscellaneous information field (limit of 39 characters).
site_directionsText field used to provide instructions on how to log in to the subscriber’s system (free form text).
contact_nameThe first and last name of an account contact (limit of 20 characters).
Please Note: Only one contact’s information can be imported per line. Any additional contacts must be added on a new line.
contact_personal_infoMiscellaneous information about the contact (limit of 30 characters).
contact_phoneThe primary telephone number used to speak with the contact (limit of 16 characters).
passcodeIf applicable, the contact’s assigned security code (limit of 15 characters).
opening_idIf applicable, the code entered into the panel to signal an opening (limit of 3 characters).
closing_idIf applicable, the code entered into the panel to signal a closing (limit of 3 characters).
first_zoneThe initial zone that will assign to the dealer. Instructions on adding additional zones can be found below (limit of 9 characters).
first_zone_codeThe event type that will be recognized on the zone (limit of 3 characters).
zone_descBrief explanation of the zone (limit of 30 characters).
additional_zone_descAny miscellaneous information that should be noted on the zone (limit of 147 characters).
mapIf applicable, the coordinates used to plot the subscriber’s location on the map feature within Matrix (limit of 6 characters).
policePhone number (formatted without dashes or parentheses) used to contact law enforcement personnel (limit of 16 characters).
firePhone number (formatted without dashes or parentheses) used to contact fire department personnel (limit of 16 characters).
medicalPhone number (formatted without dashes or parentheses) used to contact emergency medical personnel (limit of 16 characters).
guardPhone number (formatted without dashes or parentheses) used to contact security personnel (limit of 16 characters).
early_open_windowThe length of time, in minutes, before the appointed opening time an open signal can be received without generating an alarm (limit of 3 numeric characters). Note: this tag effects schedules.
late_open_windowThe length of time, in minutes, after the appointed opening time an open signal can be received without generating an alarm (limit of 3 numeric characters). Note: this tag effects schedules.
early_close_windowThe length of time, in minutes, before the appointed closing time a close signal can be received without generating an alarm (limit of 3 numeric characters). Note: this tag effects schedules.
late_close_windowThe length of time, in minutes, after the appointed closing time a close signal can be received without generating an alarm (limit of 3 numeric characters). Note: this tag effects schedules.
sched_event_typeInput the code defining the schedule type the signal will be defined as (limit of 1 character ).
O: Open
C: Close
B: Both open and close
W: Welfare
U: Unsupervised
S: Supervised
sched_dayInput the code defining the first day of the week this schedule becomes valid (limit of 1 character).
1: Sunday
2: Monday
3: Tuesday
4: Wednesday
5: Thursday
6: Friday
7: Saturday
sched_beginThe time (in 24-hour format) the schedule begins (limit of 4 characters).
sched_endThe time (in 24-hour format) the schedule ends (limit of 4 characters).
sched_freqInput the code used to determine the frequency an open/close signal will generate during the schedule times (limit of 1 character).
M: Many. Open/Close signals will always generate.
O: Once. Open/Close signals will only generate the first time they are received.
sched_areaIf applicable, input the area code associated with the schedule (limit of 3 characters).
sched_ltcInput a Y (yes) or N (no) to determine whether or not the system should generate a LTC signal if the premises fails to close at a predetermined time (limit of 1 character).
sched_ltoInput a Y (yes) or N (no) to determine whether or not the system should generate a LTO signal if the premises fails to open at a predetermined time (limit of 1 character).
sched_opened_lateInput a Y (yes) or N (no) to determine whether or not the system should mark as opening signal as late if it is received after the appointed opening time (limit of 1 character).
sched_late_timeInput the time (in 24-hour format) the open signal should begin being defined as late (limit of 4 characters).
sched_user_idIf applicable, input the user ID the incoming signal should be limited to (limit of 3 characters).
time_zoneThe time zone abbreviation the subscriber is located in (limit of 3 characters).
ALS: Alaska
AST: Atlantic
ATG: Antigua/British West Indies
AZT: Arizona
BRT: Atlantic/Bermuda Time
CET: Central European Time
CST: Central Standard Time (U.S.A.)
EET: Eastern Australia Time
EST: Eastern Standard Time (U.S.A.)
GMT: Greenwich Mean Time
GST: Guam Time
HST: Hawaii Time
IST: Southwestern Indiana
MST: Mountain Standard Time (U.S.A.)
NET: Northern Australia Time
NST: Newfoundland
PRT: Puerto Rico
PST: Pacific Standard Time (U.S.A.)
QET: Queensland Australia Time
SET: Southern Australia Time
SST: Saskatchewan Time
TET: Tasmanian Time
WEP: Western European Time
WET: Western Australia Time
comm_resInput the code used to define the subscriber’s type (limit of 1 character).
C: Commercial Business
R: Residential
X: Other
A: Answering Service
activeInput a N (no) or Y (yes) to designate this account as either inactive or active respectively (limit of 1 character). If the account is not active the system will ignore all incoming signals generated from this account.
inactive_dateThe date (MMDDYY) the subscriber became inactive in the system (limit of 6 characters).
identifier_1Miscellaneous information field.
identifier_2Miscellaneous information field.
identifier_3Miscellaneous information field.
identifier_4Miscellaneous information field (limit of 15 characters).
zone_wildcardsInput a Y (yes) or N (no) to designate whether or not the @ symbol can be used when defining subscriber zones/signal codes (limit of 1 character).
extended_signalsInput a Y (yes) or N (no) to designate whether or not the subscriber is allowed to send extended signals (limit of 1 character). Signals sent in two separate transmissions but received as one signal are defined as Extended Signals.
use_areaInput the code used to determine if the subscriber uses areas (limit of 1 character). The following selections are valid codes:
Y: Use areas when creating schedules and defining zones.
N: Do not use areas.
S: Use areas for schedules only.
two_wayInput a Y (yes) or N (no) to determine whether or not the subscriber uses DICE Two Way (limit of 1 character).
supervise_scheduleInput the code used to determine how signals are handled during supervised scheduled times (limit of 1 character).
A: All signals are handled by an operator.
N: All open/close signals are system handled.
Y: Scheduled events are supervised by the system resulting in generated signals for unscheduled, late-to, and late alarms.
I: Signals generated by valid user IDs are system handled.
U Signals generated by invalid user IDs are sent to operators.
F: Only late-to alarms will be operator handled.
V: All signals except those sent from unknown users will be system handled.
O: Only open events will be handled by operators. Close events will be system handled.
C: Only close events will be handled by operators. Open events will be system handled.
P: The schedule will be honored; however, validated users will require passcodes.
passcode_neededInput a Y (yes) or N (no) to determine whether or not a security code is required (limit of 1 character).
ee_delayInput a Y (yes) or N (no) to determine whether or not signals should be delayed slightly before being handled (limit of 1 character).
site_sales_tax_groupInput the subscriber’s sales tax code (limit of 6 characters).
b_branchThe Billing branch the subscriber should be assigned to (limit of 3 characters).
s_branchThe Service branch the subscriber should be assigned to (limit of 3 characters).
i_branchThe Install branch the subscriber should be assigned to (limit of 3 characters).
m_branchThe Monitoring branch the subscriber should be assigned to (limit of 3 characters).

