Supplemental Information

Date Format

NTD is a timestamp format used by DICE. NTD dates are used when defining time frames within endpoint calls. This section will instruct users on how to convert UNIX timestamps to NTD (and vice versa) when necessary.

The following equations will be used when converting time:

Convert UNIX to NTD

\[n = \frac{( u + z )}{86400} + 719165\]

Convert NTD to UNIX

\[u = 86400(n - 719165) - z\]

u = UNIX Timestamp

n = NTD time

z = Time zone offset in seconds

Defining Time Zone Offset

Perform the following steps to define the time zone offset.

  1. Determine the time zone of the account(s) you are working with.
  2. Use the offset time in relation to Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).
    • For Example: EST is -4 hours during the summer months.
    • Note: properly account for Day Light Savings time by adding or subtracting 1 hour as necessary.
  3. Multiply this offset number by either 3600 (for offsets in hours) or 60 (for offsets in minutes).

This will provide the number of seconds to use for z in the equation.

Converting UNIX to NTD

In the following, we will convert Wed Mar 20 2024 11:56:30am for an account in the Eastern time zone. Given this time, we will use 1710950190 as our UNIX time and -14400 as our time zone offset.

These values will give us the following equation to solve:

\[n = \frac{( 1710950190 - 14400 )}{86400} + 719165\]

Solving for n will result in 738967.49757 for the NTD time. Round to the nearest fifth decimal place for NTD times.

Convert NTD to UNIX

In the following, we will convert Thur Mar 21 06:51:05 am for an account in the Pacific time zone. Given this time, we will use 738968.24387 as our NTD time and -28800 as our time zone offset.

These values will give us the following equation to solve:

\[u = 86400(738968.24387 - 719165) + 28800\]

Solving for u will result in 1711029070 for the UNIX time.

Standard Errors

Invalid endpoint

The selected endpoint was not recognized. This can occur if the endpoint doesn’t exist or isn’t available to your user or the central station.

    "ERROR_CODE": "999",
    "PROGRAM_ERROR": "11",
    "PROGRAM_ERROR_DESCRIPTION": "Missing%20or%20Duplicate%20key",
    "ERROR_ON_LINE": "240",

Invalid option

The selected option is invalid or doesn’t exist for the selected endpoint.

    "STATUS": "ERROR",
    "MESSAGE": "Invalid Option"

Invalid credentials

The username and/or password is incorrect.

    "ERROR_CODE": "999",
    "PROGRAM_ERROR": "13",
    "PROGRAM_ERROR_DESCRIPTION": "File%2FDevice%20Access",
    "ERROR_ON_LINE": "110"

User locked

The user failed to log in too many times in a row and is now locked.

    "ERROR_CODE": "999",
    "PROGRAM_ERROR": "13",
    "PROGRAM_ERROR_DESCRIPTION": "File%2FDevice%20Access",
    "ERROR_ON_LINE": "110"

Generic error

The server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request.

    "status": "error",
    "message": "XML is malformed",
    "errno": 2,
    "errstr": "simplexml_load_string(): Entity: line 2: parser error : Start tag expected, '<' not found"

Not found

The server cannot find the requested resource. The requested information either doesn’t exist or, the endpoint isn’t available to the central station.

    "ERROR_CODE": "999",
    "PROGRAM_ERROR": "13",
    "PROGRAM_ERROR_DESCRIPTION": "File%2FDevice%20Access",
    "ERROR_ON_LINE": "110",

Color coding

DICE represents colors in the user interface using single characters. These characters and their corresponding HEX code are below. See the View Color Coding documentation for information on how to get a list of the available colors and their assigned alarm priority.

DICE ColorHex ColorColor

Alarm categories

Alarm categories define the type of alarm received by the system. The characters assigned to the alarm categories are defined below.

OOpening. Sent when the alarm system is disarmed.
CClosing. Sent when the alarm system is armed.
TTest. Sent when the alarm system is being tested.
RReset. Sent when the alarm system is reset.
/Cancel. Send when the alarm system is manually reset.
BBypass. Sent when the alarm system is armed but a portion or zone is unarmed.
SSpecial. Used with ALARMNET panels and allows for additional signals to be received. Can also be used with entry/exit delayed signals.
NNone of the above. Sent for all other signals.