
This documentation will describe the Signal endpoint. This endpoint allows users to queue alarm signals (using Contact ID format) for delivery to a specified receiver driver.

Request body

When calling the Signal endpoint, users must include the additional header Content-Type with the request.

Content-TypestringYesIndicates the formatting of the request body. Must be application/json.

The fields within the JSON body of the request determine the type of signal being queued.

dnisstringYesProvided by your Central Station. Used for line masking accounts within the automation software. Must be a non-zero number.
panelstringYesThe four-digit or ten-character identifier assigned to the device sending events. A range of panel IDs are typically provided by your Central Station. The panel ID is combined with the dnis to determine the subscriber account number. Must be a non-zero number.
codestringYesContact ID code that determines the signal type. Code prefixes
E: alarm signals.
R: restoral signals.
For example, E130 is the Contact ID code for a burglary signal & R130 is the Contact ID code for a burglary restore signal.
areastringYesIf applicable to the panel, determines the area. If not provided, defaults to 00. Valid range of areas: 00-99.
zone_or_userstringYesDetermines the three digit identifier for the sensor on the panel that triggered the signal. If not provided, defaults to 000. Valid range of identifiers: 000-999.

Example request

curl --location '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer 6r7R5mSCdWpVMQCzj72TcZHpd5bkLvDE' \
--data '{
    "dnis": "12345",
    "panel": "1234",
    "code": "E130",
    "area": "01",
    "zone_or_user": "1"

Example response

    "status_code": 200,
    "status": "success"

Possible error messages

Blank DNIS

Verify the dnis attribute is populated with a valid value.

    "status_code": 422,
    "error_code": "DNIS-1",
    "status": "error",
    "message": "dnis is required"

Invalid DNIS

Verify the dnis attribute is populated with a valid value.

    "status_code": 422,
    "error_code": "DNIS-2",
    "status": "error",
    "message": "dnis must be up to 5 alphanumeric characters"

Blank panel

Verify the panel attribute is populated with a valid value.

    "status_code": 422,
    "error_code": "PANEL-1",
    "status": "error",
    "message": "panel is required"

Invalid panel

Verify the panel attribute is populated with a valid value.

    "status_code": 422,
    "error_code": "PANEL-2",
    "status": "error",
    "message": "panel must be up to 4 digits or 10 alphanumeric characters"

Blank contact ID code

Verify the code attribute is populated with a valid value.

    "status_code": 422,
    "error_code": "CODE-1",
    "status": "error",
    "message": "code is required"

Invalid contact ID code

Verify the code attribute is populated with a valid value.

    "status_code": 422,
    "error_code": "CODE-2",
    "status": "error",
    "message": "code must be a valid contact id code"

Invalid area

The area attribute was populated with an unrecognized code.

    "status_code": 422,
    "error_code": "AREA-1",
    "status": "error",
    "message": "area must be a valid contact id area"

Invalid zones

The zone_or_user attribute was populated with an unrecognized code.

    "status_code": 422,
    "error_code": "ZONE-1",
    "status": "error",
    "message": "zone_or_user must be a valid contact id zone or user"

Invalid queue

Insufficient privileges. The bearer token is not allowed to queue signals for delivery to the selected driver.

    "status_code": 422,
    "error_code": "BUFFER-1",
    "status": "error",
    "message": "Failed to queue signal for delivery"