The below figure is an example of what your formatted spreadsheet will look like.


Note: See the Data Entry Subscriber Tab documentation for more information on the available options.

Confirm all information is organized correctly and save the file as a CSV file and continue to the Uploading the CSV section.

Zone CSV

Uploading multiple zones requires additional formatting steps than uploading multiple subscribers. Perform the following steps to creating a CSV file for multiple zones.

Please Note

The WWSIGNIP.CLEAR-EXISTING-ZONES flag within CORE determines how the Zone CSV import behaves.

  • If set to Y or blank, importing new zones will delete any existing zones on the account.
  • If set to N, importing new zones won’t affect existing zones, they will remain assigned to the account.

If more than 100 zones are being imported, this flag must be set to N in order to avoid unintentional zone deletions.

  1. Open the CSV in Excel, or your preferred spreadsheet editing software.
  2. Using the format described above, create your zone CSV using the following column headers: dealer, account, first_zone, and first_zone_code. If applicable, additional headers can be included.
    • The dealer and account headers can be omitted. If they are not included, additional import steps will be required. See steps 5-9 under the Uploading the CSV section below.
  3. Input the dealer, account, and zone codes into the applicable columns.
  4. Each new zone on the subscriber will require a separate row.


Confirm all information is listed correctly and save the file as a CSV file and continue to the next section.

