Monitoring Alarm Traffic

Alarm Traffic displays signaling information applicable to operators monitoring alarms.


The Alarm Traffic screen is divided into six default tables. If desired, users can update the layout of these grids via the Edit Layout option. See the Customizing Layouts documentation for instructions on how to update the layout of the Traffic screen.

In Process

The In Process table displays all alarms currently being handled by operators.


Double-clicking on an alarm within the In Process table will prompt operators if they would like to steal the alarm from the other operator.


This allows operators to begin handling the stolen alarm. Stealing an alarm allows operators to take ownership of alarms a different operator is processing. The operator the alarm was stolen from will be returned to the traffic screen. See the Alarm Handling documentation for more information on how to handle alarms.

On Test

The On Test table displays all accounts currently placed on test within the system.


See the On/Off Test documentation for more information on how to place accounts on test.


The Pending table displays all alarms currently waiting to be handled. These are signals waiting to be delivered to operators.


If you are not in receiving, you can double-click on an alarm to begin handling it. See the Alarm Handling documentation for more information on how to handle alarms.

On Hold

The On Hold table displays all alarms placed on hold by operators. Operators can place alarms into the hold queue while they wait for resolutions, call backs, etc.


See the Alarm Handling documentation for more information on placing alarms on hold.

Pending Restores

The Pending Restores table displays all signals currently waiting for their assigned restore signal.


See the Pending Resets documentation below for more information on manually resetting pending restores.

Recent Signals

The Recent Signals table displays the 10 most recently received signals.


Double-clicking on a signal within the Recent Signals table will display that signal’s details.


Users can view and interact with subscriber signal information via the available menu options located along the top of their Alarm Traffic screen.


The following documentation instructs users on how to interact with the available Alarm Traffic menu options. See the Customizing Layouts documentation for instructions on how to update the layout of the Traffic screen.

On Hold Details

The On Hold Details option allows users to view and manage alarms currently placed on hold by operators. Selecting On Hold Details will display the Alarms On Hold table. Users can interact with the table via the available toolbar options. These options are defined below.


ColumnsAllows users to update what column information will display in the table. See the Column Management documentation for more information on how to update table columns.
RenameAllows users to update the column names as necessary. See the Column Management documentation for more information on how to update table columns.
SavePreserves any table changes (e.g. column layout or name changes) as default so the updated table configuration will display the next time the user views the page. This option applies to the user’s personal profile only.
Add Message To HistoryAllows users to assign a note to the selected alarm’s history report. More information on adding messages to alarm history can be found below.
ReloadRefreshes the table to display up-to-date information.

Users can also double-click on an alarm to view the alarm handling screen. See the Alarm Handling documentation for more information on how to handle alarms.

Add Message to History

Selecting Add Message to History will display the Add History Message dialog box.


Perform the following steps to add a note to the alarm’s history record.

  1. If desired, select a Quick Notes option from the available dropdown.
    • This will automatically populate the message field with the selected quick note’s text.
  2. Input any additional information into the available text field.
  3. Select OK to complete adding the message.

On Test Details

The On Test Details option allows users to view and manage alarms placed on test. Selecting On Test Details will display the On Test Details table. See the On/Off Test documentation for more information on how to place accounts on test within Matrix.


Users can interact with the table via the available toolbar options. These options are defined below.

ColumnsAllows users to update what column information will display in the table. See the Column Management documentation for more information on how to update table columns.
RenameAllows users to update the column names as necessary. See the Column Management documentation for more information on how to update table columns.
SavePreserves any table changes (e.g. column layout or name changes) as default so the updated table configuration will display the next time the user views the page. This option applies to the user’s personal profile only.
Delete AllRemoves all existing scheduled tests from the table.
HistoryDisplays the Account History dialog box where users can search for and view the selected account’s alarm history. See the Matrix History documentation for more information on viewing account history information.
EditAllows users to update the selected test’s parameters.
DeleteRemoves the selected scheduled test from the table.
ReloadRefreshes the table to display up-to-date information.

Operator Review

The Operator Review option displays handled signals that users can filter by operator code. Selecting Operator Review will display the Operator Review table.


