History Event Details

This documentation will describe the History Event Details (XMHISTV) endpoint. This endpoint allows users to view specific details attached to events stored within account history.

Use cases

  • Providing detailed history about a given event to users.

Supported attributes

*setMethodstringYesDetermines the endpoint you are calling. Must be XMAHISTV to view history details.
ACCOUNT_NUMBERstringYesThe subscriber account number (9 character max). The system will display event history obtained from this account.
HISTORY_EVENT_NTDstringYesNTD of requested history event. See the Date Format documentation for instructions on how to convert UNIX to NTD.
INCIDENT_NUMBERstringYesIncident Number assigned to the requested history event.
ZONE_TYPEstringNoShow Data Entry audits or Queued Changes if selected. Accepts: AUDIT or QUECHG to display respective information.
MORE_DETAILSstringNoShow additional history detail before and after the specified event as context. Accepts: Y or N.

Example request

curl --location "https://example.securemcloud.com/rest/rest.php?dataSource=methods&*view=xmsubmit" \
--header 'X-DICE-APPKEY: {{X-DICE-APPKEY}}' \
--header 'X-DICE-DATE: {{X-DICE-DATE}}' \
--header 'X-DICE-NONCE: {{X-DICE-NONCE}}' \
--header 'X-DICE-DIGEST: {{X-DICE-DIGEST}}' \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--form '*setMethod="XMAHISTV"' \
--form 'ACCOUNT_NUMBER="DOC123"' \
--form 'HISTORY_EVENT_NTD="738888.40441"' \
--form 'INCIDENT_NUMBER="196493"' \
--form 'ZONE_TYPE=""' \
--form 'MORE_DETAILS="Y"'

Example response

    "EXCESS_HISTORY": "There is extensive history for this entry. Some records have been omitted.",
    "XMAHISTV": [
            "ACCOUNT_NUMBER": "    KMN12",
            "TYPE": "H",
            "HISTORY_DISPLAY": "12/27/23 Wed  Name: Documentation Surveillance  Acct: KMN12",
            "COLOR_VALUE": "03",
            "FIRST_ZONE": "E13019   ",
            "HISTORY_EVENT_NTD": "738883.33361",
            "PRIORITY": "D"
            "ACCOUNT_NUMBER": "    KMN12",
            "INCIDENT_NUMBER": "  195096",
            "TYPE": "H",
            "HISTORY_DISPLAY": "08:00:24 SIGNAL RECEIVED:  (E130 ) E130   19   OPR",
            "COLOR_VALUE": "03",
            "FIRST_ZONE": "E13019   ",
            "HISTORY_EVENT_NTD": "738883.33361",
            "PRIORITY": "D"

Response fields

EXCESS_HISTORYIf the selected account has reached the maximum number of history events, this message will display.
ACCOUNT_NUMBERThe subscriber account number.
INCIDENT_NUMBERUnique identifier created by the system and assigned to the event.
TYPEThe alarm code received.
HISTORY_DISPLAYThe event information as it will be written to history.
COLOR_VALUEThe color of the alarm and its assigned text when displayed in pending. The first character is the background color, the second is the foreground (text) color. The Supplemental Information section defines the available colors and their assigned COLOR_VALUE.
FIRST_ZONEThe chart code and zone of the event. For example: E13019 would be chart code E130 (CNID BURG signal) and zone 19 as data entered on the subscriber account.
HISTORY_EVENT_NTDThe time the alarm was received by the system in NTD format.
PRIORITYThe importance assigned to the alarm type.

Note: The HISTORY_EVENT_NTD is the date and time coded in a custom format. See the Date Format documentation for instructions on how to convert NTD to UNIX (and vice versa) as necessary.