Uploading the CSV

After the CSV file has been formatted per the above instructions and the appropriate dealer has been granted CSV permissions, the file can be uploaded into the system. Select Subscriber CSV Import from the available menu options located on your Matrix menu.

Perform the following steps to upload the CSV file.

  1. Select Choose File.


  1. Select the desired file to upload from your computer.
  2. Confirm the displayed information is correct. image

Users can interact with the Data Preview table via the available toolbar options. These options are defined below.

ImportBegins the import process. More information on importing the csv can be found below.
View ContactsAllows users to view the contact information assigned to the accounts. More information on viewing contacts can be found below.
View PremisesAllows users to view the premises phone numbers assigned to the accounts. More information on viewing numbers can be found below.
ReloadRefreshes the table to display up-to-date information.

View Contacts

Selecting the View Contacts option will display the Contacts Preview dialog box.


The Contacts Preview table displays all contact information assigned to the selected account. This table allows users to verify all contact information is correct.

View Premises

Selecting the View Premises option will display the Premises Preview dialog box.


The Premises Preview table displays all premises phone numbers assigned to the selected account. This table allows users to verify all phone numbers are correct.


Selecting Import will begin the import process for the subscriber accounts.

If any errors are encountered, an error dialog box will display providing details on why the CSV upload failed. Correct the errors within the CSV file or Matrix and upload the CSV file again. A list of potential error codes can be found below.


Zone Import

If applicable, the Zone Import Setup dialog box will display if the Account Number or Dealer headers are not included in the Zone CSV file. image

Perform the following steps to import zones.

  1. Input the account number the zones should be attached to into the Account Number field.
  2. Input the Dealer number the account is listed under into the Dealer field.
  3. If applicable, input the desired zone code that should be listed first on the account into the Default First Zone field. By default, this field will be set to 000.
  4. Select OK to complete the Zone import.

The uploaded subscribers (and zones if applicable) can be viewed and updated as needed within Matrix Data Entry.

  • See the Data Entry Subscriber Tab documentation for more information on managing subscribers.
  • See the Zones Tab documentation for more information on managing zones.

Error Codes

Code NumberDescription
001Blank account number.
002Invalid panel type.
003Invalid default zone list.
004Invalid service code.
005Invalid start date.
006Invalid dealer.
007Different dealer than what is on the account.
008Blank zone sent.
009First zone code does not exist.
011Fire code not found for the phone number.
012Police code not found for the phone number
013Medical code not found for the phone number
014Guard code not found for the phone number
015Account is not assigned to you. Account was not located in the assignment table.
016Account is not assigned to you. Account is assigned to an alternate dealer.
017Invalid value for any signal a test.
018Invalid account type.
019Invalid date entered field.
020Invalid start date with dealer.
021Invalid test span.
022Invalid hourly test value.
023Invalid hourly system handle value.
024Invalid system handle value not valid with test span value.
025Invalid hourly test value/test span combination.
026Duplicated opening user ID. Two or more contacts were assigned identical opening user IDs.
027Duplicated closing user ID. Two or more contacts were assigned identical closing user IDs.
028Bad schedule event type.
029Bad schedule day.
030Bad schedule begin.
031Bad schedule end.
032Bad schedule frequency.
033Bad schedule area length.
034Bad schedule LTC.
035Bad schedule LTO.
036Bad schedule opened late.
037Bad schedule late time.
038SCHED_LTO is Y, therefore a late time is required.
039Bad user length.
040Bad early open window.
041Bad late open window.
042Bad early close window.
043Bad late close window.
044Invalid time zone.
045Invalid commercial/residential.
046Account does not exist. Cannot delete.
048Invalid active value.
049Invalid inactive date.
050Invalid identifier format.
051Invalid identifier.
052Invalid identifier data.
053Identifier must be unique.
054Identifier is too long.
055Account does not exist. Cannot set active status.
061Invalid value for zone_wildcards
062Invalid value for extended_signals
063Invalid value for use_area
065Invalid value for supervise_schedule
066Invalid value for passcode_needed
067Invalid value for ee_delay
068Invalid value for site_sales_tax_group
069Invalid value for b_branch
070Invalid value for s_branch
071Invalid value for i_branch
072Invalid value for m_branch
N/ASender not allowed. If returned, contact your central station administrator. DICE Support cannot edit the menu tied to this error code.