This section will explain the options here that are unique to Operator Review, all other options are available within Matrix History. For more detailed information on the available options, see the Matrix History documentation.

The Operator Code field allows users to filter history results by the selected operator. Selecting the magnifying glass icon allows users to search for and select an operator to view. Once selected, the table will filter to display events handled by that operator.


Pending Details

Selecting Pending Details will open the Pending Alarms dialog box. Users can interact with the Pending Alarms table via the available toolbar options. These options are defined below.


ColumnsAllows users to update what column information will display in the table. See the Column Management documentation for more information on how to update table columns.
RenameAllows users to update the column names as necessary. See the Column Management documentation for more information on how to update table columns.
SavePreserves any table changes (e.g. column layout or name changes) as default so the updated table configuration will display the next time the user views the page. This option applies to the user’s personal profile only.
SelectTransfers the user to Alarm Handling for the selected pending alarm. Users can also double-click on on alarm to begin handling it. See the Alarm Handling documentation for more information on how to handle alarms.
ReloadRefreshes the table to display up-to-date information.

Pending Resets

Selecting the Pending Resets menu option will open the Pending Resets table. This table displays all signals waiting on their corresponding reset code.


Users can interact with the table via the available toolbar options. These options and their functions are defined below.

ColumnsAllows users to update what column information will display in the table. See the Column Management documentation for more information on how to update table columns.
RenameAllows users to update the column names as necessary. See the Column Management documentation for more information on how to update table columns.
SavePreserves any table changes (e.g. column layout or name changes) as default so the updated table configuration will display the next time the user views the page. This option applies to the user’s personal profile only.
Force ResetAutomatically resets the selected signal. This action will be written to account history.
Force By RangeAllows users to apply a force reset to multiple signals. More information on resetting a range of signals can be found below.
Clear OneAutomatically resets the selected signal. This action will not be written to history.
HistoryDisplays the Account History dialog box where operators can search for and view the selected reset’s account alarm history. See the Matrix History documentation for more information on viewing account history information.
NotesDisplays notes assigned to the selected reset’s subscriber.
Subscriber InfoOpens Matrix Data Entry for the selected reset’s subscriber in an alternate browser tab. See the Subscriber documentation for more information on managing subscriber accounts.
ServiceDisplays the Dispatch System dialog box for the selected reset. This is only applicable to systems using Matrix Service.
ReloadRefreshes the table to display up-to-date information.

Force By Range

Selecting the Force By Range option from the toolbar will open the Range Entry dialog box. Users can use the available options to reset multiple pending restorations.


Perform the following steps to reset a group of restores.

  1. Input the account number you would like to begin resetting restores on into the Begin Account field.
    • Users can also select the magnifying glass icon to search for and select an account.
  2. Input the account number you would like to stop resetting restores on into the End Account field.
  3. Input the chart code you would like to begin resetting restores of into the Begin Type field.
    • Users can also select the magnifying glass icon to search for and select an alarm type.
  4. Input the chart code you would like to stop resetting restores of into the End Type field.
  5. Input the date you would like to begin resetting restores on into the Begin Date field.
    • This is the date the reset was originally created.
  6. Input the time, in 24-hour format, restores will begin being reset into the Time field.
  7. Input the date you would like to stop resetting restores on into the End Date field.
  8. Input the time, in 24-hour format, restores will stop being reset into the Time field.
  9. Select how the system should handle the restores within the range from the Reset or Clear dropdown.
    • R: Reset. Any pending restore signals will be reset accordingly.
    • C: Clear. Any pending restore signals will be system handled.
  10. If applicable, select a preexisting message from the Quick Notes dropdown.
  11. Input any necessary information into the available note field.
  12. Select Submit to complete creating the reset range.

Transfer Tracking

The Transfer Tracking option assigns an operator’s tracked alarms to an alternate operator. Selecting Transfer Tracking will display the Transfer Traffic To Alternate Operator table.


Users can select an available operator to transfer tracking to from those available. Once complete, the selected operator will receive alarms on the initiating operator’s behalf.