Get Panel Information

This documentation will describe the Get Panel Information (XMPANEL) endpoint. This endpoint allows users to obtain panel information assigned to the selected subscriber account.

Use cases

  • Confirm panel setup for alarm monitoring.
  • Confirm two-way dial tones.

Supported attributes

*setMethodstringYesDetermines the endpoint you are calling. Must be XMPANEL to view panel information.
ACCOUNT_NUMBERstringYesThe subscriber account number (9 character max).

Example request

curl --location "*view=xmsubmit" \
--header 'X-DICE-APPKEY: {{X-DICE-APPKEY}}' \
--header 'X-DICE-DATE: {{X-DICE-DATE}}' \
--header 'X-DICE-NONCE: {{X-DICE-NONCE}}' \
--header 'X-DICE-DIGEST: {{X-DICE-DIGEST}}' \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--form '*setMethod="XMPANEL"' \

Example response

    "CAPTION": "Panel Information - TEST TWO WAY PANEL (TWOWAY)",
    "ALTWKEY": [
            "PANEL_TYPE": "TWOWAY",
            "FVAL": "01",
            "FKEY": "F1",
            "KEY_DESCRIPTION": "LISTEN",
            "SEND_TONE": "3"
            "PANEL_TYPE": "TWOWAY",
            "FVAL": "02",
            "FKEY": "F2",
            "KEY_DESCRIPTION": "TALK",
            "SEND_TONE": "1"
            "PANEL_TYPE": "TWOWAY",
            "FVAL": "03",
            "FKEY": "F3",
            "SEND_TONE": "8"
            "PANEL_TYPE": "TWOWAY",
            "FVAL": "04",
            "FKEY": "F4",
            "KEY_DESCRIPTION": "EXIT"
            "PANEL_TYPE": "TWOWAY",
            "FVAL": "05",
            "FKEY": "F5",
            "SEND_TONE": "9"
    "PANEL_INFO": [
            "PANEL_TYPE": "TWOWAY",
            "ACTION_IF_DISABLED": "O",
            "ACTION_IF_INACTIVE": "O",
            "INSERTTIMESTAMP": "99",
            "UPDATETIMESTAMP": "99",
            "MENU_CODE": "00",
            "MENU_CODE": "01",
            "MENU_DESCRIPTION": "Arm the system"
            "MENU_CODE": "02",
            "MENU_DESCRIPTION": "Disarm the system"
            "MENU_CODE": "03",
            "MENU_DESCRIPTION": "Silence the panel"
            "MENU_CODE": "05",
            "MENU_CODE": "06",
            "MENU_DESCRIPTION": "Login Information"
            "MENU_CODE": "08",
            "MENU_DESCRIPTION": "Matrix Access"
            "MENU_CODE": "09",

Response fields

CAPTIONThe name assigned to the panel.
PANEL_TYPEThe identifier assigned to the panel (10 characters max). Typically, defines the panel make/model and communication type.
FVALTwo-way panel setting. The key selected to set the panel to a specific setting. For example, # could be used to set the panel to “listen” while 1 could be used to set the panel to “talk.”
FKEYTwo-way panel setting. The corresponding computer Fkey used to complete the same action as the FVAL.
KEY_DESCRIPTIONTwo-way panel setting. Describes the purpose of the FVAL and FKEY values.
SEND_TONETwo-way panel setting. This is the tone the panel sends in order to connect to two-way.
PANEL_NAMEA brief description of the panel type.
ACTION_IF_DISABLEDDetermines what action the system will take if the subscriber account is disabled (placed on test).
ACTION_IF_INACTIVEDetermines what action the system will take if the subscriber account is inactive.
INSERTTIMESTAMPUsed for internal auditing purposes. Determines when the panel record was initially added.
UPDATETIMESTAMPUsed for internal auditing purposes. Determines the last time the panel record was changed.
MENU_CODEA code input into the panel to set the panel to a specific setting. For example: when arming or disarming the panel.
MENU_DESCRIPTIONDescribes the purpose of the MENU_CODE.

Possible error messages

Account doesn’t exist

Verify the specified account number is valid.

    "STATUS": "ERROR",
    "MESSAGE": "The account number:     00DIC did not exist.",
    "ERRORCODE": "1"

Undefined panel type

Verify the selected account has a valid panel assigned.

    "STATUS": "ERROR",
    "MESSAGE": "The panel tied to this account has not been defined.",
    "ERRORCODE": "2"

No panel assigned

Verify the selected account has a valid panel assigned.

    "STATUS": "ERROR",
    "MESSAGE": "This account does not have a panel assigned.",
    "ERRORCODE": "3"