Premises Sub-tab
On this page
The Premises sub-tab allows users to manage the contact information used to communicate with personnel located at the subscriber’s primary location (place of business for commercial accounts or personal residence for residential accounts). Premises profiles are configured similarly to individual contacts.
Users can interact with the Premises table via the available toolbar options. These options and their functions are defined below.
Option | Function |
CSV | Downloads a CSV file of the Premises table. |
Downloads a PDF file of the Premises table. | |
Columns | Allows users to update the columns that display in the table. See the Column Management documentation for more information on how to update table columns. |
Rename | Allows users to update the column names. See the Column Management documentation for more information on how to update table columns. |
Save | Preserves any table changes (e.g. column layout or name changes) as default so the updated table configuration will display the next time the user views the page. |
Call | Automatically dials the selected premises number. This option is only available if a call system has been integrated with your software. |
Reorder | Allows users to update the order phone numbers are listed in. More information on reordering contacts can be found above. |
Add | Allows users to create new phone number profiles. More information on this option can be found below. |
Edit | Allows users to update existing phone number profiles. |
Delete | Removes the selected phone number profile from the table. |
Reload | Refreshes the table to display up-to-date information. |
Selecting the Add option from the toolbar will open the Premises: New Premises dialog box. Users can configure the new premises number via the available tabs and their options. These tabs and their options are defined below.
Please Note: The Email & Valid Days/Times tabs cannot be accessed until after the contact is saved.
The Details sub-tab is where general information is defined on the premises number.
Users will have access to two separate sections that define the premises contact information. These sections are defined below.
Contact Details
The Contact Details section defines general information regarding the premises number.
Populate the available fields with the primary contact information. These fields are defined below.
Option | Definition |
Contact Name | This field auto-populates with the Company Name assigned to the subscriber under the Subscriber tab. If applicable, users can update this field. |
Phone Number | The primary 10-digit telephone number used to contact the premises. |
Format | Determines the phone masking that will be applied to the phone number. |
Phone Extension | If applicable, defines the extension number used to direct dial the premises. |
Personal Information | Any miscellaneous information that should be noted on the premises. |
Country | The telephone number’s country of origin. This affects the country code that is applied to the phone number when it is autodialed. |
Additional Details
The Additional Details section allows users to configure various supplementary information on the contact.
Populate the available fields with the contact’s general access privileges. These fields are defined below
Option | Definition |
Valid From/To | If applicable, the date ranges the contact will be marked as Valid in the system. This affects if the contact is available to call when they are on a call list. |
Inclusive Date/Time | Determines if the date and time this contact is valid is constant from the start time on the start date to the end time on the end date. For Example: If the premises number was marked as available Mon-Fri 0800-1700 and this option is selected, the contact will be available for a full 24 hours on Tues-Thurs. The start time is 0800 Monday, and the end time is 1700 Friday. |
Exception Group | If applicable, assigns the premises number to an existing Exception Group via this drop-down. Exception Groups are groupings of contacts that are only contacted for specific alarms. |
Script | If applicable, assign the premises number a script to use when handling alarms in Monitoring. A script is a predetermined list of questions or statements operators are required to say to callers. |
Limit Areas | If selected, the premises number’s authority over alarms is limited by the area the alarm originated in. |
After configuring the premises contact profile’s basic details, select Save All to save the premises contact profile to the subscriber account. The additional information tabs available are described below.
Note: Contacts must be saved prior to accessing this tab and its options.
The Email sub-tab allows users to manage email addresses used to send notifications the premises’ shared inbox. The addresses assigned here are the email addresses the system will use when contacting the premises via email (For Example: when sending reports, notices, etc.).
Users can interact with the Emails table via the available toolbar options. These options and their functions are defined below.
Option | Function |
Delete All | Removes all emails from the premises. Deleted emails will be removed from automatic report notifications. |
Add | Allows users to create new email profiles on the premises. More information on adding emails can be found below. |
Edit | Allows users to update existing emails as necessary. |
Delete | Removes the selected email from the profile. Deleted emails will be removed from automatic report notifications. |
Reload | Refreshes the table to display up-to-date information. |
Adding Emails
Selecting the Add option from the toolbar will open the Add Email Address dialog box.
Perform the following steps to add an email address to the premises.
- Input the full email address that will be used to notify the premises into the Email Address field.
- If applicable, update the premises’ automatically populated name in the Display Name field.
- This field will automatically populate with the Contact Name entered under the Details sub-tab.
- Select Save to complete adding the email address to the premises.
- Repeat steps 1-3 for all additional email addresses as necessary.
Valid Days/Times
Note: Contacts must be saved prior to accessing this tab and its options.
The Valid Days/Times tab allows users to assign days and times to the contact. These days and times are when the contact is available to receive notifications or be called.
Users can update interact with the Valid Days/Times table via the available toolbar options. These options and their functions are defined below.
Option | Function |
Delete All | Removes all existing days and times from the table. |
Add | Allows users to assign valid days and times to the premises. More information on adding days and times can be found below. |
Edit | Allows users to update the selected date and time. |
Delete | Removes the selected date and time from the table. |
Reload | Refreshes the table to display up-to-date information. |
Selecting Add from the toolbar options will open the Add Contact Valid Days/Times dialog box.
Perform the following steps to assign valid days and times to the premises.
- Select the applicable day(s) of the week the premises should be valid from the Day drop-down.
- SUN-SAT: Individual days of the week.
- ALL: All seven days of the week.
- DAY: Business days (Monday-Friday) of the week only.
- END: Weekending days (Saturday & Sunday) of the week only.
- Selecting an option from the drop-down representing multiple days will populate the table with each day during the selected time frame.
- Input the time the contact will begin being valid on the selected day(s) into the From field.
- This is when the contact can start receiving notifications or calls.
- Input the time the contact will stop being valid on the selected days(s) into the To field.
- This is when the contact will no longer be available to receive notifications or calls.
- Select Save to complete assigning days and times to the premises.
- Repeat steps 1-4 for all additional days and times as necessary.